No to the Alliance!

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The Association is a total (and obvious) scam. Each union will blame the other for their failures. While the company laughs all the way to the bank squandering their billions in profits on executive bonuses. If you thought the twu was ineffective get ready for twice the disaster.
Vortilon said:
Are you really attempting to compare a TWU international president's position with the POTUS?  Not even close.
Figured you were a progresssssive.
Ok well here's the TWU Constitution for you to read.

Now I asked Bob TWICE if his Local checked through any Legal means if there was any way out of the Association? No response both times? What does that tell you? 

What that tells me is yes they did check with Lawyers and that's why Gary Petersen wrote that impassioned letter to the NMB as President of Local 591 instead. (I read it) Nothing personal to Gary but I don't think all of those cases were discovered and written by him? That was written by a Legal team.

Why would the question NOT be answered by anyone in that Local who has the authority to do so?

His petition to the NMB was rejected because they stated he was not in authority to object to the Association. And the NMB has sole discretion on these matters.
Zom JFK said:
The Association is a total (and obvious) scam. Each union will blame the other for their failures. While the company laughs all the way to the bank squandering their billions in profits on executive bonuses. If you thought the twu was ineffective get ready for twice the disaster.
I guess you have a Crystal Ball to go along with those lightning bolts you're firing from your fingertips in your Avatar picture?

I don't own a Crystal Ball.
"And when you have ridden three days from the city last mentioned, between north-east and north, you come to a city called Chandu, which was built by the Khan now reigning. There is at this place a very fine marble palace, the rooms of which are all gilt and painted with figures of men and beasts and birds, and with a variety of trees and flowers, all executed with such exquisite art that you regard them with delight and astonishment.
Round this Palace a wall is built, inclosing a compass of 16 miles, and inside the Park there are fountains and rivers and brooks, and beautiful meadows, with all kinds of wild animals (excluding such as are of ferocious nature), which the Emperor has procured and placed there to supply food for his gerfalcons and hawks, which he keeps there in mew. Of these there are more than 200 gerfalcons alone, without reckoning the other hawks. The Khan himself goes every week to see his birds sitting in mew, and sometimes he rides through the park with a leopard behind him on his horse's croup; and then if he sees any animal that takes his fancy, he slips his leopard at it, and the game when taken is made over to feed the hawks in mew. This he does for diversion.
Moreover at a spot in the Park where there is a charming wood he has another Palace built of cane, of which I must give you a description. It is gilt all over, and most elaborately finished inside. It is stayed on gilt and lacquered columns, on each of which is a dragon all gilt, the tail of which is attached to the column whilst the head supports the architrave, and the claws likewise are stretched out right and left to support the architrave. The roof, like the rest, is formed of canes, covered with a varnish so strong and excellent that no amount of rain will rot them. These canes are a good 3 palms in girth, and from 10 to 15 paces in length. They are cut across at each knot, and then the pieces are split so as to form from each two hollow tiles, and with these the house is roofed; only every such tile of cane has to be nailed down to prevent the wind from lifting it. In short, the whole Palace is built of these canes, which I may mention serve also for a great variety of other useful purposes. The construction of the Palace is so devised that it can be taken down and put up again with great celerity; and it can all be taken to pieces and removed whithersoever the Emperor may command. When erected, it is braced against mishaps from the wind by more than 200 cords of silk.
The Khan abides at this Park of his, dwelling sometimes in the Marble Palace and sometimes in the Cane Palace for three months of the year, to wit, June, July and August; preferring this residence because it is by no means hot; in fact it is a very cool place. When the 28th day of [the Moon of] August arrives he takes his departure, and the Cane Palace is taken to pieces."
WeAAsles said:
I guess you have a Crystal Ball to go along with those lightning bolts you're firing from your fingertips in your Avatar picture?

I don't own a Crystal Ball.
Do we really need one to see through this farce?
WeAAsles said:
My #1 reason in a nutshell:


In 2014, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who were
members of unions--was 11.1 percent, down 0.2 percentage point from 2013, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The number of wage and salary workers
belonging to unions, at 14.6 million, was little different from 2013. In 1983, the
first year for which comparable union data are available, the union membership rate
was 20.1 percent, and there were 17.7 million union workers.

In 2014, 7.2 million employees in the public sector belonged to a union, compared with
7.4 million workers in the private sector. The union membership rate for public-sector
workers (35.7 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private-sector workers
(6.6 percent).
Within the public sector, the union membership rate was highest for local
government (41.9 percent), which includes employees in heavily unionized occupations, such
as teachers, police officers, and firefighters. In the private sector, industries with
high unionization rates included utilities (22.3 percent), transportation and warehousing
(19.6 percent)
, telecommunications (14.8 percent), and construction (13.9 percent). Low
unionization rates occurred in agriculture and related industries (1.1 percent), finance
(1.3 percent), professional and technical services (1.4 percent), and food services and
drinking places (1.4 percent).

