Ken MacTiernan
Ken, I am so glad you came out of the closet. I do wish others would follow your lead. I look forward to your posts as much as I do the Princess'. I erode nothing but I am helping fill in the washouts unions leave behind. As far as complaining about non-reving you are wrong on that issue as well, I am simply addressing the issue.
Glad you look forward to my posts. I certainly do not feel the same towards yours. Every time you attempt to repair an aircraft you ERODE my craft.
"I know you guys think that we Scabs are a bunch of riff-raff individuals but when we do come together we are a force to be recond with."
Okay, after this quote from you I do look forward to your posts. You could add up all the abilitities of all the SCABS and they wouldn't fill the head of a pin. You see, KNOWLEDGE, SKILL & INTEGRITY are the basis for which the AMT craft is based upon. And not one SCAB possesses these traits. Just something to think about while all the SCABS sit in the terminal waiting to non-rev.