I hope your right. Two weeks to go.2ndGENAMT said:A little late Dale! Yellow cards are flying out of every shop in Tulsa!
I hope your right. Two weeks to go.2ndGENAMT said:A little late Dale! Yellow cards are flying out of every shop in Tulsa!
I might be able to answer a few of your questions.Buck said:Your answers up to the last one seem to be very thought and professional.
The last sounds like you have your feelings hurt.
I have yet to here anyone on this board to come forward to explain why they want anything to do with the IAMPF.
This IAMPF was not on the TWU Local 514 contract negotiation questionnaire?
You are indicating that we will have a payout from the AA frozen pension, your 401k, Social Security and the IAMPF?
I am asking you if you have seen anywhere that IF one decides to option into the IAMPF, will we get all four items? AA Frozen Pension, 401k, SS and the IAMPF.
Four lines of what?700UW said:Four lines for 700 planes.
How many lines does AA for its 900 or so planes?
US does five in-house for around 300 planes.
My point made. The iam pension is a pyramid scam.Real tired said:I might be able to answer a few of your questions.
To answer the last, when I become of age, I will, most likely just like you, rely on all four items you describe. The terminated USAir pension that is now in the PBGC, my company 401K ( with no company match ), my SS, and my (ours and soon to be yours) IAMNPF.
Now to explain why I want you (all of you ) to participate in the IAMNPF.
Unlike my former coworker who states the fund is 105% funded, for 2015, the fund is now only at 101% funding.
And to me, and our resident AA financial expert, Morgan Stanley (We), this should be a little disconcerning.
That means for 2015, the number of "draw-ers" is starting to catch up with the number "pay-ers". And in order for the fund to remain solvent, there always has to be more "pay-ers" than "draw-ers". Or the fund goes into endangered status and my rate of return is cut up to 60%.
So, this is why I need you poor saps to buy into the fund. In the near future, when I become a "taker", in order to guarantee MY check, I need more and more of YOU people to become the "givers".
I need you more than you need me. Please donate graciously when the plate is passed to you.
WeAAsles said:"Our Pension is frozen and the TWU has no intentions of asking anyone to move it into the IAM National Pension Fund.
Please read the Association documents and think for yourself."
So now you have at least one President coming out officially to establish that there is no intention on behalf of the TWU to move our Pensions over to the IAMPF. I think it would be nice if Local 591 President Gary Petersen also came out to at least attempt to allay or quell those irrational fears that people on these Forums pages continue to sell? At the very least he could establish that he would not support any type of initiative or even conversation if it were mentioned?
I'm quite sure that his members would appreciate that.
I would be surprised if Dale even wrote it. Gary Yingst authors most of communication out of 514. Instead of elaborating on anything he just says AMFA sucks. The fact that most the arguments and fears are stemming from the alliance agreements and the international won't comment in an official letter since they were the authors of the agreements speak volumes. I guess Dale is still waiting for the iam attorneys to get back to him with a ruling that our trust can't be touched. That was supposed to be the big headline but apparently the AMFA sucks letter is the best he could do.chilokie1 said:Sorry Dale when the real decisions are made they usher the local presidents
to the open bar down the hall. You quoted in a shop meeting you learned
about the association when we did. The TWU has lost the trust of the rank
and file, how can we take a chance of losing the only benefit we have left.
WeAAsles said:Buck what I am saying is that we would "probably" fall under the same guidelines? Unlike some of the other people on here I give it about a 0.02% chance that our frozen pension goes into the IAMPF if that's what you're thinking about? "IF" it was offered and you said you wanted to go into it, that would mean you get your Pension, 401k, Social Security and an IAMP check.
Now for me I'll be 50 next week. I want to leave at 62. Having done the math I would get $500.00 a month not factoring in the 3 year percentage loss for leaving before 65. For me personally I don't think it would be something I would be interested in "IF" we lost the match for choosing it? (Again I believe we "could" be offered a choice between the two?)
I think the best advice again if we have options under the JCBA regarding the two would be to seek out a financial adviser and get his opinion on what might be best for you?
I wouldn't listen to anyone on here personally. Seek out an educated professional.
So it appears that you cant work even after 65 either. You have to ask permission from the IAM, a Union we don't even belong to if they will allow us to work.IAM NATIONAL PENSION FUND,
The National Pension Plan is intended to provide retirement benefits. Certain types of employment may result in the suspension of your pension benefits. The rules are different depending on whether you are age 65 or older, or under age 65:
If you are age 65 or older (Normal Retirement Age) and you work 40 hours or more per month your pension may be suspended if:
1. You work in any industry covered by the Plan at the time of retirement, while also in:
2. Any trade or craft you worked in while in covered employment under the Plan
Note: You may work under the above circumstances if it is less than 40 hours per month.
If you are under age 65, and you work any hours your pension may be suspended if:
1. You work in any job classification at a Contributing Employer, or
2. You work in the same or related business or industry from which you retired even if it is a different trade craft than the one you worked in while in covered employment, or
3. You meet the criteria for disqualifying employment at Normal Retirement Age 65, which is: employment in any industry covered by the Plan, while also in the same trade or craft you worked in while in covered employment under the Plan.
You should request a ruling in advance of accepting employment. Pensioners must report all employment to the Fund within 30 days of starting employment and request a ruling on whether such employment is disqualifying. If you receive benefits for months you worked in disqualifying employment the Trustees will suspend your benefits and request a reimbursement.
If you have any questions, call the Check Department at 1-800-424-9608. You may also visit the Plan’s website at WWW.IAMNPF.ORG to request a “Ruling on Employment” form.
That is now. Wait when a JCBA is negotiated. I keep telling you things are going to change after the merger. Isn't it time for your walk?700UW said:PMUS does C-checks, Q-checks, S-checks and HMV visits, 50% of billable hours can be outsourced for heavy.
AA does a lot less that it did, 777-767 outsourced to China and AFW hanger closed under the TWu's watch.700UW said:Four lines for 700 planes.
How many lines does AA for its 900 or so planes?
US does five in-house for around 300 planes.
Why is Yingst back in TWu office after beating his wife up on an airplane and being booted from the TWuscorpion 2 said:I would be surprised if Dale even wrote it. Gary Yingst authors most of communication out of 514. Instead of elaborating on anything he just says AMFA sucks. The fact that most the arguments and fears are stemming from the alliance agreements and the international won't comment in an official letter since they were the authors of the agreements speak volumes. I guess Dale is still waiting for the iam attorneys to get back to him with a ruling that our trust can't be touched. That was supposed to be the big headline but apparently the AMFA sucks letter is the best he could do.
Why don't you go give your nonsensical opinions on the elitist pilots thread? Because like the AMTs here, you would be told700UW said:You must care because you keep trying to make me leave, when are you going to realize you don't own the board nor do make the rules.
But hey since you can't debate or refute the facts you have to make it about me.
14 days and counting.
Because the sheep voted him back in!Hackman said:Why is Yingst back in TWu office after beating his wife up on an airplane and being booted from the TWu
International good 'ol boy club.