Yea much better idea for Unions to fight against each other right? REAL SMART!!!!! :huh:
Not fighting, VOTING!! Let each unions past performance and future vision rule.
Nobody is talking about going non union! Your union numbers reason does not apply here.
But while you mentioned it maybe the union numbers are falling because the leaderships
do not always do what is best for its members. Their jobs are agents of its members, to 
be their voice.
chilokie1 said:
Not fighting, VOTING!! Let each unions past performance and future vision rule.
Nobody is talking about going non union! Your union numbers reason does not apply here.

I would have loved that. And in a perfect World where ALL give 100% to their Unions and are educated that vote would have went in the direction of the elected Leaders opinion with a 100% YES vote of confidence.

We don't live in that perfect World and everybody today wants more what's best for THEMSELVES over the collective. 
chilokie1 said:
But while you mentioned it maybe the union numbers are falling because the leaderships
do not always do what is best for its members. Their jobs are agents of its members, to 
be their voice.

Absolutely part of it. But again our Members have multiple voices instead of ONE. You guys on this Forum's page think your voices are the only one's that matter and will continue to push your advocacy for that. In the meantime when other voices make their opinions known they're belittled as if they have no clue what they are talking about of shouldn't talk at all.

BTW IF we do vote after the 4 days is up you also do know that the decision to vote for something that has the potential to throw us in a NON Union status was something drawn up by Politicians who did and do not want you to be organized.
Zom JFK said:
Do we really need one to see through this farce?
Doesn't matter because you don't have one, and you also have no clue what direction we're going to go in for the future?
Not to get too far off track but, I'm wondering why our contract still has the language for $9 buy out of sick time when that was in our BK language? I think the NC did a great job in getting us to this point, but $9 compared to your base rate?.....Mybe that was overlooked or maybe the company doesn't really want to get rid of it's older workforce. Anyways, 4 more days till this is all said and done. Then we push on without outside influences.......
mike33 said:
Not to get too far off track but, I'm wondering why our contract still has the language for $9 buy out of sick time when that was in our BK language? I think the NC did a great job in getting us to this point, but $9 compared to your base rate?.....Mybe that was overlooked or maybe the company doesn't really want to get rid of it's older workforce. Anyways, 4 more days till this is all said and done. Then we push on without outside influences.......
Mike not sure what your $9.00 buy out means but is it $9.00 per hour? In Fleet we still get $25.00 "Per Day" for our sick time buyout.
WeAAsles said:
Mike not sure what your $9.00 buy out means but is it $9.00 per hour? In Fleet we still get $25.00 "Per Day" for our sick time buyout.
Does Fleet only get half pay on their first sick day? 
​I am wondering when they do allow the cash out at $25 per day, if the half pay on the first will somehow be calculated in?
Buck said:
Does Fleet only get half pay on their first sick day? 
​I am wondering when they do allow the cash out at $25 per day, if the half pay on the first will somehow be calculated in?
No Fleet does not. The reason why is because your group exchanged that half day part to keep something else that they wanted. Our group did not make that exchange for something else. Simple as that. 

The second part actually doesn't make sense? You're not calling in sick, you're cashing out. 

If you had 800 hours when you retired they would give you 100 days times $25.00 or $2500.00 before taxes.
WeAAsles said:
I would have loved that. And in a perfect World where ALL give 100% to their Unions and are educated that vote would have went in the direction of the elected Leaders opinion with a 100% YES vote of confidence.

We don't live in that perfect World and everybody today wants more what's best for THEMSELVES over the collective. 

Absolutely part of it. But again our Members have multiple voices instead of ONE. You guys on this Forum's page think your voices are the only one's that matter and will continue to push your advocacy for that. In the meantime when other voices make their opinions known they're belittled as if they have no clue what they are talking about of shouldn't talk at all.

BTW IF we do vote after the 4 days is up you also do know that the decision to vote for something that has the potential to throw us in a NON Union status was something drawn up by Politicians who did and do not want you to be organized.
And in a perfect world we would have a perfect union pres. who can never make a wrong or corrupt 
decision, I agree mob rule can be just as bad if they are wrong and then the union pres. can overrule. But 
on the other hand he better be able to back up his decision on why the mob was wrong, in our case
he just decided to make a decision in a major direction change and he is not here to justify that decision,
or see it implemented. 
I agree there are lots of other voices out there, but the Sheople is a very quiet sort and don't like to make
a fuss. They just follow their herder around and are quite content, even when they are being fleeced they 
they just whimper a bit. Not much spunk in that lot, especially when reruns of Bah Bah Blacksheep are on.
chilokie1 said:
And in a perfect world we would have a perfect union pres. who can never make a wrong or corrupt 
decision, I agree mob rule can be just as bad if they are wrong and then the union pres. can overrule. But 
on the other hand he better be able to back up his decision on why the mob was wrong, in our case
he just decided to make a decision in a major direction change and he is not here to justify that decision,
or see it implemented. 
I agree there are lots of other voices out there, but the Sheople is a very quiet sort and don't like to make
a fuss. They just follow their herder around and are quite content, even when they are being fleeced they 
they just whimper a bit. Not much spunk in that lot, especially when reruns of Bah Bah Blacksheep are on.
This was good Archie. A nondescript generalization. It can be put into a lot of context.

Don't forget why that guy is no longer here though. He was basically overthrown. That's not exactly a well kept secret.
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