No to the Alliance!

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psa8979 said:
My #1 issue when filling out survey form for ASSOCIATION JCBA Committee  when they go to table with DP/AAL is a Early Out Package similar to what was negotiated with IAM D-141 F/S Brothers/Sisters at UA/CO . But ! more $$$ then what was agreed to by UA/CO Membership . Yes Brother WAA on 8/9/15 it will be 36 yrs. and 41 yrs. in Industry . I turn 60 3/30/17 . GOD willing and a dignified EOP i like many other's (50 % +) will retire . A Win Win for both AAL inc. and the ASSOCIATION Membership . 

Thank you for your honesty PSA but the reality is that at least at LAA the average age is around 50 YO. I can see why that would be your #1 item on the survey since it supports what YOU would want for YOU. But again I'm not interested in subsidizing that for you to the "possible" detriment of other areas of our contract. You stated that the people below you should get "modest increases" so that means to me that you are asking the rest of us to foot the bill for your departure. "sorry no"

American Airlines right now is fully financially capable of offering you an enticement to retire or resign without asking any of us to pay for that. I also have said before that I believe they are preparing for the day when they will offer some type of package? With all of the people they have been hiring the past year it looks as if there is a transitioning going on to bring in a younger workforce? As more and more of them come online and become proficient in the job your dream just may come true? 

But if I were in your shoes I would still have a set final day that I'm out of here. Don't let yourself be the donkey trying to get the carrot on a stick. I've seen too many donkey's in my career already.
WeAAsles said:
Thank you for your opinion since you don't even work for either AA or US but in fact work for SWA and have no attachment to our issues.

Just yesterday you wrote:

"Anyone expecting a contract anytime soon is sadly mistaken.  We won't even have one this year and this is the way the company wants it in order to please the investors first.  I would actually be shocked if we have anything to vote on by Jan 1, 2016.  With the way the company is delaying and delaying setting only one meet date in 3 months is just proof of what they are doing on purpose.  This Aug will be 3 years since amendable date, maybe after this date the company will start to get serious about settling a contract like they claim they want to do but we all know it's just smoke and mirrors."

I'm not sure but perhaps it's you who needs to start considering different representation? It's quite obvious that the one you currently have is not having any affect against your management in securing you a new contract if you're pushing 3 years now with not a hint of an end in sight? 

It might be high time for YOU to open your eyes!!! :huh:
Guess they could take a pay cut to match ours to secure a deal.  Take your own advice and butt out, but wait, the international is watching you. Keep posting and you may get the nod from them and become one of the appointees to the club. Isn't this what you so seek by all these posts?  Setting yourself up as some elitist rising above the fray so the international will take notice? Look at me Lombardo I drink the koolaid, can I sit on your lap? You're disgusting dude!      
C'mon Scorp, weaasles is just a random MIA baggage handler.  Well, at least that is his story.  Maybe we could have "AMFA in MIA" verify.
scorpion 2 said:
Guess they could take a pay cut to match ours to secure a deal.  Take your own advice and butt out, but wait, the international is watching you. Keep posting and you may get the nod from them and become one of the appointees to the club. Isn't this what you so seek by all these posts?  Setting yourself up as some elitist rising above the fray so the international will take notice? Look at me Lombardo I drink the koolaid, can I sit on your lap? You're disgusting dude!      
Quite the contrary. I just really enjoying throwing wrenches in your gears to watch them come grinding to a halt so you have to keep getting called out to "TRY" and make repairs.

One of your own spectacular organizers, right in the thick of belonging to your holy pedestal group comes on here and says how "BAD" things are going right now and all you can do is take a swipe at me? LMFAO. You better not be thinking about sending that guy door to door with his busted vacuum cleaners.

C'mon man, sell your product. You got 7 days left to hit the mark. Stop focusing on those who just are a distraction like myself. You can't control yourself can you?

You got all these people reading the thread. They're coming here because they want YOU to convince them why they need your product. All I'm doing is yelling from across the street behind the tree warning the neighbors. What's the matter? Am I bothering you?

Get those cards man. Get those cards. Ignore me.
Vortilon said:
C'mon Scorp, weaasles is just a random MIA baggage handler.  Well, at least that is his story.  Maybe we could have "AMFA in MIA" verify.
He already did. ;)
WeAAsles said:
Thank you for your opinion since you don't even work for either AA or US but in fact work for SWA and have no attachment to our issues.

