Obama Brainwashing American Youth !

Wow, you people still think she actually meant that she hates America? Have you never heard of someone misspeaking, or their words being taken out of context? Even Laura Bush defended her, and understood what she really meant by that.

Why do republicans assume that everyone who disagrees with them "hates America'? Hell, they are the ones that hate America--they think the first amendment only applies to those that share their ancient superstitious beliefs.

I don't believe that for one moment. She didn't misspeak. She said with all the conviction of her being. I saw the speech.

I don't agree with you that everyone that has an opposing view then I do hates America. But I will call those out who do.

Klintons and the Obama's are trash. They preach we must do with less while they abuse the public coffers living the high life. That's an elitist socialist world view. Obama and his family have taken so many joy rides at our expense its disgusting. He has no respect for the Office he now holds and his conduct (along with Klinton's when they were in) proves it out.

The funny thing about the right is...and you are classic of it with your comennt...we allow anyone to speak their mind and then we go about disproving and debunking it. Whereas, when the libs don't agree with us, we are told we are against free speech, call them names like the "hate America crowd" etc. All the while, we are told to inform on our neighbors who publically disagree with the Savior in the National Residence and his agenda, call us names in their "town hall meetings" and with ever word we speak, we hear RACIST.

Just goes back to the very thing I have said many times on here already. The very behavior the liberals exhibit is what they criticize the right of being. Listen to a Lib speak and you'll see exactly what they themselves are up to.

I have not attempted to stifle conversation and debate at a single point on these threads. How does that make me, and I quote your post, "Hell, they are the ones that hate America--they think the first amendment only applies to those that share their ancient superstitious beliefs."

Regarding "ancient superstitious beliefs," this statement clearly indentifies you as an non-believer in the Christian God. And that's fine. That's your choice, your free will.

In the end, one of us will be proven right. If I'm wrong, I've lived a life of supporting something that was active in my community, stood for family values and tried to get people to live lives of purpose for the benefit of society. If you are wrong, you lose your eternal soul to the fires of hell forever. Seems my belief in "ancient superstitious beliefs" has far less implications if I am wrong then if you are. Both of us are but a single breath away from finding out who's right. That's all that separates life from death, a single breath. You have until that last breath to change your beliefs. Once you take that last one, your fate is sealed. I hope you like to play "russian roulette" because that's what you're doing. Gambling that "one cylinder won't line up with the barrel when you pull that trigger."

Its obvious we have very different world views. And that's fine. We have freedom of speech right now. But the way things are going, it won't be long...the big O doesn't like to be criticized.
In the end, one of us will be proven right.

I am pretty sure that the arrogance of that statement alone will get you a few demerits if there is a god.

There are few other 'major' religions in the world:

Christianity: 2.1 billion
Islam: 1.5 billion
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
Hinduism: 900 million
Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
Buddhism: 376 million
primal-indigenous: 300 million
African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
Sikhism: 23 million
Juche: 19 million
Spiritism: 15 million
Judaism: 14 million
Baha'i: 7 million
Jainism: 4.2 million
Shinto: 4 million
Cao Dai: 4 million
Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
Tenrikyo: 2 million
Neo-Paganism: 1 million Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
Scientology: 500 thousand

Not to mention religions long since forgotten. What if the Romans, Greeks or Native Amercans were right? What about the Incas? You could both be wrong.

Aside from that, assuming that you are right, if your god judges people an what religion they believe in verses how they lead their life, then I have no interest. I have no interest in believing in a bitter, vindictive arrogant god.

The right has never claimed that someone who speaks out against them is unamerican? Anti free speech? Have you lost your ever loving mind? Members of both parties are guilty as hell of that. If you deny that then you are either ignorant or oblivious. Right poop stinks just as bad as left poop. Get over your righteous indignation.
If this is not truly socialism, I don't know what is !

