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NWA Gate Agents

Hey coward, here's a news flash for you. The SCAB denied boarding in your story was you. You see, a SCAB is a SCAB is a SCAB. I applaud this Gate Agent. pto, you continue to ignore the FACT that SCABS are lower than whale feces.

Let's see, you erode a proud craft & profession. You willingly attack unions for protecting union jobs. And you complain about non-rev travel? PRICELESS!


I always enjoyed reading your messages on the website that recently "called it a day". It's good to see you here.
SCABS, Destined for HR hearings...HA HA HA!
Yes, I am sure that it has but has there been a concerted effort to put an end to it? Documentation is everything, it null and voids the he said she said issue. It is a very simple concept that can bring an end to this.

You are at the gate and it is time for the non-revers to begin boarding you are number four on the list but six others board ahead of you. When you get on the plane or get bumped simply call the zone and have a current waitlist pulled to see where you stood on the waitlist. If it coincides with the boarding fine, if it doesn't then the mechanic at the zone prints a flight manifest and a preprinted complaint letter and fills in the blanks then makes a copy for our records and turns the other over to management. When we have collected a good amount of these we will then send the lot to HR. With the number of mechanics and family members non-reving I do not think it will take long to create a "stink" at the upper levels of management.

I know you guys think that we Scabs are a bunch of riff-raff individuals but when we do come together we are a force to be recond with. Just a few days after the strike the contract houses tried to back peddle on our first bonus. At our next meeting in the conference room with a NWA Rep present we brought the issue up. The contract house was blindsided like you wouldn't believe. We were ready to walk right then and there. The contract house had lost all control of the meeting and the NWA Rep had to take over. He assured us that we would be getting our bonuses the following payday. That Friday we had our bonuses in hand. AMFA disregarded the Scabs as if we were nothing. The contract house disregarded us, I suggest you guys pay attention or you will learn as they did.

You a laughable. :down:
Non-rev is dictated by ‘the company’ and in most cases (except for USAir) they are by DOH. Executives sometimes write in their ‘contract’ to have a higher DOH for non-rev purposes but is allowed by company policy. I doubt that you or any employee has been denied boarding except by DOH.

You are just too sensitive to your ‘scabdom’ and feel everyone is out to get you when you don’t get you way. Don’t worry, NWA loves you and will continue to prove their love at every given opportunity. :mf_boff::mf_boff::mf_boff:

You are an ‘at-will’ employee so live with it or move on. :stupid:


I’ll bet you are a ‘joy’ to work with. 🙄
It appears that NWA Gate Agents like to play their own little games with Scab Non-revvers.

You're kidding, right? What makes you think they give a rat's a$$ who you are or what you do?

To hell with the seniority list eh? Here is a quote from a gate agent manager at MSP working Gate G-10 today. "You will sit there until, if or when, we call you. You have a seniority date of 05 and we all know what that means, so you had better sit here and be seen and not heard or you will not get on this flight or any other flight today."

Hearsay as usual. However, I'll take the bait; My guess is that whoever the manager was addressing was the kind of guy that stands right next to the podium badgering the boarding agents. As for a "seniority date of '05?" What? Do you think only scabs were hired last year? What it really means is that your junior, and are most likely at the bottom of the list.

Non-rev boarding continued but it sure wasn't done by seniority. I took a survey at the zone and found that a very high percentage of the Scabs that non-rev on a regular basis have had very similar issues.

If not by seniority, then how was it done? Do tell. Was it alphabetical order? By city code? Proof please.

Well ladies and gentlemen we have been introduced to this little program called PARS, to hell with RADAR. This program gives us the exact same information you have. We are particularly interested in the fact that we can now pull flight manifest.

Wow. What a revelation. Before RADAR, this is how all non-revving /listing was done. Almost all ground ops employees have a "sign-on" and can get access to PARS. I'm suprised none of you have used this previously. Pull up any flight you want. The waitlist will have your name, destination, pass code, and seniority date. period.

We are setting up our own little network so that a simple phone call will instantly get all information pulled and gathered to send to the appropriate channels.

Shouldn't you guys be working? At least MEL'ing overhead bins?

If you think you are going to continue getting away with these little vendettas you are wrong. I suggest you people do your jobs and leave your personnel issues at home.

Hey, Joan of Arc! Your martyr complex of late has gotten really stale. Give it a rest. Seriously.

Personally I think they should throw the seniority part out and make it first come first serve. When it is time for non-rev boarding you just simply call off the names in order of the waitlist, just a suggestion.

Spoken like someone with '05 seniority. Pass (no pun intended).
Non-rev is dictated by ‘the company’ and in most cases (except for USAir) they are by DOH. Executives sometimes write in their ‘contract’ to have a higher DOH for non-rev purposes but is allowed by company policy. I doubt that you or any employee has been denied boarding except by DOH.
OK, I give up who/what is DOH? I myself have never been "DENIED" boarding so I do not know where you are going with this. I do not know if all systems are the same but when we print a "Waitlist" it gives everyone that is listed for that flight first in order by class then seniority. If there are ten available seats with fifteen peolpe on the waitlist and I am number four on that list and I get bumped that means the gate agent is not following company policy, period. Try to spin it all you want but the fact of the matter is you are wrong.

