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Northwest Maintenance

If it were winter time when all this started I would agree with you.

RTB as usual you are wrong.
Actually RTB is right it is you pto that is wrong as is usual. at my company we leave the equipment running when it is very cold so we dont run into trouble. dont you think it is time for NWA to shut you off?
Actually RTB is right it is you pto that is wrong as is usual. at my company we leave the equipment running when it is very cold so we dont run into trouble. dont you think it is time for NWA to shut you off?
Tell me Robbed what was soooo cold about aug, sept, oct, nov and most of dec? Go ahead twist it up robbed.
You know what, guys;

The more I read PTO, the MORE thoroughly I'm convinced that "This NINCOMPOOP" is more suited to be a supervisor/(management) !!!

The actual facts come from what I have seen and observed while being here. These are first hand accounts witnessed by me.

Your perception and fact are two entirely different things.

You can claim understaffing all you want but that is not the case here.

Then why were there proffers for massive numbers of ESEs in ACCESS?

When we would go out to marshal and aircraft six or seven guys would magically appear coming out of what ever hiding hole they were in all of a sudden ready to go to work. You can claim all you want that they are not supposed to just pick up a bag fallen from a cart. But after it has lain in the road for about an hour and we call it in then some guy drives by and throws it on the back of his tug never giving a thought of what’s in it, that kind of rules out the 9/11 issue.

Like I said, it was totally inane, and if I hadn't been "called out" by the Port Police at the station I worked in during 9/11, I wouldn't have believed it, either.

I do not know where the management is during all of this, like I said it makes no sense at all. Just like where is the management when 80% of the ground equipment is left running over night? I don’t get it at all. It seems that no one is held accountable for anything when it comes to the ramp.

So is your problem with the IAM or mgmt?

You still haven't answered by original request: Using any empirical evidence, prove that the IAM is deliberately sabotaging NW operations.
So is your problem with the IAM or mgmt?

You still haven't answered by original request: Using any empirical evidence, prove that the IAM is deliberately sabotaging NW operations.
Both. Does a ramper have to be told what to do on a daily basis after the first of shift meeting? If so I have problems with the IAM. I also have problems with the ramp management because thay damn sure aren't doing their jobs.

According to Hackman the IAM and ramp members are one in the same.
Both. Does a ramper have to be told what to do on a daily basis after the first of shift meeting? If so I have problems with the IAM. I also have problems with the ramp management because thay damn sure aren't doing their jobs.

According to Hackman the IAM and ramp members are one in the same.
What did I say 'tard? What is a "ramp member" ding-dong? Jeezzz.... Don't be boozin' before you scab today 'Cods....Big Brother is watching you. 😉
Both. Does a ramper have to be told what to do on a daily basis after the first of shift meeting? If so I have problems with the IAM. I also have problems with the ramp management because thay damn sure aren't doing their jobs.

According to Hackman the IAM and ramp members are one in the same.
in case you did not know, the IAM represents FLEET SERVICE at a few of the airlines today including NWA. As for you NHBB I fully agree with you except I must go further and say that pto must be a high level SCAB MGMT!!!!! :shock:
If it were winter time when all this started I would agree with you.

RTB as usual you are wrong.

You guys ever notice that PTO leaves just enough information out of his stories so he can come back later and prove you wrong??
Both. Does a ramper have to be told what to do on a daily basis after the first of shift meeting? If so I have problems with the IAM. I also have problems with the ramp management because thay damn sure aren't doing their jobs.

According to Hackman the IAM and ramp members are one in the same.

I'm still waiting for factual proof of sabotage......
Peaches I have noticed that. As for PTO why cant you take photos and put on this board? im sure that the mods dont mind
Come on down here Kev, I'll show it to you.

That's because you probably caused it SCAB. What do your wife and kids think of Dad being a SCAB? As a parent you should be teaching your kids moral values. Since you're a SCAB, you have no moral values to teach your kids.

You need to learn MORAL values and set an example!
Call it even? Not now, not ever SUPERscab. Your a pawn for the man 'Cods, and you've fallen right in to the trap for a scab pittance and a hotel room, sold yourself like a cheap whore. You are in the middle of a world of sh*t. Your arrogance, foolishness, and cowardice is why I am glad your a Scab Air dupe, because you can't see what's coming, and most of us here can't wait until you get blindsided. Only 10% of former (again mostly IAM) union workers scabbed. AMFA members on strike voted down the last worst offer, and told Stealin', Andy Robber, and "That Girl" to shove it. This strike by AMFA has cost Scab Air millions they don't have, and it remains a huge cash drain even now with you dipsh*ts screwing up all the time. What invester is going to sink millions in a debt ridden, junk shell of an airline with no assets and pissed off pilots and F/A's? Not many is my guess.