"On September 8, in what the Department of Education is touting as a "historic" speech, President Obama will be talking directly to students across the U.S., live on the White House website. But some parents and conservatives are blasting the president, calling the speech an excuse to brainwash American children."


One more nail in his political coffin ! :down:

If I had a child in public school, believe me , come hell or high water he would NOT be attending school on this day !

Yes we need a president who will do nothing more than read a book to a group of children while we're under attack. OH wait that was BUSH!! And then for the following years we didn't have constructive political debate unless you were a republican.

What are people like you afraid of? For 8 years we lived in a psuedo dictatorship and we all followed like sheep until we found our balls again and voted someone different in.

If you don't like the current atmosphere in this country you only have to wait 3 more years until you can vote for another change. And if President Obama is lucky enough to have a 2nd term I'm sure you can move to another country of your choice.

But you wouldn't leave. You would just continue to piss & moan on the internet.
But you wouldn't leave. You would just continue to piss & moan on the internet.

You mean like the liberals were doing for eight years under Bush?

That's ok, pretty much used to the hypocrisy that is the left.

Get used to it, at least until 2010 and 2012.
You mean like the liberals were doing for eight years under Bush?

That's ok, pretty much used to the hypocrisy that is the left.

Get used to it, at least until 2010 and 2012.
Of course there's hypocrisy from the left. But you act like there isn't any on the right. Get over yourself.
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Yes we need a president who will do nothing more than read a book to a group of children while we're under attack. OH wait that was BUSH!! And then for the following years we didn't have constructive political debate unless you were a republican.

What are people like you afraid of? For 8 years we lived in a psuedo dictatorship and we all followed like sheep until we found our balls again and voted someone different in.

If you don't like the current atmosphere in this country you only have to wait 3 more years until you can vote for another change. And if President Obama is lucky enough to have a 2nd term I'm sure you can move to another country of your choice.

But you wouldn't leave. You would just continue to piss & moan on the internet.

I now understand why someone like Nobama was elected ...........naive people like your self ! Bush was reading a book to children , "WHEN" he learned of the attack.

And your pretty funny saying I should leave MY country, since Libs like you want to live in a socialist enviroment , there are more places for you to go ..............Venezuela would be my 1st choice for you , followed by anywhere in europe..............I even got a buddy pass with your name on it !
Reagan and Bush did not have a socialist's agenda !

BTW..............I have listened to Nobama and I don't like what he's sellin'..............also, I have a huge pair ! :shock:

If you're so determined to call Obama a socialist, then clearly Reagan and Bush were FASCISTS!

By the way, Reagan's speech was very much about his agenda...including a part preaching from the pulpit of "tax cuts solve all problems" to school kids.

Also...If you...and so many other conservatives...actually had a pair you wouldn't be so damn scared of listening to a speech by the president. Your fear is showing!
Its called parenting. If there is something being taught, etc. that I take issue with, as a parent I have my god given right to question what's being taught and by whom. Then again that's why none of my kids attended public school.
Parenting involves keeping kids safe from harm. For the most part, words (even those expressing something you don't believe), don't cause harm. If anything, they help kids to become more intelligent--allowing them to analyze different viewpoints and make up their own mind. Kids in schools are constantly subjected to words that can do harm: words that ATTACK others for their beliefs, and words that ATTACK others for being different.
Parenting involves keeping kids safe from harm. For the most part, words (even those expressing something you don't believe), don't cause harm. If anything, they help kids to become more intelligent--allowing them to analyze different viewpoints and make up their own mind. Kids in schools are constantly subjected to words that can do harm: words that ATTACK others for their beliefs, and words that ATTACK others for being different.

So which is it? Words don't cause harm only when they do? lol

Words do harm when they promote a political agenda that is not in the best of the child.

Obama asking kids to write an essay on what they can do to help the president is subversive indoctrination.

Especially knowing how much of a racist, a radical, and a liar, he has turned out to be.

That's your change, in your hopey change. The masses have changed their mind.
Rush??? Skulls full of mush!

