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LiveInAHotel said:
All flight attendants are brilliant. We know how to "work" the system to our advantage. 😉

Now get back to your suit-tie/9 to 5 job. 😉
You're kidding right? I get at least 2 callas a day from these brilliant FA's who do not know te difference between a 7 day and 30/7. Brilliant my ass. Your work group has just as many idiots as any other work group.
ONEFLYER, so what so you think flight attendants are worth? Pleasae tell us what Uli Derickison was worth during the Beruit hijacking that saved 150 lives. And please tell us what the lives of all the f/a's that lost their lives in 9/11 were worth.

Please tell us what we are worth as the first line of defense in a terrorist act on the aircraft with LOCKED COCKPIT DOORS.

Does it matter what an individual does outside of his or her regular job? Many people have two jobs. And YES being a f/a is a profession that most of us are proud of. Yes, we risk our lives every single day trying to protect our customers, including YOU.
I also have another job outside of my flying in which I earn 4-6 times over what I earn as a flight attendant. I have never complained about the paycuts, when justified. I am also intelligent enough to see the management waste at AA.
I also see the blatant disregard for us as human beings and employees.
I keep my job because I enjoy the flying, I love the people I work with. I fly with MD's, JD's, Authors, Accountants, Stock Brokers, and these are my crewmembers!
Believe me when I say alot of us don't do it for the money, but what we do is physically tiring and mentally at times. The lack of respect and support from AA just fuels our ire towards the injustice and hence we come on these boards.
If you look back at AA's history with their f/a's, every major change has come about by a class action lawsuit in which we have won! (Age, weight, etc...)
When will AA ever start treating us like adults with brains?
Until then we will respond exactly as they expect us to. I say wipe out those 2 or 3 floors at Centreport, absolutely noone, will notice they are gone! and this goes for all the "supervisory pork" also, noone will miss them and the company will save some money. 🙁
You are worth what exactly what the rest of us are worth in a capitalist society, what the market will bear to pay you. Fact is that F/A will not see or deserve pay increases until F/A start to leave the company. When AA can no longer fill planes with flight attendants because the salary is so long then AA will pay you more. Surely during your studies you learned about supply and demand. The fact is that there is vastly more supply (Qualified supply) than there is demand at the current rate.

And when you talk about the one in a billion heroic deed that flight attendants are known for, hell, you had to go back to a 1985?? hijacking to find one, you overlook the 3500 F/A that called in sick for July 4th, the many F/A who feel its their right to #### openly about the company in front of customers, you fail to mention that AA ranks almost dead last in in-flight product primarily because customers are sick of the attitude they get from F/A. I fly all the time and for every great flight attendant there is one that won't get up off their ass to serve a drink to a half full first class section on a DFW-AUS hop. No, I don't need the drink, no I'm not paying much, but the customers are and they deserve quality customer service no matter what they pay or how stupid you think you supervisor is.
As an addendum to the above post of mine, the majority of flight attendants work here as their main source of income! It is an insult to them to be continuosly disregarded by AA.
Just because you don't have the F-ing brains to understand what goes on a HDQ doesn't mean the people there are worthless. You are unbelievably ignorant. I a good analyst can save AA 10-20 times his salary a year, so maybe we get rid of them. Hell what do budgets, marketing, group sales, revenue management, or corporate finance have to do with flying airplanes? Hell lets just get rid of everyone at HDQ, we'll hire back all the flight attendants on furlough and will put them to work in our fuel hedge department, they all have JDs, MBAs (what are they good for anyway), or other graduate degrees, surely they can figure it out. Hey, they made it through a 6 week training course! Well start all F/A out at 100,000 a year and put 15 on ever S80, they'll get gourmet meals and stay at 5 star hotels for 2 days inbetween flights because we all know that working a 3 hour trip really wears you out. What a great airline that would be.
Calm down, I have never said get rid of all the mangement, I have said it is top heavy and this is according to experts at that other airline.
Your foul language is offensive and so are your insults.
My question to you, why are you here on this board. If you hate us so much, please do go fly Delta, or SW, or jetBlue. And if you are such a business traveler and analyst, how do you have so much time to be on this board?
My quess is that you are on one of those floors at headquarters that we feel should be gone!
And now my dear sir, please do go wash out that filthy mouth of yours with a nice bar of lye soap!
Oneflyer said:
This is a prime example of the contradiction that everyone but Flight Attendants see. How can you be too tired to work if you have time to go to school fulltime or hold another high paying job? Why do you think you deserve a fulltime salary if you can hold down another fulltime job while you're working?
(Sigh) because that was over 15 yrs ago and much younger, too. He did not say he went to school FULL time, worked FULL time and we don't fly FULL time. We did not have 13-15 hr days perpetually with 8 hr layovers now being the norm. We worked our trips and went home. Now the trips are extended (when we have class)
to many more days because of our wonderful union-give-away contract.
Let's see, work a 3day trip, juggle your classes on your days off and another job, too. Yes, I would be tired, educated, and still love to fly.....
Think before you so readily lash out at something you know nothing about... <_<
AAStew said:
Calm down, I have never said get rid of all the mangement, I have said it is top heavy and this is according to experts at that other airline.
Your foul language is offensive and so are your insults.
My question to you, why are you here on this board. If you hate us so much, please do go fly Delta, or SW, or jetBlue. And if you are such a business traveler and analyst, how do you have so much time to be on this board?
My quess is that you are on one of those floors at headquarters that we feel should be gone!
And now my dear sir, please do go wash out that filthy mouth of yours with a nice bar of lye soap!
As Live said in an earlier post:

"Yeah, what "she" said!! :up: "

(still laughing at that one, Live...)
how do you have so much time to be on this board?

