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Northwest Maintenance

Hey "Beanman", I got one to run through your abacus:
An announcement was made (at UAL) that all spare parts had to be accounted for. Henceforth any AMT caught with parts in his toolbox would be fired for stealing. So we all put all the hardware, lightbulbs, minitel headsets, 500MPH tape etc, loose into garbage bags and sent them back to stores. I wouldn't be surprized if, to this day, UAL storekeepers at ORD are still sorting through it all. Not to mention all the delays caused by having to order each and every screw, nut, bolt and lightbulbs from stores. The cost of ill-will had to be steep there. All because some beancounter needed something to do.
I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question, but I'll respond anyway. All you'd need to figure out the cost/savings would be the ultimate steady state savings in inventory costs that were derived from this policy (if any), and the number of delays that occurred as a direct result of the policy. With that, you can get a high-level estimate of the financial impact of that decision. You didn't provide enough information to run it through my abacus.

It's humorous all of the cute little idioms poeple use when talking to person with a financial/accounting background. I don't refer to all mechanics on this site as "grease monkeys" and I don't refer to the flight attendants as "vending machines with arms", because it's disrespectful to belittle someones career choice. It also shows complete ignorance of what someone in that field actually does.
I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question, but I'll respond anyway. All you'd need to figure out the cost/savings would be the ultimate steady state savings in inventory costs that were derived from this policy (if any), and the number of delays that occurred as a direct result of the policy. With that, you can get a high-level estimate of the financial impact of that decision. You didn't provide enough information to run it through my abacus.

It's humorous all of the cute little idioms poeple use when talking to person with a financial/accounting background. I don't refer to all mechanics on this site as "grease monkeys" and I don't refer to the flight attendants as "vending machines with arms", because it's disrespectful to belittle someones career choice. It also shows complete ignorance of what someone in that field actually does.

That incident actually happened. However it DOES point out how career ignorance can cost, bigtime. <<chuckle>> Show me a bit of sense of humor.
More high quality Scab Air maintenance.....

"They cancelled a fully loaded Northworst flight out of San Diego because the FAA could not get the Emergency lights to work on a 757. I guess contract maintenance was not able to fix the problem( maybe it just need a new battery pack) and LAX contract maint and or LAX Mgrs could not fix the problem either. Just wondering if Northworst has a department that actually looks at this types of cancellations and figure out the rev lost from such flights.I truly hope some bean counter is looking at all this and coming up with the actual rev lost because some 3rd party "SCABS" maint company and or Northwest managers who dont know how to fix a simple problems. I guess in the end you get what you pay for."

If the emergency lights are out, I wonder what else is broken? Another set of 4 main tires again?

Naw....He's already done the 4 tires on the main truck already....lmao...

I can see it now.... PTO (as he wanders past an aircraft at the gate)... Being the superscab he is... Notices a rivet head that's slightly proud.... Our Superscab grabs an air hose and his trusty rivet gun... inserts a bell die.... (forgetting to install the safety spring).... in his eagerness to "make that rivet flush again" he trips on his air hose... squeezing the trigger on the gun..... sending the die ripping through the skin of the aircraft...... Our trusty Superscab then thinks ...AWWW shoot.... and grabs his most used item (from his chinese toolbox).... and "puts (lots and lots) of tape on"..... before slinking off into the darkness under the jetway.....after signing the maintainance log and sending the bird on it's way........
This is the problem with you unionist. You guys think only you can do the job. How many times have you guys said "When NWA gets its union mechanics back". Like they will actually make things better here just because they are union. NWA doesn't need its union mechanics back, they need to get rid of the IAM and then things will be a lot better off here.

No slinking required here hotshot unlike you unionist I take responsibility for my actions.
NWA doesn't need its union mechanics back, they need to get rid of the IAM and then things will be a lot better off here.

First it was "AMFA must go." Now it's the IAM's turn to be in your crosshairs. Who's next? NAMA? ATSA? TWU? PFAA? ALPA?

No slinking required here hotshot unlike you unionist I take responsibility for my actions.

If by responsibility, you mean taping the sh$t out of every A/C in sight, then sure....
First it was "AMFA must go." Now it's the IAM's turn to be in your crosshairs. Who's next? NAMA? ATSA? TWU? PFAA? ALPA?
It is a matter of work ethic Kev. I can't tell you how many times there were strollers and bags at the jetway and the ramp was going to pushback with out putting them in the cargo pit. Not to mention the number of checked baggage that falls of the carts and gets kicked around for a few hours before someone picks it up. Just today I spent 13 minutes on the tarmac at DTW waiting for my aircraft to be marshaled in. This goes on all the time. The ramp is slacking here and it is the IAM that is promoting it. If that is not the case then the IAM still has to go so NWA can get rid of the riff-raff. Either way the IAM is a handicap for NWA operations.
It is a matter of work ethic Kev. I can't tell you how many times there were strollers and bags at the jetway and the ramp was going to pushback with out putting them in the cargo pit.

What makes you think it was intentional?! Maybe the gate agent didn't call down to let them know that there were more bags in the jetway at the last minute.