Talk about indoctrination!!! Are you a "dittohead"???? LOL.

Actually, I rarely get to listen to him. Mostly because the open minded liberals I've worked with over the years complain to the boss and get my freedom to listen to him silenced in the name of tolerance.

But also because where I am now, we don't have the opportunity to have a radio on at work.

But the really funny things is...when I do get to turn him on, its him agreeing with me on what I think about what's going on in the world. I know that's hard for your side to understand. We conservatives don't get our marching orders from Rush, he is merely the national mouthpiece for our views that we already think about things.

And again, it simply proves that what liberals accuse conservatives of is exactly what the liberals are guilty of...getting marching orders from the top in the Democrat party. Need proof. Record all the news outlets of the major media and listen to how many different talking heads from all the different news agencies say THE EXACT SAME THING in THE EXACT SAME WAY when the DNC releases their talking points. Its hilarious when Rush does that for his listeners.

"Talk about indoctrination!!! Are you a "dittohead"???? LOL" And since you are a liberal, thanks for your tolerance of opposing views with that comment and your sarcastic LOL at the end. :)
This whole thing is absolutely hysterical. Not a single one of you cared for one minute when it was Reagan or Bush doing this...but now that it's Obama, its "indoctrination!!!" Grow a pair and stop being so scared to listen to anyone who you disagree with. Little Justin and Little Ashley will be just fine. After all, you probably subject them to wingnut indoctrination on a daily basis. Give me a break!

Funny though friend Titan.................Obama crew resent new 'education' packets out after it hit the fan on his indoctrination message that was an item on Fox and no other major media outlet....But, alas......after witnessing the viewer ratings Fox is getting.....those who were sleeping with Obama for some strange reason seem to be slowly turning against the Messiah........could it be ratings.......... :lol:

Praise obama......!!!

:mf_boff: :mf_boff:
Funny though friend Titan.................Obama crew resent new 'education' packets out after it hit the fan on his indoctrination message that was an item on Fox and no other major media outlet....But, alas......after witnessing the viewer ratings Fox is getting.....those who were sleeping with Obama for some strange reason seem to be slowly turning against the Messiah........could it be ratings.......... :lol:

Praise obama......!!!
After watching the Sunday talk shows this morning, I was happy to hear complete consensus from the Republicans on this idiotic backlash.

It is so funny to hear some of the "Death Panel Conservatives" [I heard David Brooks call them that] call our democratically elected President a communist that wants to "brainwash our children" by giving a speech to the students of this country...At the same time sheltering the children from any idea that you may not like. I think those need to go back and study the definition of communism.

Tell them that they cannot watch his speech. Even better, keep him/her out of school so they cannot watch it.

I am sure that after after Mom and Dad have forbidden them from watching it they will never seek it out themselves... :rolleyes:

You may even elevate our presidents status in your children's eyes.

Well done!
After watching the Sunday talk shows this morning, I was happy to hear complete consensus from the Republicans on this idiotic backlash.

It is so funny to hear some of the "Death Panel Conservatives" [I heard David Brooks call them that] call our democratically elected President a communist that wants to "brainwash our children" by giving a speech to the students of this country...At the same time sheltering the children from any idea that you may not like. I think those need to go back and study the definition of communism.

Tell them that they cannot watch his speech. Even better, keep him/her out of school so they cannot watch it.

I am sure that after after Mom and Dad have forbidden them from watching it they will never seek it out themselves... :rolleyes:

You may even elevate our presidents status in your children's eyes.

Well done!

But, alas......after witnessing the viewer ratings Fox is getting.....those who were sleeping with Obama for some strange reason seem to be slowly turning against the Messiah

My children died a long time ago................... :mf_boff:

Seems your rose colored glasses filtered out my point counselor......

Like I said.....why did the Messiah's boys change the info packets after public outcry?

You fail to address this enigma...squire... :lol:

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