The fact is that the Pilots and FAs both moved on with a single union, the way it should be and they did it without a fight of Unions fighting Unions.
Correct but the IAM made it's intention very clear that they were not going to just go gently into that goodnight when they initiated a raid on our members. Albeit it was more of a small feeler raid but I'm sure they would have put on the war paint if this agreement hadn't been reached. My guess was the TWA situation was never too far in the back of their minds.
Every Union member out there is told to put aside his individual self interest and instead work as a collective single union to the benefit of all, but then the Union fails to practice what they preach, and on top of that swap members like commodities to preserve their dues base. Let the US guys who want it keep their IAMNPF pension and they could care less if they keep the IAM itself and if the IAM can arrange for us to be in the IAMNPF then they can arrange for those guys, and the TWA guys to remain in it. You know thats the truth, the Union is a means to an end, not the means itself and that end is a better standard of living. If remaining in the IAM was so important then how do you justify the fact that through no choice of their own IAM members in stations that will be TWU are being forced to leave? Your excuses don't match the facts.
I'm absolutely not a fan of the Association agreement as written Bob. I've clearly stated that before. Not a fan of the "Horse Trading" or the idea that somewhere down the road one side will owe the other side bodies (Dues Money) So no excuses. You know which side has continued to be adamant about not making any changes, and you know which side at least tried. Legally there's nothing either of us can do about that even if we want to post our displeasure on here until the cows come home.