No to the Alliance!

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WeAAsles said:
Do you pay over $8000.00 in deductibles before your medical covers any expenses. How about prescriptions that last year cost you $90.00 for a 3 month supply now costing you over $300.00 this year. Or Prescriptions just not covered at all in generics and being forced to get the name brand some of which I've read are $700.00 to $800.00 for a 3 month supply?
How would you like to work for a company that it personally seems is trying to either Bankrupt you or let you die if you can't afford the care?
$8000 in deductables? Kev is that true? Using the Companys figures the average worker at AA pays around $7000 per year for medical and related expenses.
WeAAsles said:
Do you pay over $8000.00 in deductibles before your medical covers any expenses. How about prescriptions that last year cost you $90.00 for a 3 month supply now costing you over $300.00 this year. Or Prescriptions just not covered at all in generics and being forced to get the name brand some of which I've read are $700.00 to $800.00 for a 3 month supply?
How would you like to work for a company that it personally seems is trying to either Bankrupt you or let you die if you can't afford the care?
$8000 in deductables? Kev is that true? Using the Companys figures the average worker at AA pays around $7000 per year for medical and related expenses. So figure that as and additional $3/hr paycut we took since giving up fully paid medical.
So basically overthrowing who I'm sure you think was the Emperor and running against and defeating his hand picked successors and then removing many of those who supported that Emperor leads you still to believe he did nothing? Think about that. 

And if he wasn't in charge (President) when the agreement was written how could he have prevented it? Joe Biden is not the POTUS, Barrack Obama is. And if you read further back even Bob admitted that they tried to get out of it but that "Legal" option doesn't exist.

So whether popular on not from individuals on both sides of the family, we're walking down that aisle. And if you try to run Daddy is going to blow your head clean off with that shotgun he's holding in the back of the church.

This was very well orchestrated. Little was planning on retiring,maybe not at this exact time,but he fell on the sword as any CEO would. This is no different than Arpey or Carty. Yes he did nothing but said believe my lawyers that I pay said we cannot get out of this. I guess we should take his word for it that he is telling the truth when we all know we still do not know all the facts about this association. Yeah right I'm going to believe him. It does not matter how broke the twu is he could have fought it,but he has not even tried to get his local presidents in private to try and do an end run on the iam. Oh and by the way before you comment on the twu being broke. The only reason that Lombardo removed the 32 people from the atd is the fact that the twu was on the verge of bankruptcy. Which is another reason that little retired. Its easier to put the blame on somebody that is not around.
767 mechanic said:

This was very well orchestrated. Little was planning on retiring,maybe not at this exact time,but he fell on the sword as any CEO would. This is no different than Arpey or Carty. Yes he did nothing but said believe my lawyers that I pay said we cannot get out of this. I guess we should take his word for it that he is telling the truth when we all know we still do not know all the facts about this association. Yeah right I'm going to believe him. It does not matter how broke the twu is he could have fought it,but he has not even tried to get his local presidents in private to try and do an end run on the iam. Oh and by the way before you comment on the twu being broke. The only reason that Lombardo removed the 32 people from the atd is the fact that the twu was on the verge of bankruptcy. Which is another reason that little retired. Its easier to put the blame on somebody that is not around.
Well I guess you already got the conspiracy all figured out then? Not going to say that you're wrong and not going to say you're right either.

Who knows maybe the first Apollo mission to the Moon really was faked. There's always that shadow of the flag that everyone talks about.
saywhat said:
Buy into the right mentality, unless you are a pilot or senior management, they win when workers think that is the route to go.
204 posts, so now we have yet another nube playing the role of a anti AMFA agitator?  Geez, still attempting to pull out those tired old chestnuts "AMFA is anti union" really?   Good luck putz.
Bob Owens said:
$8000 in deductables? Kev is that true? Using the Companys figures the average worker at AA pays around $7000 per year for medical and related expenses. So figure that as and additional $3/hr paycut we took since giving up fully paid medical.
The lowest deductible of any available plan is $3900 (family coverage), with a coinsurance max of $6000. They all go up from there.

