The WeAAsle won't admit it on this forum but he wants AMFA to get enough
cards so there will be a vote.
Actually couldn't care less. Just can't stand some of the BS artists on this Forums. If you ever get it I wish you the best of luck.
He dislikes the Association as much as the rest
of us so he becomes "The enemy of our enemy is our antagonist".
Don't dislike the ideology behind an Association or Partnership between Unions. It's actually a very smart idea. Don't like some of the items and how they're written in the agreement though.
The Association was negotiated on the TWU side by a guy who is gone, and
I'am sure better off financially for it. If AMFA can guarantee a vote the TWU is
in a no lose situation, sure they will most likely lose the mechanics (but then
again stranger things have happened).
But even if they lose title 1, they will pick up all the rest of the title groups at
at USair = a wash. But the Association will be history.
You have 6 days. I just very much doubt it's going to happen? And "if" it doesn't you'll all probably spend another 52 years hanging on to the dream.
Smart idea? Give me one benefit a LAA employee will see with the Association vrs. the normal representation changes
in an airline merger?
If it is such a good idea why didn't the two unions bring the idea back for a vote or at least an opinion of our elected
officials? My local pres. told me in a informal shop meeting he learned about it when we did.
Dream? A little bit over the top don't you think? Its more like finding a cure for hemorrhoids , as long as they are still
there being a pain in your ass you are going to keep looking for a way to get rid of them.