If what you allege is true, and the crews are doing it on purpose, then where's local mgmt.? Like RTB asked, where's the discipline?

Not to mention the number of checked baggage that falls of the carts and gets kicked around for a few hours before someone picks it up.

Do you honestly think NW is the only airline that ever has bags fall out of it's carts?

Like I mentioned before,as asinine as it's sounds, some airports won't let you get out and pick up a bag on the tarmac (this was quite common in the days immediately following 9/11; hopefully, it's less so now....).

Just today I spent 13 minutes on the tarmac at DTW waiting for my aircraft to be marshaled in. This goes on all the time.

How many times do you have to be told that DTW is woefully understaffed on the ramp before you'll believe it? Since you won't take my word for it, ask around.

The ramp is slacking here and it is the IAM that is promoting it.

Utter BS. Prove it.

If that is not the case then the IAM still has to go so NWA can get rid of the riff-raff. Either way the IAM is a handicap for NWA operations.

...And I could make the statement that scab maintenance is destroying NWA. So?

Again, back your assertions with actual fact. Feel free to use statistics, cite sources, etc.
Again, back your assertions with actual fact. Feel free to use statistics, cite sources, etc.


We're waiting PTO. <_< Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
Naw....He's already done the 4 tires on the main truck already....lmao...

I can see it now.... PTO (as he wanders past an aircraft at the gate)... Being the superscab he is... Notices a rivet head that's slightly proud.... Our Superscab grabs an air hose and his trusty rivet gun... inserts a bell die.... (forgetting to install the safety spring).... in his eagerness to "make that rivet flush again" he trips on his air hose... squeezing the trigger on the gun..... sending the die ripping through the skin of the aircraft...... Our trusty Superscab then thinks ...AWWW shoot.... and grabs his most used item (from his chinese toolbox).... and "puts (lots and lots) of tape on"..... before slinking off into the darkness under the jetway.....after signing the maintainance log and sending the bird on it's way........
I like this one; "It was a NORMAL emergency landing"....

Normal? Normal for Scab Air I guess.

Hello everyone............ I wish I saw this website earlier.
very interesting.
As *some* of you may know I moderate another webite.

HOWEVER I am not promoting this website (we don't allow promotions either) HOWEVER I am promoting this blog on behalf of my friend "blue skies" who is passionate about letting congress know how we feel about NW and their outsourcing schemes. We feel if NW gets away with it, all airlines will follow suit.

There are a few letter templates that you can use to send your message to your congressmen/women,links for everyone to look at. Thank you for your time. Please tell your friends.


thank you,

This is the problem with you unionist. You guys think only you can do the job. How many times have you guys said "When NWA gets its union mechanics back". Like they will actually make things better here just because they are union. NWA doesn't need its union mechanics back, they need to get rid of the IAM and then things will be a lot better off here.

No slinking required here hotshot unlike you unionist I take responsibility for my actions.
Yeah right. You are of course "slinking", it is required because your a scared little scab. You didn't take responsibility for your scab actions at the union rally did you 'Cods? Didn't say one damn word about how proud your are to be a scab!!!! Your cowardice is showing again 'Cods.

How did you state it again??? "I didn't want to cause a scene....." 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r:
The actual facts come from what I have seen and observed while being here. These are first hand accounts witnessed by me. You can claim understaffing all you want but that is not the case here. When we would go out to marshal and aircraft six or seven guys would magically appear coming out of what ever hiding hole they were in all of a sudden ready to go to work. You can claim all you want that they are not supposed to just pick up a bag fallen from a cart. But after it has lain in the road for about an hour and we call it in then some guy drives by and throws it on the back of his tug never giving a thought of what’s in it, that kind of rules out the 9/11 issue. I do not know where the management is during all of this, like I said it makes no sense at all. Just like where is the management when 80% of the ground equipment is left running over night? I don’t get it at all. It seems that no one is held accountable for anything when it comes to the ramp.
The actual facts come from what I have seen and observed while being here. These are first hand accounts witnessed by me. You can claim understaffing all you want but that is not the case here. When we would go out to marshal and aircraft six or seven guys would magically appear coming out of what ever hiding hole they were in all of a sudden ready to go to work. You can claim all you want that they are not supposed to just pick up a bag fallen from a cart. But after it has lain in the road for about an hour and we call it in then some guy drives by and throws it on the back of his tug never giving a thought of what’s in it, that kind of rules out the 9/11 issue. I do not know where the management is during all of this, like I said it makes no sense at all. Just like where is the management when 80% of the ground equipment is left running over night? I don’t get it at all. It seems that no one is held accountable for anything when it comes to the ramp.
Well PTO,
Either local management in DTW is totally blind or Your so full of $h!t your breath stinks. :shock:

My guess is the latter. :lol:
Just like where is the management when 80% of the ground equipment is left running over night? I don’t get it at all. It seems that no one is held accountable for anything when it comes to the ramp.

On cold nights at ORD, we'd leave ground equipment running rather than risking it not starting again. That's SOP in winter.