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The Obama administration supports discrimination when it comes to college admissions

What is the court case she 'won'?

I'll ask her when I talk to her again. In the mean time is it TRUE that certain people are allowed with a 1.8gpa? If that is false, it would blow my entire statement. What reason would I have to lie, because you can't handle the truth?
Blame the above on the Teachers union and making sure kids pass, no matter what, so that it seems they're doing they're jobs !

I'll give you that one, SW. The Teachers Union is the most powerful and they are pumping millions into Obama's campaign to make sure that they have tenure and job security and can turn US into America the Retarded!

Case in point is the wonder dog!
Having a brain that works rather than getting everything handed to you because you're SPECIAL. How's that for a definition?

This idea that everyone is college material is the root cause of all of this when in fact some people just aren't up to it. Merit takes bias and prejudice out of the equation.
Another one that got the same credit and A+ on it looked like it was slapped together in 3 minutes the morning it was due.
All we are doing with this crap is teaching kids that its ok to be a lazy turd.
Maybe the kid spent the night before looking through the trash finding stuff to put together for the project by herself with no help from her parent who had to work 3 jobs different shifts.

While the other kid had her parents take her to home depot after work to buy the great stuff needed to make a really cool project that looked better than Timmy's down the street.
Maybe the kid spent the night before looking through the trash finding stuff to put together for the project by herself with no help from her parent who had to work 3 jobs different shifts.

While the other kid had her parents take her to home depot after work to buy the great stuff needed to make a really cool project that looked better than Timmy's down the street.


There's often more to the story than we want to acknowledge...
This idea that everyone is college material is the root cause of all of this when in fact some people just aren't up to it.

... Or they've been brought up in a generation (and a half) that's been made to believe that they're supposed to go. Many of these kids would be much more suited to going into the trades- and would likely thrive- but almost from the get go they were told that it's somehow "beneath" them. Add to that the idea institution that accreditation is more important than actual education, and you have a real mess...
The teacher actually said to my wife at the fair "well they have no support at home like your kid does"
How about a paradigm shift.

That sounds like a teacher that cares enough to learn about and know the individual situation of a child.

And you want to stifle that?
... Or they've been brought up in a generation (and a half) that's been made to believe that they're supposed to go. Many of these kids would be much more suited to going into the trades- and would likely thrive- but almost from the get go they were told that it's somehow "beneath" them. Add to that the idea institution that accreditation is more important than actual education, and you have a real mess...

Pretty much covers it Kev.
Guess it says everyone is "entitled to a college education", right next to where it says "everyone is entitled to healthcare", in the constitution !

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