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If I may add a comment about management:
At Tw we had "satellite" bases. It took a long time to convince the company and
we had to have enough F/A's living there, that schedules could be generated to show "savings" to the company. It took about 2 yrs to get our FLL satellite.
We did NOT have "Supervisors, Secs.,...." that would have cost money. We were
to handle our base, or we would LOSE it...Period. We were treated as adults!!
A comment was made when AA came in, "You mean you don't have anyone supervising these F/A's, Pilots???"--aghast. No!!! If one of us couldn't make a trip, we all had contact numbers and the trips were "always covered", eliminating Deadheading F/A's from STL-another savings.
If there was a mind-set like this, maybe it would "trim" AA, and not feel like
Big Brother was "watching you", too.
Calling the scheduler and telling them you had "it covered" was like giving them
the winning lottery number, they were great...
For: Imagolfer & others of his blief.

You comment that management took the biggest share of cuts.

Here in aircraft maintenance the cut should have been x2 factor. We are still way over with "non aviation" people. People who don't have a clue about fixing airplanes. They got some kind of degree in "basket weaving" and got hired via the "buddy" system. Now they just sit around and "think" a lot and come up with still more ways to impede the repair of airplanes. Not that it is intentional on their part--they just don't have a clue. But they got the power.

Should not have non-aviation people responsible for aviation decisions.
LiveInAHotel said:
I could careless what this person does on their own time, but if they side with management they do have problems.
OK, let's see if I have it right this time:

If someone thinks anything management says is right, they must be slackers.

Do I understand you correctly yet?
fix_airplanes said:
Should not have non-aviation people responsible for aviation decisions.
See, that's a tough one. Because we also shouldn't have non-business people responsible for business decisions. Just because someone understands how to repair an engine doesn't mean they understand how to manage a supply chain.

You really need both, but you need them to listen to each other. It's hard to do that when one is union and the other is not; the union battles get in the way of the business.
woztwa said:
If I may add a comment about management:
At Tw we had "satellite" bases. It took a long time to convince the company and
we had to have enough F/A's living there, that schedules could be generated to show "savings" to the company. It took about 2 yrs to get our FLL satellite.
We did NOT have "Supervisors, Secs.,...." that would have cost money. We were
to handle our base, or we would LOSE it...Period. We were treated as adults!!
A comment was made when AA came in, "You mean you don't have anyone supervising these F/A's, Pilots???"--aghast. No!!! If one of us couldn't make a trip, we all had contact numbers and the trips were "always covered", eliminating Deadheading F/A's from STL-another savings.
If there was a mind-set like this, maybe it would "trim" AA, and not feel like
Big Brother was "watching you", too.
Calling the scheduler and telling them you had "it covered" was like giving them
the winning lottery number, they were great...
That is a wonderful attitude. Unfortunately, AA treats us like children and in return we act like them. It is an ugly cycle that I do not see ending. I tell others in the business world about the mangement tactics at AA and everone's comment to me, is why do you stay?
The truth is AA just doesn't get it! They never will. They bite off their nose to spite their face. If they had an attitude like that you claim was at TWA, their absences within the flight attendant group would go down.
Personally, I am not sure why I stay. I think it is for the Medical Benefits. Plus that vagabond spirit thing, I feel sorry for you guys when you do come back (TWA'rs).
This compnay culture is so embedded, that it just makes you think of ways to screw it!

As for getting rid of flight attendants, you can't! The FAA still requires a minimum of one warm breathing body per 50 seats. Until AA can figure out a way to clone us as robots, they are stuck with us. But those middle management people are absolutely not necessary!

But didnt the FAA use to require 3 pilots up front and two engines on each wing. Technology advances, which are still occuring today changed all that. What makes you think we may not go to self serve slurpy and super size coke fountains right next to the vending machines? Dont give me that we save your life bull either.
AAStew said:
That is a wonderful attitude. Unfortunately, AA treats us like children and in return we act like them. It is an ugly cycle that I do not see ending. I tell others in the business world about the mangement tactics at AA and everone's comment to me, is why do you stay?
The truth is AA just doesn't get it! They never will. They bite off their nose to spite their face. If they had an attitude like that you claim was at TWA, their absences within the flight attendant group would go down.
Personally, I am not sure why I stay. I think it is for the Medical Benefits. Plus that vagabond spirit thing, I feel sorry for you guys when you do come back (TWA'rs).
This compnay culture is so embedded, that it just makes you think of ways to screw it!
Hey Stew,