You are just too sensitive to your ‘scabdom’ and feel everyone is out to get you when you don’t get you way. Don’t worry, NWA loves you and will continue to prove their love at every given opportunity.
OK, I give up who/what is DOH? I myself have never been "DENIED" boarding so I do not know where you are going with this. I do not know if all systems are the same but when we print a "Waitlist" it gives everyone that is listed for that flight first in order by class then seniority. If there are ten available seats with fifteen peolpe on the waitlist and I am number four on that list and I get bumped that means the gate agent is not following company policy, period. Try to spin it all you want but the fact of the matter is you are wrong.

Better learn the term 'dead head' also.
Walk up 'dead head' has higher priority as well.
I'm wrong? Prove it! :blink:

What? Did you not learn that this is a rude remark?

NW is your first ever airline you worked for? Seasoned airline employees know all this stuff. geez. And you don't know PARS and Radar?

Oh and good luck on writing up gate agents. That never gets far...since they are unionized. You are just wasting your time....HR is probably gonna make confetti out of it shortly.
If there are ten available seats with fifteen peolpe on the waitlist and I am number four on that list and I get bumped that means the gate agent is not following company policy, period.
Not necessarily so, there are rollover's from other flights, last minute revenue passengers, walk up deadheads, and those pesky company buisness employess who show up at the last minute who can all bump you.

Get used to it, non-reving is not as glamorous as you wished it to be. Hey if you don't like it....BUY YOURSELF A TICKET!

"bumped from the red tail?...take the rail" 😛
PTO: those GATE AGENTS do know how to do their jobs and they do it very professionally. YOu and the other remains of the scabs you work with WILL NEVER EVER be able to figure out why you dont have friends.
NONREVVING for a SCAB is even worse then NONREVVING on a USAIR plane out of PHL! DOH is something you wont understand either. Only smart UNIONIZED people would know how to non rev and what time of the yr to do it!
NW is your first ever airline you worked for? Seasoned airline employees know all this stuff. geez. And you don't know PARS and Radar?

Oh and good luck on writing up gate agents. That never gets far...since they are unionized. You are just wasting your time....HR is probably gonna make confetti out of it shortly.



(NW)HR is gonna' make "confetti" OUT OF PTO, when they get into his "Harrasment" Issue(with an employee who IS a minority) !!

AA non-revs go by First come, first served !!!!

Not necessarily so, there are rollover's from other flights, last minute revenue passengers, walk up deadheads, and those pesky company buisness employess who show up at the last minute who can all bump you.
I am aware of all of this and it is understandable, I do not have a problem with this aspect of non-reving. That is why the waitlist must be compared to the manifest to make sure it is indeed a legitimate grip. Now when comparing the waitlist with the manifest and there were four people with less seniority dates boarded ahead of you and in the same or a lesser class wouldn't you say there is a problem?

AA non-revs go by First come, first served !!!!
Really? I am honestly impressed. How does this system work out for you guys?
US Airways is DOH on the East side as it has always been and US/West (HP) is first come first serve.
Baaaahahahaha......jeezus your cracking me up 'Cods!!!! Scabs are a bunch of riff-raff!!! A scab force to be reckoned with...baaaahahahahaha.....woo-hooo....thats friggin' too damn funny now...please stop. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Listen Toto, HR could give a sh!t about your scab flight list documents or your whining how unfair it is, thats just not even on the radar! Your an "at will" scab, your a bottom feeder, and no one gives a crap what you like or don't, or how your treated. You made your bed, so stop crying. Why don't all the scabs just band together and walk? Because you won't, and you can't, this is the highest pay your miserable scab life has ever had. You were not listening when you were told how Scab Air treats its employees. This BS has been going on for years, long before you scab "career" came out of the depths of the sewer.

Scabs have be disregarded. Scabs should be the ones paying attention, most of us have aready been here. There isn't a damn thing SUPERscabs will do to teach anyone a lesson....not gonna happen.

Thanks again for the laughs 'Cods, I enjoyed it!!! :up: :up: :up:
It appears that NWA Gate Agents like to play their own little games with Scab Non-revvers. To hell with the seniority list eh? Here is a quote from a gate agent manager at MSP working Gate G-10 today. "You will sit there until, if or when, we call you. You have a seniority date of 05 and we all know what that means, so you had better sit here and be seen and not heard or you will not get on this flight or any other flight today." Non-rev boarding continued but it sure wasn't done by seniority. I took a survey at the zone and found that a very high percentage of the Scabs that non-rev on a regular basis have had very similar issues.

Well ladies and gentlemen we have been introduced to this little program called PARS, to hell with RADAR. This program gives us the exact same information you have. We are particularly interested in the fact that we can now pull flight manifest. We are setting up our own little network so that a simple phone call will instantly get all information pulled and gathered to send to the appropriate channels. If you think you are going to continue getting away with these little vendettas you are wrong. I suggest you people do your jobs and leave your personnel issues at home.

Personally I think they should throw the seniority part out and make it first come first serve. When it is time for non-rev boarding you just simply call off the names in order of the waitlist, just a suggestion.

SCABS should not fly anyway, they just stink up the airplane. How is it going to work knowing that the real employees want to spit on you?
Attempt to prove it!!!! Full flight , hurring up to get the plane off the gate to make departure time....they just missed you on the list!!! Plane went out on time so all are happy!! Do you think the company really cares about the non rev left at the gate? Make a stink and next time they will go over the list a few time and make sure its correct, the plane will go out late....Get the picture?

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