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Honduras and Iran

People are missing the point altogether, Zelaya wanted to usurp the constitution and afford himself to serve more then the 2 terms (serve for life) ala Chavez. He was making a run as a self appointed dictator, and the govt invoked legislative powers outlined in their constitution and removed him immediately. The media in all their ignorance spun it into a "military coup".

Summary of facts
They went about it the wrong way.

Honduran military lawyer admits breaking law with coup.

In an interview with The Miami Herald and El Salvador's elfaro.net, army attorney Col. Herberth Bayardo Inestroza acknowledged that top military brass made the call to forcibly remove Zelaya — and they circumvented laws when they did it.

...Zelaya was ousted in a predawn raid at his house Sunday after he vowed to defy a court order that ruled a nonbinding referendum to be held that day illegal. The leftist wealthy rancher had clashed with the attorney general, the Supreme Court, Congress and the military he commanded.

But instead of being taken to court to stand trial for abuse of power and treason, the military swept him out of bed at gunpoint and forced him into exile.

Bold by me.
People are missing the point altogether, Zelaya wanted to usurp the constitution and afford himself to serve more then the 2 terms (serve for life) ala Chavez. He was making a run as a self appointed dictator, and the govt invoked legislative powers outlined in their constitution and removed him immediately. The media in all their ignorance spun it into a "military coup".

Summary of facts
Here's the kind of "democracy" the current Honduran president wants:
His nephew comes in third place in the mayoral race in the city of San Pedro Sula. The elected mayor wins with 63% of the vote. What happens? the mayor disappears and William Hall Micheletti, the president's nephew becomes mayor. William Hall Micheletti...nice name. This guy sounds like he could be the mayor of Cleveland! :down:
Its good to be connected!
Truthfully the specific facts of this case are immaterial as what you have is one tin horn dictator being replaced by an equally tin horn Sheriff/General. The primary difference being that Conservative see to prefer zalaya's tin horn.

South & Central America have been at this type of bull poop for decades and it continues unabated. Somoza/Ortega in Nicaragua. Batista/Castro in Cuba. Bolivia, Peru, Paraay, Uraguay, Guatemala take you friggin' pick.

Do you think those that were "disappeared" are any less dead because the United States puppet dictator killed them instead of Cuban puppet dictator?

You ask me the US ought to set up an arms bazaar and sell the dumb arses anything they can pay for cash and let them kill each other. We need the money and it will cut down on the immigration problem here in the US. Can't you just imagine it now.

Uncles Sam's Discount Arms Bazaar - Beat our prices and we'll kill you

This weeks 4th of July Specials:

Buy 2 RPG's and get a third one free!

M-16's - buy a crate of ten and receive 50,000 rounds FREE!

buy a Gross of Grenades and get a 2 sets of night vision goggles absolutely free.

