So basically overthrowing who I'm sure you think was the Emperor and running against and defeating his hand picked successors and then removing many of those who supported that Emperor leads you still to believe he did nothing? Think about that.
And if he wasn't in charge (President) when the agreement was written how could he have prevented it? Joe Biden is not the POTUS, Barrack Obama is. And if you read further back even Bob admitted that they tried to get out of it but that "Legal" option doesn't exist.
So whether popular on not from individuals on both sides of the family, we're walking down that aisle. And if you try to run Daddy is going to blow your head clean off with that shotgun he's holding in the back of the church.
This was very well orchestrated. Little was planning on retiring,maybe not at this exact time,but he fell on the sword as any CEO would. This is no different than Arpey or Carty. Yes he did nothing but said believe my lawyers that I pay said we cannot get out of this. I guess we should take his word for it that he is telling the truth when we all know we still do not know all the facts about this association. Yeah right I'm going to believe him. It does not matter how broke the twu is he could have fought it,but he has not even tried to get his local presidents in private to try and do an end run on the iam. Oh and by the way before you comment on the twu being broke. The only reason that Lombardo removed the 32 people from the atd is the fact that the twu was on the verge of bankruptcy. Which is another reason that little retired. Its easier to put the blame on somebody that is not around.