snapthis: I'm not getting over it until someone goes to a federal prison.
nycbusdriver, on 02 Jan 2014 - 11:40 AM, said:
Go rob a bank. Then, you can be that "someone" and finally get over it.
Please tell us "you'se" didn't actually miss nyc's point and humor there? No one's presumably THAT stupid.
As for: "Feeding off other people's is what most liberals like you do."...? Seriously? 🙂 You're about as pathetic excuse for any semblance of a conservative that I've ever encountered, in that such people generally believe in actually EARNING their positions in life, while you clearly don't. That last's fully demonstrated by your eagerness to usurp at least an entire decade of others' work lives for your own purely selfish gain.
Perhaps you should just go spend some more time with your imaginary little friends, and continue to merely fantasize yourself to be what you're just-plain NOT, and never will be...Perhaps an "heroic spartan", or most recently, even a frontline soldier of Israel? 😉
nycbusdriver, on 02 Jan 2014 - 11:40 AM, said:

snapthis said:Rob a bank? Isn't that breaking the law?
Please tell us "you'se" didn't actually miss nyc's point and humor there? No one's presumably THAT stupid.
As for: "Feeding off other people's is what most liberals like you do."...? Seriously? 🙂 You're about as pathetic excuse for any semblance of a conservative that I've ever encountered, in that such people generally believe in actually EARNING their positions in life, while you clearly don't. That last's fully demonstrated by your eagerness to usurp at least an entire decade of others' work lives for your own purely selfish gain.
Perhaps you should just go spend some more time with your imaginary little friends, and continue to merely fantasize yourself to be what you're just-plain NOT, and never will be...Perhaps an "heroic spartan", or most recently, even a frontline soldier of Israel? 😉