Be the first one on your block to send your pinko neighbor home in a box. ONLY at Uncle Sam's were are prices are as insane as our foreign policy.
This "bull poop" as you call it has been occuring since Columbus and his gang set foot on these shores in 1492. It began with the imposition of the Spanish crown/Roman Catholic form of Christianity to the poor uncivilized savages. These unfortunates where given a choice; after all the Conquistadores were reasonable men. The first choice was to trade their pagan gods, sun worship and idolitry, for the Catholic plaster saints, a dead Jesus hanging from a cross, and a god that demands that they pay tribute to his Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church...lest they be banished to the lake of fire. The second choice was death.
The conquest of Spain by Napoleon, and the fleeing of the Spanish crown emboldened the independance movement through out Spanish America. Men like Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Antonio Jose de Sucre and others succesfully routed the Spanish armies. Unfortunately the cohesion that existed in the 13 English Colonies during and after the U.S. Revolution, was not there in this newly "freed" continent.
To explain why this happened, we have to look at the way the U.S. and Latin America were colonized.
The Spanish came here searching for riches, and they found them. The whole system and infrastructure was set up for exploitation of goods from the hinterland. These goods were sent to port cities for exportation to Spain. Local manufacture was heavily taxed and discouraged. Manufactured goods had to be imported from Europe. The ruling class that emerged were not manufacturers, but land holders, middle men and shippers who were only conserned about amassing power and wealth for themselves and protecting their status. The blessings of vast natural wealth was turned into a curse upon Latin America.
In contrast, the Pilgrims came here searching for freedom of religion. When they got here they found no riches. Armed with the "protestant work ethic" they eventually created a colonial manufacturing base that was protected by the imposition of tariffs on imports. This manufacturing base was the embryo of what grew to be, at one point , the biggest manufacturing economy in the world.
With the Spanish gone and no manufacturing base these newly freed Republics had a problem. Who was going to buy their sugar, cacao, coffee and bananas. Enter the British with their "Free Trade." The Bank of England and other English banks were glad to step in with loans and credit. As everyone knows, to be in debt is to be a slave. Now Latin America went from being a Spanish colony, to a defacto English colony. The English did the same things the U.S. would do after 1898. Set up governments, remove governments, undermine real freedom movements, etc. Of course the local ruling classes went along with this, just as they do today. One has to wonder why these elites go along with the plundering of their countries. It all boils down to greed and racism. The ruling classes in Latin America are the decendants of the Spanish and other European colonizers.They would rather see their natural wealth go to foreign elites in exchange for their 30 pieces of silver, than have Indians, Mulatos, Mestizos or the decendants of African slaves gain an ounce of power. This is one of the reasons they hate Hugo Chavez of Venezuela a Mestizo, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, also a Mestizo and Evo Morales of Bolivia who is full blooded Aymara indian. Morales is the first indigenous president in Latin America since the Spanish conquest.
Move forward to 1898. The defeat of Spain in the Spanish "American" War saw the rise of U.S. Imperialism. There after the Monroe Doctrine would be enforced by Gun Boat Diplomacy and Teddy Roosevelt's "Big Stick."
Cuba and Puerto Rico would be taken over. Honduras was the prototype "Banana Republic," owned by the United Fruit Company. Panama was amputated from Colombia to build the Panama Canal. Marines would land in Nicaragua to chase Augusto Sandino around the jungle to make Nicaragua safe for U.S. interests. Dictators would be set up and removed or allowed to fall when they fell out of favor(Anastacio Somoza, Manuel Noriega, etc), CIA death squads and Contras would murder thousands. Popularly elected presidents (Jacobo Arbenz, Salvador Allende, Jaime Roldos) were overthrown or have died in plane crashes.
The old colonial ways have given way to the neo colonialism of "Free Trade" agreemnets, World Bank loans, IBRD loans, IMF loans, USAID. Millions and millions of U.S. tax payer dollars funneled down to countless dictators and juntas. While the names may be always changing, two things remain constant: The ruling classes increase their wealth, power and status; the poor get poorer.
When asked about inequality under the law in Argentina, a business man answered: "It is equally against the law for a rich man to live underneath a bridge as it is for a poor man."
Honduras to the OAS: Pound Sand
TEGUCIGALPA, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Honduras' interim government announced Friday that the country decided to quit from the Organization of American States (OAS).

In a letter to the OAS read by Honduras' Vice Minister of International Relations Martha Lorena de Casco, it said "This government believes that inside the organization (of the OAS), there is no room for Honduras, for the states that love its freedom and defend its sovereignty."
So now I wonder if Obambi will change his tune and express outrage on the official coup in Iran.
Iranian Republican Guard: This Is Now Officially A Military Coup

The top leaders of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard publicly acknowledged they had taken over the nation's security during the post-election unrest and warned late Sunday, in a threat against a reformist wave led by Mir-Hossein Mousavi, that there was no middle ground in the ongoing dispute over the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the elite military branch, said the guard's takeover of the nation's security had led to "a revival of the revolution." "These events put us in a new stage of the revolution and political struggles, and all of us must fully comprehend its dimensions... Because the Revolutionary Guard was assigned the task of controlling the situation, [it] took the initiative to quell a spiraling unrest. This event pushed us into a new phase of the revolution and political struggles and we have to understand all its dimensions."