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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

ANOTHER ONE of Your " K I A " ( Know-It-ALL) Predictions, Olesen ??

I Worship any 'REAL UNION', with BAWLS Of STEEL, that makes Corporations CHIT' Their Drawers !
Same corporations who then pass on the 'Chit' to the consumer.....ala higher operating costs?

Same corporations who then pass on the 'Chit' to the consumer.....ala higher operating costs?


Yes...they'll pass labor costs on to the consumer. They will pass taxes onto the consumer. They will pass tariffs on to consumers. But if they get a tax cut...they DON'T pass that on to consumers, but if a negotiated pay increase goes into effect, they'll pass THAT on to the consumer...even though they are paying a lot less in taxes.

But hear hear.....if only Americans would be willing to give up the REST of the middle class and work for peanuts, at least prices would come down. Few could afford it even then....but prices would come down.
Yes...they'll pass labor costs on to the consumer. They will pass taxes onto the consumer. They will pass tariffs on to consumers. But if they get a tax cut...they DON'T pass that on to consumers, but if a negotiated pay increase goes into effect, they'll pass THAT on to the consumer...even though they are paying a lot less in taxes.

But hear hear.....if only Americans would be willing to give up the REST of the middle class and work for peanuts, at least prices would come down. Few could afford it even then....but prices would come down.
President Obama, 'er I mean Biden, is going to decimate (again) the middle class. There is no middle class in socialism.
Oh yeah dell.
Then W - T - F is everyone 'Fat and HAPPY' in Iceland/Norway/SWEDEN/Finland/Denmark/The Netherlands/Belgium/Germany/Switzerland/Austria/Canada, where not everyone if filthy rich ????????????????

YOUR TURN. Bro' !!
President Obama, 'er I mean Biden, is going to decimate (again) the middle class. There is no middle class in socialism.
The middle class was being choked by Republicans and oddly enough, supported by the very people that they are choking. I mean...you worked for an airline, didn't you? Gosh, I remember the days I wished I could have worked for an airline. But then we started seeing pay cuts, bankruptcies, dumping of pensions, reduction in health insurance sweep over the industry. I'm assuming it wasn't welcome. And today, guys like you, who watched their livelihood get chipped away are posting things like "higher operating costs passed on to consumers". I remember when givebacks were happening in the airline industry and guys like you weren't exactly applauding it because it meant lower fares for the consumer. We don't like to see airlines ship aircraft to a third world countries for heavy maintenance checks....but if we don't want to pass on the higher operating costs of an American worker doing this work to the consumer, then the American should accept low enough pay to make them competitive with a third world country.

I have to hand it to Republicans...they have guys that THEY have put out of work supporting their efforts to make life easier for the guys who make THEIR money in the stock market instead of a paycheck. I mean..not all that long ago, airline workers like you were bitching because a ramper was being asked to accept $15 an hour (while the CEO made more than 4 other CEO's combined)....and today you're fighting a $15 minimum wage because it is too high and will only make things more expensive or put companies out of business.
Oh yeah dell.
Then W - T - F is everyone 'Fat and HAPPY' in Iceland/Norway/SWEDEN/Finland/Denmark/The Netherlands/Belgium/Germany/Switzerland/Austria/Canada, where not everyone if filthy rich ????????????????

You really think there aren't 1%'ers in all of those countries?
You really think there aren't 1%'ers in all of those countries?
YEs, but they don't ***** about paying taxes. And people still have jobs so THOSE 1%er's are still creating jobs.
The middle class was being choked by Republicans and oddly enough, supported by the very people that they are choking. I mean...you worked for an airline, didn't you? Gosh, I remember the days I wished I could have worked for an airline. But then we started seeing pay cuts, bankruptcies, dumping of pensions, reduction in health insurance sweep over the industry. I'm assuming it wasn't welcome. And today, guys like you, who watched their livelihood get chipped away are posting things like "higher operating costs passed on to consumers". I remember when givebacks were happening in the airline industry and guys like you weren't exactly applauding it because it meant lower fares for the consumer. We don't like to see airlines ship aircraft to a third world countries for heavy maintenance checks....but if we don't want to pass on the higher operating costs of an American worker doing this work to the consumer, then the American should accept low enough pay to make them competitive with a third world country.

I have to hand it to Republicans...they have guys that THEY have put out of work supporting their efforts to make life easier for the guys who make THEIR money in the stock market instead of a paycheck. I mean..not all that long ago, airline workers like you were bitching because a ramper was being asked to accept $15 an hour (while the CEO made more than 4 other CEO's combined)....and today you're fighting a $15 minimum wage because it is too high and will only make things more expensive or put companies out of business.

Airline union givebacks resulted in airline exec's raises and golden parachutes from my point of view....all due to mismanagement at the top. We floundered for a very long time under Schoefield....floundering to the point of not having enough money to go Ch 11. I saw everything that the company owned was sold off an then leased to raise capital.

Ramper's, through previously negotiated contracts, and when the 'good times were rolling', had it quite well for their job requirement. Their job skill and compensation didn't quite rise to the level of knowledge, training and legal responsibility a licensed aviation mechanic was required to have. I found it quite comical they voted for union representation, then didn't get an industry leading contract on their first negotiation, then ran another representation campaign and didn't get 50% +1. We all know how that went.

Was it those dastardly republicans who stiffed all the GM secured creditors?

$15 an hour is the new mantra. Did you notice AOC now saying it's not enough? LOL

So go to $15 and see how soon robots get interviews. No robot union, robots don't miss work, come in late or so on and so forth.

'Be careful what you wish for'
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Oh yeah dell.
Then W - T - F is everyone 'Fat and HAPPY' in Iceland/Norway/SWEDEN/Finland/Denmark/The Netherlands/Belgium/Germany/Switzerland/Austria/Canada, where not everyone if filthy rich ????????????????

