Oil Prices Near $50 Per Barrel...again

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PS everyone, the list of hybrids next year looks promising...today in the NY Times...sell the SUV! Buy a bike! Lets get off this train.
North by Northwest said:
Busdrvr: "Seen your share of male appendages have you?" Not as many as you have from the looks of your worn out knee pads. There is a slang term befitting one (like yourself)who spends an inordinate amount of time in service on his knees in front of another man Busdrvr: "'ideal' is one man looking at another man's hairy @ss and finding love" How interesting that is your first thought of response? A Freudian slip? Much can be interpreted from your response. It appears as a classic response from a man fascinated by certain parts of the male anatomy, but is unable to come to terms with his attraction. I think it is a wonderful thing to allow adults like yourself to live in a loving relationship. A support system would do much to improve your self esteem.

Actually, NxN, you appear to be the bigot. you made comments concerning the majority of americans, because they don't share your uneducated world view, and you formed an opinion, an uneducated one at that (as is your MO). as to anyone having a 'support structure", don't care, isn't my business, knock yourself out. however, it's not your "right" to tell my children what is and isn't appropriate, that's MY right. As to oil, since you and your leftist buds don't seem to have a clue, the total U.S. economically viable reserve total is estiumated to be greater than 120 billion barrels. likewise, Canada has more oil, in the form of "tar sands" than all of S.A.s reserves. the problem with the U.S. oil is clueless leftists who have never seen the north slope of alaska (I have) and would rather save the artic mud worm than have economic prosperity, all the while shutting down a perfectly good, and extremely safe Nuke plant and replacing it with a oil burning gen. Idiocy. I'm all for hybrids and more efficient usage of electricity. I'm against some self appointed idiot telling me how to live my life. if you're into that kind of thing, move to France, but be forewarned, they produce about 3/4 of their electric power with Nukes....
Busdrvr said:
Seen your share of male appendages have you?

As to the red states and 'marrying your step sister', I've got to say that's real clever from a liberal where the 'ideal' is one man looking at another man's hairy @ss and finding love.... i guess a man marrying the step brother is progressive liberalism, just not the step sister.
Busdrvr I am ashamed and embarassed to be employed by the same company as you. So much hate can't be a good thing up in the cockpit. Your ignorance is astounding.
North by Northwest said:
It doesn't take a genius to figure out why the President (who's Harkin Oil start-up money came from the Kuwaiti Royal family) fills the SPR while the price of oil is it's highest in 30 years. "I'm willing to bet that your dislike of the president is unrelated to the oil issue, given the factual inacurracies, insults and baseless accusations in your post". Is it possilble to separate the two? I think not. The ENTIRE Bush family is so beholden to the Saudi Royal Family that it is laughable. It is even more frightening to think that there are people out there that do not think a man WHO started his FIRST business did not received the capital from an OIL RICH state as a loan( never repaid). A man whose father made his money in OIL. Whose father frequently visits the richest OIL producing state on the planet. The FACTS support otherwise. Drawdown of the Reserve can be authorized by the President in the event or likelihood of a "severe energy supply interruption," to meet U.S. obligations to International Energy Agency allies for emergency oil-sharing, OR in the event of a sharp increase in the price of petroleum that would be likely to have "a major adverse impact" on the economy. Sure haven't seen THAT happen, have we?

* Created in 1975 in a series of salt domes on the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast in response to the 1973-74 Arab oil embargo.

* Designated by Congress to be used in response to serious supply interruptions. Limited release of up to 30 million barrels is allowed to avert a supply shortage threat or mitigate the impact of such a shortage.

* Has capacity for as much as 700 million barrels, but currently holds only 571 million barrels, equal to 59 days of oil imports.

* Maximum drawdown is 4.1 million barrels a day.

* Only used once in response to an emergency, ... Interesting how it took the effects of a few storms ( near the election) to activate the SPR and NOT the stoppage of the IRAQI oil fields ( second largest reserves on the planet after Saudi Arabi).

In the days immediately following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the Bush Administration indicated that it would not draw down the SPR in the absence of a physical shortage simply to lower prices. On the other hand, some argued that a perceived shortage does as much and more immediate damage than a real one, and that flooding the market with stockpiled oil to calm markets is a desirable end in itself. From this perspective, the best opportunity to use the SPR during the first months of the crisis was squandered. It became clear during the fall of 1990 that, in a decontrolled market, physical shortages are less likely to occur. Instead, shortages are likely to be expressed in the form of higher prices as purchasers are free to bid as high as they wish to secure scarce supply.

Within hours of the first air strike against Iraq in January 1991, the White House announced that President Bush was authorizing a drawdown of the SPR, (too bad Jr. didn't follow in Dads footsteps on this one) and the IEA activated the plan on January 17. Crude prices plummeted by nearly $10/bbl in the next day's trading, falling below $20/bbl for the first time since the original invasion. The price drop was attributed to optimistic reports about the allied forces crippling of Iraqi air power and the diminished likelihood, despite the outbreak of war, of further jeopardy to world oil supply; the IEA plan and the SPR drawdown did not appear to be needed to help settle markets, and there was some criticism of it. Nonetheless, more than 30 million barrels of SPR oil was put out to bid, and 17.3 million barrels were sold and delivered in early 1991.

