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Obama Scandals

When did Congress declare war on Syria? I must have missed that tidbit. A policy of non intervention means we leave Syria to it's own devices. The decision to act further in Syria is just the Obama Regime using the situation to cause a distraction from all of the scandals large and small happening now. This man will put our sons and daughters in harms way just to save his political ass. Integrity? He can't even spell the word.
The "scandals" are the Just Ain't Right's way of distracting people from seeing they Just Ain't Right.

I too would prefer,to,see the US divorced from OPEC, the entire ME, and stop attempting to police an unpoliceable world.

Given that, it is not our reality, until the divorce. It wasn't our reality when the fledgling USNavy carried the Marines to Tripoli, and it is not now.

This is not an invasion and occupation.

It Could be, diplomatically, more about showing folks in Iran, North Korea, etc., that there are red lines that can't be crossed without consequence, than it is about Syria.
I'll do that just as soon as you cite where you said 5,000 deaths in Iraq was atrocious

Don't have to. Your the one that cited that Benghazi and Iraq deaths were atrocious, though all we ever here from you is Iraq this and Iraq that and that Benghazi should not be an issue, compared to Iraq. Again, please cite where you ever said the Benghazi debacle was atrocious !

From a Loyal Lars Listener...

Bob: Did you hear about the Obama scandal?

Jim: "You mean about the setting up of Seal Team 6?"

Bob: "No, the other one.

Jim: You mean the Mexican Fast & Furious gun-running?

Bob: "No, the other one.

Jim: The State Department lying about Benghazi?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: The IRS targeting conservatives?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: The DOJ spying on the press?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?

Bob: No, the other one

Jim: The State Department (new) interfering with an I.G. investigation on sexual misconduct?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: HHS employees (also new) being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?

Bob: No, the other one.

Jim: I give up! Oh wait, I think I got it -- you mean the 65 million low-information voters who stuck us again with the most corrupt administration in American history?

BaRack's problem is having to lie about other lies ! A scandal hit's the press, then something else is brought to light, to take the heat off the first scandal but, the second release ends up being a scandal also ! So now we've got 10+ scandals and counting !
For some strange reason I knew before opening the link, BUSH would be in it !

I didnt even bother to open it. It's the only comeback the mindless drones of the left have either that or some stupid comment about the just ain't right. Which wasn't funny or clever the first time it was used, now at about the 50th time it just looks stupid.

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