YOUR TURN. Bro' !!
They are not socialist countries....you didn't get the memo?
Airline union givebacks resulted in airline exec's raises and golden parachutes from my point of view....all due to mismanagement at the top. We floundered for a very long time under Schoefield....floundering to the point of not having enough money to go Ch 11. I saw everything that the company owned was sold off an then leased to raise capital.

Ramper's, through previously negotiated contracts, and when the 'good times were rolling', had it quite well for their job requirement. Their job skill and compensation didn't quite rise to the level of knowledge, training and legal responsibility a licensed aviation mechanic was required to have. I found it quite comical they voted for union representation, then didn't get an industry leading contract on their first negotiation, then ran another representation campaign and didn't get 50% +1. We all know how that went.

Was it those dastardly republicans who stiffed all the GM secured creditors?

$15 an hour is the new mantra. Did you notice AOC now saying it's not enough? LOL

So go to $15 and see how soon robots get interviews. No robot union, robots don't miss work, come in late or so on and so forth.

'Be careful what you wish for'

All I'm saying is that when airlines (pretty much all of them now) was going to the employees for givebacks, "going back" to $15 an hour was bad..especially when execs were getting raises and getting paid bonuses. And I don't intent to sound insulting, but rampers are not what most would consider 'skilled labor'..they are part of a group that TODAY you believe are not worth $15 an hour since it would kill companies. A LOT of the folks who were vocal about the labor givebacks from a decade or two ago are the SAME people who are FOR not raising the minimum wage and who vote for folks who give sweet, sweet , SWEET tax breaks to the same folks who were getting richer way back when.

And your comment about "operational costs", of which labor is a YUGE part, being passed on to the consumer, those skilled workers, such as mechanics, scream loudly about offshoring heavy maintenance, but still voting for Republicans, who encourage it.
All I'm saying is that when airlines (pretty much all of them now) was going to the employees for givebacks, "going back" to $15 an hour was bad..especially when execs were getting raises and getting paid bonuses. And I don't intent to sound insulting, but rampers are not what most would consider 'skilled labor'..they are part of a group that TODAY you believe are not worth $15 an hour since it would kill companies. A LOT of the folks who were vocal about the labor givebacks from a decade or two ago are the SAME people who are FOR not raising the minimum wage and who vote for folks who give sweet, sweet , SWEET tax breaks to the same folks who were getting richer way back when.

And your comment about "operational costs", of which labor is a YUGE part, being passed on to the consumer, those skilled workers, such as mechanics, scream loudly about offshoring heavy maintenance, but still voting for Republicans, who encourage it.
FYI- I never said anyone wasn't or wasn't worth $15 an hour...that is an outright lie.

I did say, at $15 an hour, there are BIG options for certain employer groups and you should know this.

Offshoring airline maintenance? You should look at in country airline maintenance that union members agreed to.
Yes...they'll pass labor costs on to the consumer. They will pass taxes onto the consumer. They will pass tariffs on to consumers. But if they get a tax cut...they DON'T pass that on to consumers, but if a negotiated pay increase goes into effect, they'll pass THAT on to the consumer...even though they are paying a lot less in taxes.

I remember when givebacks were happening in the airline industry and guys like you weren't exactly applauding it because it meant lower fares for the consumer.
So which is it?

Do they pass cost savings on to consumers or don't they? As usual you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I mean..not all that long ago, airline workers like you were bitching because a ramper was being asked to accept $15 an hour (while the CEO made more than 4 other CEO's combined)....and today you're fighting a $15 minimum wage because it is too high and will only make things more expensive or put companies out of business.
There is a difference between working a job with a high injury rate moving tons of luggage and cargo in inclement weather and working a cash register in a climate controlled store.

You ignore all the airlines that have gone bankrupt and disappeared.

You ignore the fact that few employers actually pay the federal minimum wage.

You ignore the fact that raising the minimum wage ALWAYS results in a market correction where the low wage earners end up right where they started. You can't mandate people into prosperity. Maybe one of these days you DUMBOcrats will learn that.
And I don't intent to sound insulting, but rampers are not what most would consider 'skilled labor'..they are part of a group that TODAY you believe are not worth $15 an hour since it would kill companies.
It also takes what.... 10 years to top out as a Fleet Service Clerk? When I started working for American Airlines minimum wage was $5.15 an hour. I was paid a whopping $7.00 an hour. Could you support a family in 2000 on $7.00 an hour? So much for your UNION jobs paying a living wage philosophy.

Tell me how you relate a starting wage of $7.00 an hour with a 10 year top out (top out was 9 but I lost a year to Jr Fleet Service) to UNION effectiveness because I just don't see it. 10 years is a quarter of most people's career. I would expect top out in 2 to 3 years not 10, especially for a non skilled job you can learn in a short amount of time.

And your comment about "operational costs", of which labor is a YUGE part, being passed on to the consumer, those skilled workers, such as mechanics, scream loudly about offshoring heavy maintenance,
Of course they do. They are going to protect THEIR bottom line as best they can. That is just human nature.

but still voting for Republicans, who encourage it.
Democrats, the same party who thinks we should have a centralized government and open borders. If you think Democrats don't support offshoring work you are delusional. Get a clue.
Lol... You really think that's the case?

Something socialists seem to forget is that the seriously rich will always move where the taxes are lowest.

The ultra-rich in Europe prefer Monoco (great climate), but the Caymans and Ireland get their fair share, too. Since Monoco and Ireland are both in the EU, there's no restrictions on the Swedes, Finns, French, etc. getting permanent residency, thus freedom from taxes in their home country.

Netherlands is another low tax country, but it's definitely not as nice as Monoco or the Caribbean.

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