You don't see any of my posts during business hours do? I'm actually very interested in hearing what the other side thinks. I've been reading this board for several months and I still haven't heard one decent idea from from a union member other than fire management. AA lost 160 million in the first quarter, if you fired half of the 45 most senior management, say 25 people, they may make 250,000 including benefits on average, thats about 8.25 million, you haven't solved anything!

Why do I get so angry, because F/A as a group seem to be bent on destroying AA by delivering such bad customer service. I get so sick of listening to people that know I work at AA tell me about how they would rather fly SWA or some other airline because F/A are so rude. Start being nice to people, its not that hard, help turn around the airline, then you'll get your raise, its that simple.
Oneflyer said:
You don't see any of my posts during business hours do? I'm actually very interested in hearing what the other side thinks. I've been reading this board for several months and I still haven't heard one decent idea from from a union member other than fire management. AA lost 160 million in the first quarter, if you fired half of the 45 most senior management, say 25 people, they may make 250,000 including benefits on average, thats about 8.25 million, you haven't solved anything!

Why do I get so angry, because F/A as a group seem to be bent on destroying AA by delivering such bad customer service. I get so sick of listening to people that know I work at AA tell me about how they would rather fly SWA or some other airline because F/A are so rude. Start being nice to people, its not that hard, help turn around the airline, then you'll get your raise, its that simple.
People like you would test the patience of God. Stop preaching and take your own advice...And i don't appreciate your filthy mouth, either. With that, you have no crediblity here. Good Night!

(that's 8.25 million more than we had before)
Oneflyer said:
If a flight attendants job is so hard and all the flight attendants are so brilliant why are they one of, if not the, lowest paid work groups?

Here's a hint, it would take AA about a week to replace the entire workgroup with people just as capable.

See, in America, other than unions, we work on a meritocracy, which means that the smartest, hardest working, most qualified people get the best jobs and the most money. Unlike unions, its not based on how old you are. Its not a random drawing, so when you see someone at the top level of management its safe to assume he/she did some to deserve it. When you see a F/A that has 30 years experience its safe to assume he/she either couldn't get a higher paying job or wasn't willing to put in the work to get one. Just because you've been doing something a long time doesn't mean you deserve more money. Every person I speak with constantly complains about the flight attendants at AA. Sure some F/A at AA are great, but where there is smoke there is fire.

People like LIVEINAHOTEL that are bitter at the world because the economic conditions are taking away their cushy lifestyle are AA's biggest problem.

That is a very idealistic view, meritocracy. It does not exist in AA management based on what I saw during my time there. I watched jobs "created" for people, thanks to the buddy system. When the RIF came (with NO recall), I watched incredibly brilliant people go to the unemployment line while the "skaters" remained onboard. If you were not a direct threat to your superior, you stayed on.

I hated going to work every day as an analyst. My department killed a tree a day with paperwork but no one wanted to address the real issue (YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH CLERKS). Just create a pretty colored report in Excel and I quote, "put your name on something".

I put my name on something, an application for flight attendant.

I chose to be a flight attendant. If that didn't happen, I was going to downgrade to be a gate agent again.

Unions are not perfect, management is not either. I chose a Union because it is more "fair" than management. I understand why many decisions are made (from a management standpoint) but a little goodwill would go a long way.

Flight attendants are a frightening work group. They are incredibly resourceful. Management cannot predict how we think. Pilots are pretty easy to predict but not flight attendants. Most F/As have a 4 year degree and probably something on the side. Many are pursuing a Nursing degree as I type this.

I work in this industry because I love aviation. After 8-1/2 years in the industry, I still pause to watch planes take off and land. Even if I complain on a BB, I still don't dread going to work. It's the rare person who doesn't despise their job.

I took a $10,000/yr paycut to not despise showing up for work. I don't regret it.

galleyguy4u2 said:
ONEFLYER, so what so you think flight attendants are worth? Pleasae tell us what Uli Derickison was worth during the Beruit hijacking that saved 150 lives. And please tell us what the lives of all the f/a's that lost their lives in 9/11 were worth.

Please tell us what we are worth as the first line of defense in a terrorist act on the aircraft with LOCKED COCKPIT DOORS.

Does it matter what an individual does outside of his or her regular job? Many people have two jobs. And YES being a f/a is a profession that most of us are proud of. Yes, we risk our lives every single day trying to protect our customers, including YOU.

I have to tell you a story from TWA-LLC training...

we watched that video and laughed cynically when the fuel had to be paid for and Uli pulled out her card.

She was a hero.

Those on 9/11 only did what they were trained to do. :angry:

I lost one of my best friends on AA11, she never worked that flight, I did.

I was very vindicated by hearing Betty Ong talking with RES. That was Betty Ong. I had worked with her, it was my privilege.

flydcoop said:
I lost one of my best friends on AA11, she never worked that flight, I did.
🙁 Please accept my condolences. It's hard enough to lose a good friend, but it's much harder when you do so under such circumstances. I do hope you've managed to forgive yourself, because I know that is one of the hardest things to do when fate steps in the way it did there.
Garfield1966 said:
You're kidding right? I get at least 2 callas a day from these brilliant FA's who do not know te difference between a 7 day and 30/7. Brilliant my ass. Your work group has just as many idiots as any other work group.

First of all get a Webster's 😉 ! Those few that call you are dumb I guess. That makes you just as dumb if not more for giving out your home or cell number to flight attendants. You must really miss working for AA. JetBlue is still hiring crew schedulers. You would have to move to NYC and your attitude would get you creamed in the Big Apple. If you apply, please change the tude or you will never make it in NYC.

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