Fortunatly for us at TWA we had a wonderful group of people that came from OZARK. They were the most fun, down to earth people to work/play with. They totally influenced our culture in a positive way. (and they all went ahead of me in seniority) We gained alot from them....In hindsight I think AA could have done the same with us.
Okay, I won't give you the bull, but until that day that they can replace us with automation, you still need us. And YOU may be able to help yourself out in an emergency, but I have seen enough people who can't even figure out a seatbelt, so go figure, they might actually need us for something else besides handing out pretzels!! :lol:
And btw, those slurpy fountains would probably cost more than a live body, so yeah they will still need us. But you can start petitioning the FAA with your arguments, good luck!!!! :up:
SkyLiner said:
Hey Stew,

Fortunatly for us at TWA we had a wonderful group of people that came from OZARK. They were the most fun, down to earth people to work/play with. They totally influenced our culture in a positive way. (and they all went ahead of me in seniority) We gained alot from them....In hindsight I think AA could have done the same with us.
Well, like I said, I hope you all do come back soon, but we are so big still, and that ugly mindset is so pervasive, well maybe you all could help change the culture.
Hope springs eternal, n'est-ce pas?
AAStew said:
Well, like I said, I hope you all do come back soon, but we are so big still, and that ugly mindset is so pervasive, well maybe you all could help change the culture.
Hope springs eternal, n'est-ce pas?
You sound like one of us Stew. I wanna buddy bid with you and JimnTx one of these days.
Whats a shame is that ideas like our old Satellite bases, dry salvage kits, single engine taxis, on time programs, etc are just wasted on AA. They won't acknowledge that anything we did at TWA was good, its easier to tell us how bad we were and how we had no hope or chance or anything else. They even have their own people believing that, in order to feel better about what they did to us. Its easier to take our planes and our jobs that way.

History has a nasty habit of repeating itself, and the AA'ers could have listened to what we had learned over the years of downsizing and bankruptcy. But no, its easier to say we didn't know what we were doing, and to hate us rather than to take a minute and listen. (The joke of a contract the F/As "negotiated" last year is just one example).

This blind "TWA people are bad" view is playing right into the hands of AA management. They must be laughing in the boardrooms down in DFW.


Its amazing that we were able to do so much with so little... JD Power Awards, On Time performance, Trans World One, the Papal Charters, etc... can you imagine what we could have been with all the resources AA has at their disposal?
N905TW said:
can you imagine what we could have been with all the resources AA has at their disposal?
In business. 🙁 I miss the old TWA...the one from the days before Icahn.
with so many brilliant people in this forum, you would think you would all be the CEO of your own airline. I have yet to see anything constructive or positive at all. But this is the minority of the airline. The minority is usually the loudest and bit++ the loudest.

Now go right ahead and call me a slacker, union hater, and every other childish thing you can think of. In the end you will all be bitter and angry and I will go on with life and play the hand that it dealt me.
cw2usarmy said:

As for getting rid of flight attendants, you can't! The FAA still requires a minimum of one warm breathing body per 50 seats. Until AA can figure out a way to clone us as robots, they are stuck with us. But those middle management people are absolutely not necessary!

But didnt the FAA use to require 3 pilots up front and two engines on each wing. Technology advances, which are still occuring today changed all that. What makes you think we may not go to self serve slurpy and super size coke fountains right next to the vending machines? Dont give me that we save your life bull either.
Oh yes I will. I guess you will be the first line of defense next to your Slurpy machine and handle 2-3 terrorists. I guess you can hadle a heart attack victim and will know how to operate the AED. I guess YOU will know how to deliver a baby at 39,000 or handle a miscarriage with profuse bleeding. I guess YOU will know how to operate all emergency equipment and the location of it. I guess YOU will know how to brief or prepare your fellow passenger for an emergency. I guess YOU know how to handle phyically challenged passengers. I guess YOU know how to handle connection information. I guess YOU will take care of kids traveling alone. I guess YOU will handle a Sky Rage passenger. I guess You are going to monitor and reprimand passenger who are smoking in the lavatory. I guess YOU are going to pre-flight the cabin.


You are a JERK!!!!
operaations said:
with so many brilliant people in this forum, you would think you would all be the CEO of your own airline. I have yet to see anything constructive or positive at all. But this is the minority of the airline. The minority is usually the loudest and bit++ the loudest.

Now go right ahead and call me a slacker, union hater, and every other childish thing you can think of. In the end you will all be bitter and angry and I will go on with life and play the hand that it dealt me.
I will take the first shot:

You're a screw scheduler and the majority of the flight attendants don't like your type. Beisdes crew schedluers are not to brilliant. Why do you guys try and challenge a flight attendant on legalities, knowing scheduling is wrong? Remember you have a copy of our CBA on your desk.

We actually are a very brilliant work group! Flight Attendants know how to work it! :up: