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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

It also takes what.... 10 years to top out as a Fleet Service Clerk? When I started working for American Airlines minimum wage was $5.15 an hour. I was paid a whopping $7.00 an hour. Could you support a family in 2000 on $7.00 an hour? So much for your UNION jobs paying a living wage philosophy.

Tell me how you relate a starting wage of $7.00 an hour with a 10 year top out (top out was 9 but I lost a year to Jr Fleet Service) to UNION effectiveness because I just don't see it. 10 years is a quarter of most people's career. I would expect top out in 2 to 3 years not 10, especially for a non skilled job you can learn in a short amount of time.

Of course they do. They are going to protect THEIR bottom line as best they can. That is just human nature.

Democrats, the same party who thinks we should have a centralized government and open borders. If you think Democrats don't support offshoring work you are delusional. Get a clue.

A couple of points. Non union McDonalds doesn't have a "top out" rate for the same job that you feel $15 is too much. Can I ask you something? If I offered you a job as a ramp agent and your starting pay was $11.50, would you consider that good?
A couple of points. Non union McDonalds doesn't have a "top out" rate for the same job that you feel $15 is too much. Can I ask you something? If I offered you a job as a ramp agent and your starting pay was $11.50, would you consider that good?
I took it at $7.00/hr didn't I?
I like how socialists equate "paid for with someone else's money" as "free"....

Eventually you run out of someone else's money, as both Greece and Italy have found. Then what?
I don't know dell(Dude).

There is a LOT of FREE stuff in those countries, AND, No One is sleeping under bridges in the 'dead cold of winter' !
They aren't socialist countries. I wasn't aware free stuff and sleeping under bridges was the metric. All those countries you think are socialist do have homeless living on the streets.
A couple of points. Non union McDonalds doesn't have a "top out" rate for the same job that you feel $15 is too much. Can I ask you something? If I offered you a job as a ramp agent and your starting pay was $11.50, would you consider that good?
$11.50 an hour is way better than no job and $0.00 an hour.

I hired on the ramp for $2.15 an hour and was glad to get that. It was a good part time job while going to school.
$11.50 an hour is way better than no job and $0.00 an hour.

I hired on the ramp for $2.15 an hour and was glad to get that. It was a good part time job while going to school.
I only mention $11.50 because La implied it was difficult to support a family on $7 an hour, $7 in 1997 is $11.50 today. Interestingly, the minimum wage has only gone up $2 an hour since 1997. BUT...we argue against a $15 an hour minimum wage. But I also mention that many people might say that $15 ah hour is plenty to "throw bags on a plane". But when it's OUR job...it's heavy...it's dangerous...it's more than standing at a register in an airconditioned building. Certainly worth more than $15. Also...most non union places don't have a "top out" pay. If you hire in at $11.50, then that'w where you stay until you move to a job that pays more. You won't get more money (aside from cost of living) over 10 years.
I only mention $11.50 because La implied it was difficult to support a family on $7 an hour, $7 in 1997 is $11.50 today. Interestingly, the minimum wage has only gone up $2 an hour since 1997. BUT...we argue against a $15 an hour minimum wage. But I also mention that many people might say that $15 ah hour is plenty to "throw bags on a plane". But when it's OUR job...it's heavy...it's dangerous...it's more than standing at a register in an airconditioned building. Certainly worth more than $15. Also...most non union places don't have a "top out" pay. If you hire in at $11.50, then that'w where you stay until you move to a job that pays more. You won't get more money (aside from cost of living) over 10 years.
Who is forcing these poor people to work for such meager wages?
Do you think you could support a family at $11.50?
Your question is moot because I would not work a job where I did not make enough to survive.

If you take a job knowing it won't pay the bills that is a you problem.

You need to stop acting like people can't get raises, promotions, or move on to a higher paying job. This is not China where your job is mandated by the state, you have choice.

God the left are idiots.
It must be confusing to view reality through your narrow lens.

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