Yes miss bull, it actually is about oil....f-o-l-l-o-w the bouncing ball. BUT, what it is actually about is that you and your issues with what is going on is moot. There are bigger things at stake here besides your "right" to be paid for something you do not do. Show up to work and make 30 bucks an hour. Or is it 1.85 for the majority of the time you're there? Travel is expensive, you're replaceable. Now, that is on-topic. The big boys and girls behind the bullet proof door, not so easily replaceable. Replaceable, yes....but that would mean Doc would have to shut the doors for a few weeks. Oil may not be dictating what happens with Mitchell in the short term, but he has long term on the brain...
so listen sweetums, we covered future geo-political conflict, human rights, health care for the uninsured. Heck, what about this isnt on-topic. I put in the remark to Bear to see u rear your ugly head. right on....