Management is overreaching with the other unions and it looks very ugly to say the least. You are along for the ride "at will" clown , and if a strike comes, your back to the hole you crawled out of. Your gonna run home to the wife and her lover and say, "Sheeet baby, I'm back ya'll, sorry to walk in on ya like that, but my scab career is over."

...and I'm having a big smile thinking about it. 😀

I find it absolutely astonishing that there are individuals such as yourself that were EVER in aviation. It's obvious where your loyalties (misplaced loyalties, at that) lie. You'd much rather be out there in the cold, jobless, spending your savings on necessitites rather than retirement, spouting mindless, nearly illiterate, led-by-the-nose-by-DeLaFemme drivel about how WONDERFUL your alleged "union" is and how you're going to make this HUGE comeback. Get real, dipstick.....the mechanics that work for NWA right NOW have more power and pull than AMFA ever had, or ever WOULD have.

First, think about your "union". Who made out on this deal? Not the guys who walked out (WITHOUT a strike fund, or support from the other unions....knuckleheads). The ONLY people in AMFA that did OK in this are the leaders of that "union" who refused to allow the membership to vote on ANYTHING other than the authorization to strike. You never saw a contract offer, you never got a say in what was going on.....doesn't sound like much of a friggin' "union" to me. You guys got railroaded, BIG time, by your own leadership. You got bent over the proverbial arm of the couch and didn't even get kissed.

Now, think about the guys that are working there NOW. If the company ever decides to do something silly like ask for another pay cut, they will WALK....no notice, no "thanks for the memories", no kiss on the cheek. All of a sudden, there'll be NO maintenance happening, and THEN our friends at the Feds will come down, and HARD. Do you actually think that there's any place but "up" to go for these folks? Anything else would be sheer corporate suicide, and management knows it. They all KNOW that these mechanics are USED to just packing their stuff up and leaving. Do you actually think that NWA would hire YOU back?....HA!!...there's about as much chance of that as there is of a really UGLY chick with warts and a harelip marrying Brad Pitt....just ain't gonna happen, fella. Try to remember how much damage to property, tooling, and buildings was done just prior to this strike.....that's called "burning the bridges", Mr. Union Man....and then blowing up the wreckage.

Face FACTS.....face REALITY.....the battle of AMFA vs. NWA is OVER, and AMFA MEMBERS took it in the rosy-red rectal regions, courtesy of ego-driven, inept, and confrontatinal "union" leadership. The war isn't over, as you say....but like I said earlier, these guys are used to just packing their stuff and moving on......with the benefit of a BUNCH of really good training and experience......and it won't hurt their ability to get another job at all. Not one single, teensy bit.

Welcome to the glamorous and exciting world of COMPETING in the workplace, dude. Your "union" gambled with YOUR jobs and lost, big-time. Instead of getting mad and all "huffy" about scabs-this, and scabs-that, why don't you direct your justifiable anger against the ones who grabbed you poor suckers by the nose and led you STRAIGHT down the path to unemployment?

Oh....did I mention that since you're still "on strike" and turned down any kind of severance package and furlough status, you're not eligible for unemployment insurance payments?.......you shoulda took the money and ran like hell........
Welcome aboard StudHoss. What a Grand entrance, I hope to see more of you here. There is a slow but steady growing NWA population building here. Most of the AA riff-raff is slowly dropping off the NWA Board. Soon we might be able to have some decent NWA conversations here. There are many topics I would like to go into but have yet to open any up because I know the AA guys will just slam them with their silly Scab riff-raff sayings that contain no value for any topic..

I would like to introduce you to Hackman, the guy you just responded to. He is a bitter AA unionist with what I think to be about 25 to 30 years in. He is sucking every thing he can out of AA well after his time in the spotlight. Why he doesn't retire and allow another AMT on furlough, that is struggling to make ends meet, have a shot at a decent life I do not know. I think it has something to do with "Solidarity" and the "Union Brotherhood" but that doesn't make much sense. I am certain it is simply greed. You know the "I got mine." attitude that unionist despise. I guess thats only a bad mentality if you happen to be a Scab.

What is your stake in all of this?

Again welcome to the NWA forum at US Aviation.com.