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Non-Rev Boarding

Which method would you prefer be used for determining non-revenue boarding priority?

  • Date of Hire (DOH)

    Votes: 64 46.4%
  • First Come, First Served (FCFS)

    Votes: 68 49.3%
  • I'm fine with either.

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
Yes they should, if you don't work it's easier to adjust your vacation plans.
Commuting to work trumps going on vacation.
traderjake said:
Yes they should, if you don't work it's easier to adjust your vacation plans.
Commuting to work trumps going on vacation.
He who checks in first, should be boarded first.  Period!  wasnt this the way you boarded at AWA?
LD3 said:
I'm upset because this hasn't tunrned into a DL thing, and how their NR policy is better..
CMH_GSE said:
He's busy high jacking several other threads, but I will help him out.

DL is of course better, even with 100% full planes, they are so forward thinking at DL, seats magically appear for all non revs! DL wins again.

At least our aircraft don't smell like the honey house...
As someone that has traveled a lot under both systems I can tell it really makes no difference 99% of the time.
The real key to succesful and stressless nonreving is good information and ease of use automation.
traderjake said:
Yes they should, if you don't work it's easier to adjust your vacation plans.
Commuting to work trumps going on vacation.
Once again we hear from the I got mine crowd at US Air. If you choose to live somewhere other than the city in which you are based is on you. That is the risk you take. So don't rate your needs greater than someone who has waited all year to go somewhere with his or her family, on one of the few weekends he or she may have off. I have over twenty five years, and the last thing I think about when I travel is the person who is getting on ahead of me have less time than me. I know this is foreign to you the FCFS is fair for everyone not the select few. Not only does it work it works well. Keep thinking only about yourself and be the good hater.
Show me the money said:
Once again we hear from the I got mine crowd at US Air. If you choose to live somewhere other than the city in which you are based is on you. That is the risk you take. .......... I know this is foreign to you the FCFS is fair for everyone not the select few. Not only does it work it works well. Keep thinking only about yourself and be the good hater.
We had boarding by DOH at USAirways, I have 28 years and I favor FCFS.
Piedmont and later USairways has closed 9 crew bases, including our largest base PIT,do you expect people to uproot their families everytime a base closes?  
When a crew base closes or an airline employee is displaced a decision to commute is usually based on that individuals assessment of their ability no non-rev to the new station assignment. A senior employee might feel their DOH will ensure them a seat to get to work and made their choice to commute. Now the rules are changing to FCFS and many may feel they will be gambling, more than their nerves can take, on getting to work every single time. It's a whole new game. Once again, although I can live with FCFS, eliminating DOH is a downgrade for dedicated career airline employees.
Breaking News!!
At AA we have the same situation with commuters. I will take a guess and say AA has more commuters. AAer's have adjusted to FCFS when it comes to commuting.
The jumpseats are limited occupancy, and the Company has traditionally recognized them as falling under the respective CBA. Thus, the union dictates the method of accommodation, and they've chosen seniority. If the pilots or FA's decided to go with FCFS, they could do so without the company's permission.
john john said:
Why is the jumpseat DOH and not FCFS Why the disparity
Broad statement, that isn't all fact. Nice try to try and torpedo another topic with false information. You and WT go to the same school? The pilots use DOH, because they are usually self centered just like the few DOH people come across on here. The FA's use FCFS for the JS. But I'm sure that you knew that already.
eolesen said:
the Company has traditionally recognized them as falling under the respective CBA. Thus, the union dictates the method of accommodation, and they've chosen seniority.
DOH travel benefits is in the CBA with Fleet Service, Flight Attendants, Passenger Service Agents
john john said:
DOH travel benefits is in the CBA with Fleet Service, Flight Attendants, Passenger Service Agents
Parker will put that to the test this summer. See how that pans out.

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