Oh these baggage handlers and thier bling!

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When I retire, I will be free to move just about anywhere.

I would like to live where criminality is not promoted or even present.

Any suggestions?


Stay put. You may have to go nowhere. After Christ returns to the earth there will be 1000 years of peace. The prophesies of the Bible are beginning to make sense. :up:
The capitalist system promotes criminality. Part of the dumbed down educatation agenda is to inculcate materialism and consumerism. Gotta have what you can't afford; by hook or crook.
If these bling takers had MBA after their names they would be praised for their entrepreneurial acumen. :down:
And the communist system doesn't promote criminality? People in Cuba have to steal from "the state" (Castro, incorporated) in order to eat; a ration card entitling (limiting) an individual to purchase a few eggs and a couple of pounds of rice for the month just doesn't cut it. And what did you call it when Castro and EL Che seized all businesses, property, and other personal possessions from their rightful owners; sure seems criminal to me.

Sorry moderator, but I had to respond to his post.
Ok, we asked you to stay on topic. You decided that could occur only after you had put your two cents in. Topic closed.
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