The Persian Gulf War was an important learning experience about ways in which the SPR might be deployed to maximize its usefulness in decontrolled markets. Legislation enacted by the 101st Congress, P.L. 101-383, had liberalized drawdown authority for the SPR to allow for its use to prevent minor or regional shortages from escalating into larger ones; an example was the shortages on the West Coast and price jump that followed the Alaskan oil spill. In the 102nd Congress, omnibus energy legislation (H.R. 776, P.L. 102-486)( PRICE ARE HIGHER NOW THAN THEN) broadened the drawdown authority further to include instances where a reduction in supply has brought about a "severe" increase in the price of petroleum "severe" enough to "likely ... cause a major adverse impact on the national economy." Naw...the President doesn't have a vested interest in higher oil prices. It's all out of his contral. The OIL President and ( lets have closed secret ENERGY POLICY meetings) Cheney have our BEST interest at heart. I don't dislike the President...he has done wonders for us, improved our lives immenseley, given us memories that we will never forget....for DECADES.
What...are you kidding me?????
North by Northwest said:
Busdrvr, if LIBERAL means NOT marring your sister then you can call me that all day. Inbred rightwingers pretending to be CONSERVATIVES wouldn't know the meaning of liberal. Hope you voted for the man that will soon put your airline and you out of business. Gosh, I love that word LIBERAL, you just remember that you will need those liberal benefits when you are looking for a job. And hold on to your little guns so the boogie man doesn't come and getcha. It says so much about a little man that needs a gun to make himself feel safe.
lol...what a dork!
Bear96 said:
Busdrvr I am ashamed and embarassed to be employed by the same company as you. So much hate can't be a good thing up in the cockpit. Your ignorance is astounding.

Bear, first, unless there's some checks I haven't cashed and don't know about, we don't work for the same company.
second, I find it comical that NxN can suggest that all the "red states" consist of a bunch of bigots who marry their step sisters, and that's OK, yet an in kind response is "hatred and ignorance". I don't hate anybody, and my wall is full of things that say I'm not ignorant. I could give a rats what you do at home. If your company wants to pay benefits to anybody (or anything) you choose, or you are able to negotiate it more power to you. you don't have the right to impose your view on others. sorry.
But that's the left. YOU think you know better, what I should do. That's wrong. If I feel I need an SUV, then it's my RIGHT.
think of the money and resources spent researching cures and vaccines for Aids, a TOTALLY preventable disease. Would I be a bigot if I said "you shouldn't be allowed to do the things that lead to that disease"? wouldn't I be saving resources and protecting the enviroment if that lifestyle was banned? you think it appropriate to dictate others lifestyles, but let someone mention yours, and he's a bigot. what's next from the left? you gonna dictate how many children I can have? How big my house is? I'm for FREEDOM. Do what you want, but stay out of MY life, and don't pontificate on the wastefullness of the "gun totin" red states (I've only totted a gun in defense of YOUR freedom BTW), unless you want the "wastefullness" of your lifestyle pointed out
Bus, I think it was me, DB4, your response is directed at. Two responses: 1. I care about what you tell your kids only because of other kids. Not Me. Activist judges.........are needed when deciding issues that are as difficult as this...alright, african-americans, bring it on....this is not an issue of choice.....just, for once, consider that. If its not a choice (remember this is about the opposite of murder) what was God thinking? I will always search for the answer. 2. When the mud worm goes, it will take others with it eventually. Google: Darwinism, Evolution, Survival of the Fittest.

You're trying to crowd me and I will fight back.
Wastefulness? You wanna come over and let my partner know how wasteful he is with his time....Plastic Surgery is different than Cosmetic Surgery. Google: American Society for Plastic Surgeons. You wanna tell the kids in, let me see if I can name them all? Costa Rica, Guatamala,Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Brazil....tell me when to stop F#####....that the time he spent in #### holes ("they had no a/c, horrors!!!) was for anything other than he is friggin righteous? Not a minute in his life is he wasteful, unless you consider him telling me WITHOUT HIS CLOTHES ON that he loves me wasteful. Wasteful to you maybe but appreciated by me.

As for the AIDS references....you show your ignorance profoundly....Again, the Sunday Times sir....Front Page.
North by Northwest,

You have posted one of, if not the most educational posts I have ever read...

Thank you. :up:

And let me be the FIRST to Welcome you our Boards...
daybeforecommuter said:
Bus, I think it was me, DB4, your response is directed at. Two responses: 1. I care about what you tell your kids only because of other kids. Not Me. Activist judges.........are needed when deciding issues that are as difficult as this...alright, african-americans, bring it on....this is not an issue of choice.....just, for once, consider that. If its not a choice (remember this is about the opposite of murder) what was God thinking? I will always search for the answer. 2. When the mud worm goes, it will take others with it eventually. Google: Darwinism, Evolution, Survival of the Fittest.

