O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

Texas used to be a cool place. Even in the cities. Dallas had a small town feel about it back in the mid 70's. People would say "howdy" when passing on the street. It's changed a lot though. I'm sure there was an element of the angry right wing fringe back then. But the cities got too big and too impersonal..and the crazies came out of the woodwork.
Angry RW fringe.....most cowboys and country folk love their country and lean con.
Actually, I'd have to go with wacko leftist fringe back then. Good old days of Bader-Meinhoff, Black Panthers, Weather Underground, SDS, Maoists for Progressive Labor, Revolutionary Communist Party......ahh the good old days. Most have been involved or have offspring high in our government now.

Read 'Steal this book', 'Revolution for the hell of it', Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Ruben, back in the searching for the truth days.....LOL '68 Dem convention in Chi-town....yeah, baby.
Angry RW fringe.....most cowboys and country folk love their country and lean con.
Actually, I'd have to go with wacko leftist fringe back then. Good old days of Bader-Meinhoff, Black Panthers, Weather Underground, SDS, Maoists for Progressive Labor, Revolutionary Communist Party......ahh the good old days. Most have been involved or have offspring high in our government now.

Read 'Steal this book', 'Revolution for the hell of it', Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Ruben, back in the searching for the truth days.....LOL '68 Dem convention in Chi-town....yeah, baby.

As I said...some of the right wing fringe was there. We caught a cab from Love Field to our hotel (furniture hadn't arrived yet). The driver was saying that he was surprised we got a room since there was a convention of the "colored elks". He then said, 'They call them colored elks, I call them ni***rs". Welcome to Texas. Fortunately, I didn't encounter many of his type in other situations. But I guess that's another thing that has changed....those types don't say the "n" word in public because "I am not a racist".
As I said...some of the right wing fringe was there. We caught a cab from Love Field to our hotel (furniture hadn't arrived yet). The driver was saying that he was surprised we got a room since there was a convention of the "colored elks". He then said, 'They call them colored elks, I call them ni***rs". Welcome to Texas. Fortunately, I didn't encounter many of his type in other situations. But I guess that's another thing that has changed....those types don't say the "n" word in public because "I am not a racist".
During the peak stages of the civil rights movement, not surprised things like that were commonplace. That stuff was common in the mill towns in Pittsburgh with eastern european ethnic groups. I wasn't raised that way and hearing it a lot was uncomfortable. I questioned some on it and once was told 'you don't understand, you didn't live with them'. Most of those mill areas were both EE and black.

There's some anecdotal reports of comments LBJ supposedly said when he signed the CRA of 1964.....I wouldn't be surprised if he did say it.

I like the 'we're going to end racism' line being touted. LOL.....Yeah, let me sit here and hold my breath.

Love Field, Pop learned to fly PT-17's and 19's there. He went somewhere else and learned to fly B-24' and B-29's. Ended up on Tinian, flying both. He liked Texas.

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