Just yesterday you wrote:

"Anyone expecting a contract anytime soon is sadly mistaken.  We won't even have one this year and this is the way the company wants it in order to please the investors first.  I would actually be shocked if we have anything to vote on by Jan 1, 2016.  With the way the company is delaying and delaying setting only one meet date in 3 months is just proof of what they are doing on purpose.  This Aug will be 3 years since amendable date, maybe after this date the company will start to get serious about settling a contract like they claim they want to do but we all know it's just smoke and mirrors."

I'm not sure but perhaps it's you who needs to start considering different representation? It's quite obvious that the one you currently have is not having any affect against your management in securing you a new contract if you're pushing 3 years now with not a hint of an end in sight? 

It might be high time for YOU to open your eyes!!! :huh:
Trust me. I would hands down take AMFA over your TWU any day of the week.  By far AMFA is the better choice.  I may not work for AA or US but I am a member of AMFA who would love to see the AA mechanics get on board to help AMFA prosper and become larger and stronger.  AMFA should be representing ALL aircraft mechanics thru-out the industry...
swamt said:
Trust me. I would hands down take AMFA over your TWU any day of the week.

Enjoying your busted vacuum cleaners huh?

 By far AMFA is the better choice.

For what?

 I may not work for AA or US but I am a member of AMFA who would love to see the AA mechanics get on board to HELP AMFA prosper and become larger and stronger.

Oh yea I agree. They need all the help they can get.

 AMFA should be representing ALL aircraft mechanics thru-out the industry...

I guess in your mind they should since the AA guys never bought into it. 52 years and counting now.
Thanks for your response. 
WeAAsles said:
Quite the contrary. I just really enjoying throwing wrenches in your gears to watch them come grinding to a halt so you have to keep getting called out to "TRY" and make repairs.

One of your own spectacular organizers, right in the thick of belonging to your holy pedestal group comes on here and says how "BAD" things are going right now and all you can do is take a swipe at me? LMFAO. You better not be thinking about sending that guy door to door with his busted vacuum cleaners.

C'mon man, sell your product. You got 7 days left to hit the mark. Stop focusing on those who just are a distraction like myself. You can't control yourself can you?

You got all these people reading the thread. They're coming here because they want YOU to convince them why they need your product. All I'm doing is yelling from across the street behind the tree warning the neighbors. What's the matter? Am I bothering you?

Get those cards man. Get those cards. Ignore me.
"One of your own spectacular organizers"?  Really??  When you know more about what you are talking about, then you can post. You too are now getting to be just like the some other industrial union cheerleaders out here.  Keep posting you are doing a fine job for AMFA rather TWU/association...
swamt said:
"One of your own spectacular organizers"?  Really??

I was being facetious. Actually as an organizer you're very bad.

 When you know more about what you are talking about, then you can post.

I'm already posting. Have you devised a plan to stop me?

You too are now getting to be just like the some other industrial union cheerleaders out here.

I am?

 Keep posting you are doing a fine job for AMFA rather TWU/association...

You live in your own little world don't you?
Thanks again for your response.
WeAAsles said:
Quite the contrary. I just really enjoying throwing wrenches in your gears to watch them come grinding to a halt so you have to keep getting called out to "TRY" and make repairs.
One of your own spectacular organizers, right in the thick of belonging to your holy pedestal group comes on here and says how "BAD" things are going right now and all you can do is take a swipe at me? LMFAO. You better not be thinking about sending that guy door to door with his busted vacuum cleaners.
C'mon man, sell your product. You got 7 days left to hit the mark. Stop focusing on those who just are a distraction like myself. You can't control yourself can you?
You got all these people reading the thread. They're coming here because they want YOU to convince them why they need your product. All I'm doing is yelling from across the street behind the tree warning the neighbors. What's the matter? Am I bothering you?
Get those cards man. Get those cards. Ignore me.
What about the individuals who are not necessarily Amfa per se, but are fine with the TWU representation for now but disagree with the Association and would like to vote on this Association. With the horse trading ratios clause in the Association agreement it is possible to get shifted into the IAM.What are your pearls of wisdom for these people?
WeAAsles said:
Thank you for your honesty PSA but the reality is that at least at LAA the average age is around 50 YO. I can see why that would be your #1 item on the survey since it supports what YOU would want for YOU. But again I'm not interested in subsidizing that for you to the "possible" detriment of other areas of our contract. You stated that the people below you should get "modest increases" so that means to me that you are asking the rest of us to foot the bill for your departure. "sorry no"

American Airlines right now is fully financially capable of offering you an enticement to retire or resign without asking any of us to pay for that. I also have said before that I believe they are preparing for the day when they will offer some type of package? With all of the people they have been hiring the past year it looks as if there is a transitioning going on to bring in a younger workforce? As more and more of them come online and become proficient in the job your dream just may come true? 

