All I'm saying is that when airlines (pretty much all of them now) was going to the employees for givebacks, "going back" to $15 an hour was bad..especially when execs were getting raises and getting paid bonuses. And I don't intent to sound insulting, but rampers are not what most would consider 'skilled labor'..they are part of a group that TODAY you believe are not worth $15 an hour since it would kill companies. A LOT of the folks who were vocal about the labor givebacks from a decade or two ago are the SAME people who are FOR not raising the minimum wage and who vote for folks who give sweet, sweet , SWEET tax breaks to the same folks who were getting richer way back when.
And your comment about "operational costs", of which labor is a YUGE part, being passed on to the consumer, those skilled workers, such as mechanics, scream loudly about offshoring heavy maintenance, but still voting for Republicans, who encourage it.