The company has also stated that it will eliminate the last HRA option, and will move to all HSA plans over the next few years.
Kev3188 said:
The lowest deductible of any available plan is $3900 (family coverage), with a coinsurance max of $6000. They all go up from there.
The company has also stated that it will eliminate the last HRA option, and will move to all HSA plans over the next few years.
I know we certainly dont help but any chance of that being enough to fuel a card drive for Unions over there?
Changes to the medical plan options (and prescription plans) were massive drivers of card signings for the FA campaign. The outrage over the latter was enough that the company essentially admitted it had overreached, and reverted back to what had been available previously...
Bob Owens said:
I know we certainly dont help but any chance of that being enough to fuel a card drive for Unions over there?
Bob there has been an ongoing card drive over there for at least the last year. Hopefully the DOJ will find in favor of the IAM that there was interference in the FA campaign and order a remedy in their favor? The ramp drive is still ongoing and I haven't heard if there is any drive for maintenance?

The problem is though that it's the IAM who are imbedded currently at Delta and it seems at least from reading this board that there are very few people who want or are willing to assist the IAM in locking it down?

A few of us (TWU) have been trying to help on their FB Social Media pages and one guy in particular who is a TWU SWA rep who negotiated their last contract beyond helped in firing up that board and I'm positive was swaying people to vote yes if they had made it to that finish line.

In other words yes we can help, but are we willing to do it. Or will the emotion against who we also would be helping (IAM) prevent us from wanting to? 
saywhat said:
Don't be bitter that someone comes on here and posts that they see anti-Unionism from a group of people posting same shite page after page with a common theme, ANTI-UNION. Go get a job at a Company without a Union.
In the past if you questioned anything about the union that hemmed the pro twu crowd in a corner they would call you an AMFA guy. That was easier than defending something undefendible.  I can see it now, Instead of being called an AMFA guy,  its YOUR ANTI UNION.  Wanting to belong to a union verses being owned by a union should be the accusation.   I don't want to be owned by a union. You guys defending the international slave master on the other hand enjoy being OWNED by the union.  As long as he smiles at you and  you can't see him stabbing you in the back all is good.  As long he does it behind closed doors.  
700UW said:
The fourth line was in exchange for AMFA letting WN send work to Aeroman in San Salvador.
You are correct here but only partly correct.  Yes the 4th line was agreed to by the co if we were to allow them to go to Aeroman.  The 4th line was just the start of a long list of grants to the union for doing so. Also, this Aeroman maint was already being farmed out by the company at another vendor in the USA. SWA was not happy with the results and pulled all maint from the USA vendor and put them in Aeroman. This was not added maint to the list of outsourcing as it was not maint from in-house as you have said before.  The company gave up alot to the mechanics just to get the Aeroman deal done, they knew they could save millions upon millions by switching from this USA vendor to Aeroman.  However, with these savings came alot of headaches and they seem to be now rethinking the Aeroman gig.   The company bought the votes for the Aeroman gig, with all the added in-house maint, protected headcount, added work to all the shops, along with a pretty good pay raise and added other stuff the membership fell for it.   You can keep posting all you want 700, but at least speak the truth when referencing AMFA and or SWA...
scorpion 2 said:
In the past if you questioned anything about the union that hemmed the pro twu crowd in a corner they would call you an AMFA guy. That was easier than defending something undefendible.  I can see it now, Instead of being called an AMFA guy,  its YOUR ANTI UNION.  Wanting to belong to a union verses being owned by a union should be the accusation.   I don't want to be owned by a union. You guys defending the international slave master on the other hand enjoy being OWNED by the union.  As long as he smiles at you and  you can't see him stabbing you in the back all is good.  As long he does it behind closed doors.  
I may have a different ideology than some of you guys but when I've seen Fa La La or that other arsehat come on here spouting their anti-union sludge you guys are quick to pounce on them.

It is noticed.
Bob Owens said:
That scenario could have happened a few weeks ago on a US Airways flight, if an observant employee at the airline hadn't made a discovery: Mechanics who had just repaired the plane at the Aeroman repair company in El Salvador had, in fact, crossed the wires on two engine indicators in the cockpit. NPR obtained internal US Airways documents that describe the incident, and a senior company executive confirmed it.
This very well could be one of the reasons SWA wants out of Aeroman...
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