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Nobody Would Miss Them.....!


Thank-You. I still don't understand why the people that were on that flight, were on that flight. If that makes sense. By that time, I had transferred to MIA. I was supposed to do Standby at MIA just like Jean Roger did that morning.

In BOS, YOU NEVER FLEW ON SBY. You were bored senseless.

I really bristle when people accuse them of a shortcoming. I had flown with 5 of them and they were total professionals. I was called out on Reserve to be Betty Ong's (Purser Qualified) #5 (galley). I cannot describe how great she was. I remember she had 8 PFA (Professional Flight Attendant Awards). She treated me with utmost respect. She could have been pissed off that I was junior and she had to deal with how I worked the galley. She did not.

The last 2 weeks of August 2001, I continually saw Betty and Bobbi (Barbara Arestigui) in Long Beach, CA. I was on the same rotation as they were. I took Bobbi on the MIA 777 and she said, "Oh no, I will keep my 767-200, thank-you very much!"

I don't really want to recall how I found out Jeannie was on that flight.

Our training made them react the way they did. Amy called BOS OPS and thought they were landing in NYC. Betty called RES (and spoke to someone I used to work for). They were instrumental in getting the system shut down.

It should have been shut down sooner.

mweiss said:
It's about a larger supply of people who want the job than the demand for people to do the job.
So true. So true.

Sadly, it is true for all of us. Layoffs at AA and other airlines have assured that it will be that way for a long time.

Every time AA lowers the hiring standards, there is automatically a larger supply of people who want the job. This allows them to lower the wages.

Remember when stewardesses had to have a 4 year degree?
Wretched Wrench said:
Remember when stewardesses had to have a 4 year degree?
I clearly remember those days. Times have change within the industry.
Rusty Bullethole said:
Me personally, whenever I fly, I don't look at an F/A and think.......I feel safe because they are on this flight. I just hope that they make me feel comfortable. Let's face it, if the planes gonna crash, the F/A isn't going to be a guardian angel and save you, there in as much sh!t as you are and stand as much a chance of survival.
May I suggest that you visit this site TWA Flight 843
AAStew said:
I also have another job outside of my flying in which I earn 4-6 times over what I earn as a flight attendant. I have never complained about the paycuts, when justified. I am also intelligent enough to see the management waste at AA.
I also see the blatant disregard for us as human beings and employees.
I keep my job because I enjoy the flying, I love the people I work with. I fly with MD's, JD's, Authors, Accountants, Stock Brokers, and these are my crewmembers!
Believe me when I say alot of us don't do it for the money, but what we do is physically tiring and mentally at times. The lack of respect and support from AA just fuels our ire towards the injustice and hence we come on these boards.
If you look back at AA's history with their f/a's, every major change has come about by a class action lawsuit in which we have won! (Age, weight, etc...)
When will AA ever start treating us like adults with brains?
Until then we will respond exactly as they expect us to. I say wipe out those 2 or 3 floors at Centreport, absolutely noone, will notice they are gone! and this goes for all the "supervisory pork" also, noone will miss them and the company will save some money. 🙁
aastew.....as a furloughed flight attendant who's looking for work, can you please tell me what your other job is? i need to make some money, and have no idea what i'd like to do after flying for 32 years. i do have a college degree and have completed some medical assistant training. whatever your other job is, the money is obviously good, and that's what i need right now!!! thanks. 😀
It is Design/Build firm I have with my husband. He is a wonderful designer (architectural/landascape architecture). He designs and sells, I work on the office with the contractual and office manager type of deal. We have other designers and architects working for us plus additional sales people. Thank God the DC market is doinf very well.
In this area we have a shortage of trades though, electricians,painters, plumbers, roofers. I know that probably won't help you but I think the key is to move where the jobs are. We pay laborors starting pay of 15-17 per hour. So you can imagine how small the employment pool is if we are paying that.
Have you though of going back to school and becoming a physician's assistant?
They perform virtually everything an MD does except surgery. Starting pay in our area is about &88,000 a year and SHenendoah University has a special program where they forgive your loan if you agree to practice in a rural area.
And don't give up hope, I really think after the 777 payout we will see large numbers retire. Best to you and I do feel for you, being furloughed 3 different times from different airlines, I know what it is like to want to do this job!
AAStew said:
In this area we have a shortage of trades though, electricians,painters, plumbers, roofers. I know that probably won't help you but I think the key is to move where the jobs are. We pay laborors starting pay of 15-17 per hour. So you can imagine how small the employment pool is if we are paying that.
AAStew, out of curiousity, may I ask what you pay electricians and plumbers?

We sub-contract that out, but I can tell you that electriccala contractors charge us $50-100 dollars an hour for work not including parts. This includes theiir insurance and workmans comp. Plumbers are the worse, our area is the 2nd highest paid area for plumbers in the nation. New York City being the highest paid. Plus they are all primadonnas (you guys think f/a's are bad). But I can't tell you what they earn as we pay on a contract basis. (We give them a plan and they price it out)
Ah, yes. This has now officially evolved into the "I'm so beaten down and overworked by AA, but let me tell you about my exciting second career" thread...
LaBradford22 said:
Ah, yes. This has now officially evolved into the "I'm so beaten down and overworked by AA, but let me tell you about my exciting second career" thread...
It's also f/a's looking for gainful employment. I have a few friends on furlough and can't find any work. Most employers don't want to hire someone who is subject to recalll from their last employer. Why waste the time to hire and spend time training a new hire if they plan on leaving at any given time?
I agree. Finally a thread where there is no mud slinging Hey even the TWA'ers and the Natives are being civil to each other. Hopefully this will continue on other threads even when we disagree. 😀
😀 thank you, aa stew, for your prompt reply. sounds lovely...architecture and landscape design..two of my favorite things. would jump on them in a minute if i had any training in either. i have a friend in dc who woks for christoper smith, who takes distressed properties, and rehabs them for residential or business use. are you familiar with that firm?
AAStew said:
Plumbers are the worse, our area is the 2nd highest paid area for plumbers in the nation. New York City being the highest paid. Plus they are all primadonnas (you guys think f/a's are bad).
LOL. My cat is named Stewardess (because she thinks she is a Princess)

Perhaps I should rename her "Plumber".

Heck, she doesn't answer to her name, anyway.

I am at a loss to understand why plumbers make so much more than electricians.

I'm glad for you that you don't have to depend on this industry for your income and benefits.

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