But if I were in your shoes I would still have a set final day that I'm out of here. Don't let yourself be the donkey trying to get the carrot on a stick. I've seen too many donkey's in my career already.
The last package that was offered to get people out was and is the last one ever. At that time AA filed with just under 5 billion in CASH. The bean counters gave the nod because they looked at the age and population of the employees that are within the guidelines they set. And knowing that some will not bite. AA designed the package to target the population that was of a min age of 50-55. At the age of 45 you had to have a min amount of service time and to collect the full monty, have some sort of protection, (i.e system ect.). Out of the 1240 FSC how left, I'm willing to bet that the vast majority were not of age 60, the magic number to collect full AA retirement. Thus not requiring AA to fund the retirement with the kind of money required if that 1240 were all at 60 years of age. Any incentive given that will yield a smaller drawdown on the retirement fund in the future, the better. 
Now lets say all of the 1240 FSC were of age 51 or close to it, and left Sep 2012
American just paid 29.14 million for them to leave and will pay a 15% reduced rate of pension starting in 2016.  
The idea here is the AA will pay a balloon payment only if it benefits them in the future, and freezing the pension and possibly raising the pension age, are just some of the tools at their disposal.   
toroshark said:
What about the individuals who are not necessarily Amfa per se, but are fine with the TWU representation for now but disagree with the Association and would like to vote on this Association. With the horse trading ratios clause in the Association agreement it is possible to get shifted into the IAM.What are your pearls of wisdom for these people?

Get over it. Move on. Move forward. I'd like to have had the chance to vote for it as well but obviously that isn't happening. The agreement was signed all very legal like and the only way out of it would have been if the NMB ruled it invalid. They didn't make that ruling even with the extreme letter writing campaign from those against it. Who knows if that campaign just made us wait even longer to get to the table than we should have?

So what do we do? Keep trying to figure little devious ways out of it and if somehow we were able to make it happen spend the rest of our careers being angry at each other? Not to mention all the wasted time fighting each other. I can guarantee you that there are tons of guys on the IAM side that don't want to have anything to do with the TWU any more than you want them.

I can't stand that POS ratio crap any more than anyone else. It completely blows. It's only designed for one thing and no one can tell me otherwise. But again unless both sides agree to changes we're stuck with it too. Most people if you polled them would say that they are tired of the distractions, tired of the games and tired of waiting. All of this BS doesn't pay any of our bills. We should want to get in that room with the company and get this done.

Another reason that the putzing around is assinine.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rebounding from a dismal start to the year, the U.S. economy added 223,000 jobs in April, a solid gain that suggested that employers are helping fuel a durable if still subpar recovery.

"The nation's job growth still isn't raising worker pay much. Average hourly wages rose just 3 cents in April to $24.87. Wages have risen only 2.2 percent over the past 12 months, roughly the same sluggish pace of the past six years.
Steve Clemons, chief investment strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman Private Banking, said he was surprised by the meager gain in earnings.

"Everything in this cycle has been slow-motion," he said, referring to the modest recovery from the 2007-2009 Great Recession. "Maybe wages are another example of that."

bob@las-AA said:
The last package that was offered to get people out was and is the last one ever. At that time AA filed with just under 5 billion in CASH. The bean counters gave the nod because they looked at the age and population of the employees that are within the guidelines they set. And knowing that some will not bite. AA designed the package to target the population that was of a min age of 50-55. At the age of 45 you had to have a min amount of service time and to collect the full monty, have some sort of protection, (i.e system ect.). Out of the 1240 FSC how left, I'm willing to bet that the vast majority were not of age 60, the magic number to collect full AA retirement. Thus not requiring AA to fund the retirement with the kind of money required if that 1240 were all at 60 years of age. Any incentive given that will yield a smaller drawdown on the retirement fund in the future, the better. 
Now lets say all of the 1240 FSC were of age 51 or close to it, and left Sep 2012
American just paid 29.14 million for them to leave and will pay a 15% reduced rate of pension starting in 2016.  
The idea here is the AA will pay a balloon payment only if it benefits them in the future, and freezing the pension and possibly raising the pension age, are just some of the tools at their disposal.   
Way too many who shouldn't have took that package. It took about a year before I heard they were stepping back into locals all over the system trying to get their jobs back.

They have only themselves to blame.
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