Conspiracy theory
Executive Order 11110 is quite infamous among
conspiracy theorists, such as
Jim Marrs, author of the 1989 book
Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy,[sup]
[15][/sup] who speculate that there is a link between the
John F. Kennedy assassination and E.O. 11110 by arguing that the
Federal Reserve Board was involved in the murder to protect its power over the
monetary policy of the United States.[sup]
[12][/sup] G. Thomas Woodward, in the
Congressional Research Service's report for Congress,
Money and the Federal Reserve System: Myth and Reality, writes:[sup]
According to author Jim Mars, Executive Order 11110 issued by President Kennedy on June 4, 1963 authorized the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes. Mars further asserts that after President Kennedy's assassination, the order was never carried out.
The claim is not borne out by the facts. First, E.O. 11110 had nothing to do with United States Notes, and did not affect any section of law referring to them. Second, E.O. 11110 did not anywhere mention any quantity of money; wherever the $4 billion-plus figure came from, it was not E.O. 11110. Third, The President had no authority to issue such an edict. Even utilizing the provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, the most the President could issue without statutory authorization was $3 billion.
The reason for the move was that the President had just signed legislation repealing the Silver Purchase Act. With this repeal, the Treasury Secretary could no longer control the issue of Silver Certificates on his own authority. However, the issuance of certificates could be controlled under the President's authority. Hence, for administrative convenience, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110.
Ironically, the purpose of the order and the legislation was to decrease the circulation of Silver Certificates, with Federal Reserve Notes taking their place.
To conserve on the silver needs of the Treasury, President Kennedy requested legislation needed to bring the issuance of Silver Certificates to an end and to authorize the Fed to issue small denomination notes (which it could not at that time). The Fed began issuing small denomination notes almost immediately after the legislation was passed. And in October 1964, the Treasury ceased issuing Silver Certificates altogether. If anything, E.O. 11110 enhanced Federal Reserve power and did not in any way reduce it.
See also:
John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories#Federal Reserve conspiracy