You're trying to crowd me and I will fight back.

Darwinism: the dinosaur is gone, and i think we'll survive. do you think about the birds when California wind power chops them up? In case you qweren't paying attention though, when Prudhoe bay was developed, the Caribou population went WAY up. they kind of like the warm pipes. Makes mating easier...

Crowding you? Prostate cancer kills WAY more men a year than AIDS. What's the funding going toward? Is your interest crowding out mine? Who's going to pay for your Social Security? the non-existant lockbox? I'll tell you, MY kids. Is that you crowding me out? next time you eat one of those FuFu sprout and furage $15 sandwiches at that trendy progressive SF coffe shop, just remember it is only possible due to the efforts of those "red state SUV driven gun totin bigots" (well, and a few illegals...)

Choice? Again, i don't care what you do anymore than you care what I do. To me it's irrelevent. Some people are fat due to genetics, that doesn't stuff the double whooper in their mouth (funny, the genetics in ethiopia don't appear to be the same...). I've seen some programs that say some mass murderers are "pre-disposed" to kill. Is it a choice? I like blonds with "big lungs", is that a choice? If somebody has a thing for 8 year olds, is that a choice? if it "isn't" does it make it OK? Why not? Monkeys don't "choose" Dogs don't "choose". PEOPLE choose. you may have a predisposition, but YOU control your actions. Without getting all theological, i think we're all sent here with our own peculiar strengths and weaknesses. what we do with BOTH of those, determines the type person you are. this is not to slam your "choices", I am just into the resposibility thing instead of trying to blame all my mistakes on my parents genetic material or some bad sushi my mom may have consumed while pregnant.
Wait, Busdriver works for UAL? Just had the hindsight to read whats in the profile. Whats up with this PS crap? Just an excuse to take the 76's off the transcons? Or a sign of things to come? As a PE and a 1K here on this end, would like to know. Also, what's with the TED to me-HI-co. Going to a party in PVR the day after X-mas and we can't upgrade. WAAAAA. Glad to have a STAR choice on the route however. At least there is premium economy. Maybe you'll be my pilot.
My choice is to have you work for me at substandard wages....Why not Liberia, CR out of SFO on TEDDY....maybe I can screw some kids while I'm down there...again idiot....GOOGLE: Pedophiles. As for the Social Security thing...way in front of the curve....decided about ten years ago that that dog don't hunt.
daybeforecommuter said:
Wait, Busdriver works for UAL? Just had the hindsight to read whats in the profile. Whats up with this PS crap? Just an excuse to take the 76's off the transcons? Or a sign of things to come? As a PE and a 1K here on this end, would like to know. Also, what's with the TED to me-HI-co. Going to a party in PVR the day after X-mas and we can't upgrade. WAAAAA. Glad to have a STAR choice on the route however. At least there is premium economy. Maybe you'll be my pilot.

I've been wasting my time on these boards for quite a while, so the "profile" is a little "dated" :p I've moved on. Pay's too low now, time away from family is too much. I still have great affinity for UAL and all it's employees. I'll fly no one else. So you'd be more likely to sit next to me on the jet than have me as your pilot... Now had you traveled on Christmas day (early) you'd probably have the entire jet to yourself..... And of course "we" appreciate your business ;)

76 PS? the route was the 767-200. It shared engines with the 747-200 which got retired. the jets were OLD (there were the FIRST 767's delivered) and the company claims they couldn't justify keeping them because of the very small fleet (17?) and high MX cost. No extra 76-300s so the 757 fit the bill. supposedly, UAL has one client who demands the service, so they upgraded the 75. It also adds a little to the value of a FC international ticket from the east coast to the Pacific (like SYD, HKG, ect....)
daybeforecommuter said:
My choice is to have you work for me at substandard wages....Why not Liberia, CR out of SFO on TEDDY....maybe I can screw some kids while I'm down there...again idiot....GOOGLE: Pedophiles. As for the Social Security thing...way in front of the curve....decided about ten years ago that that dog don't hunt.

Easy trigger, never said you were anything but what you say you are. I'm merely being "devil's advocate" on the whole 'choice' issue. But let me guess, google-ing Pedophille will show that most are 'heterosexual'? Kind of an oxymoron don't you think?
your SS money paid for your mom and mine. Your SS will be paid by the next generation (unless those rabid right wingers fix the broken system and allow private investment...)
Well, glad you have moved on, especially if you are cool with it. The airline thing is like a cancer (Prostate) that you have to slowly cure yourself of.....15 years in that tube does make an impact....as for the PS thing...it for 'Premium Service' but you know for the aircraft snobs, no matter whatcha call it its still a 757 on the route. We've been checking fares for a trip back to NY, and while we are always price concious, they seem a bit inflated for a business fare.? But, of course, we thought TED was a 'low-fare' airline and paid $1200 to get to PVR over the holiday....But like I said, were happy to have a * line on the route....
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