No to the Alliance!

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WeAAsles said:
Buck what I am saying is that we would "probably" fall under the same guidelines? Unlike some of the other people on here I give it about a 0.02% chance that our frozen pension goes into the IAMPF if that's what you're thinking about? "IF" it was offered and you said you wanted to go into it, that would mean you get your Pension, 401k, Social Security and an IAMP check. 

Now for me I'll be 50 next week. I want to leave at 62. Having done the math I would get $500.00 a month not factoring in the 3 year percentage loss for leaving before 65. For me personally I don't think it would be something I would be interested in "IF" we lost the match for choosing it? (Again I believe we "could" be offered a choice between the two?)

I think the best advice again if we have options under the JCBA regarding the two would be to seek out a financial adviser and get his opinion on what might be best for you?

I wouldn't listen to anyone on here personally. Seek out an educated professional.
Hey Spock, where does your logic assessment of a .02% come from? 
That is still .02% more of a chance then I'am willing to risk, you do know
that a membership vote in the TWU can be overruled by the international.
If they deem that the minions are not voting in their own best interests they
can make that decision for us. How is your profit sharing check this year, btw?
WeAAsles said:
What I am thinking about is that our pension is going to be on the negotiation table. I am completely against that. 

So am I and I don't believe it will be.
You are indicating that we will have a payout from the AA frozen pension, your 401k, Social Security and the IAMPF?

If you look at Jetnet that will provide you the formulas for what your payouts will be depending on what you chose. There are multiple payout options. What I said about the IAMPF was IF you chose it IF it was offered as an option.
Are you saying that you believe your AA Frozen Pension will be absorbed into the IAMPF? 

What do you believe our individual cost is going to be?

Don't understand you question but if it's based on the last one you just got my answer.
Is the IAMPF going to allow any one of us to waltz into their plan with no credited years of service?

They will give you credited years of service for VESTING. Not for accumulation of benefits.
I would also like to ask you why you are giving out so much advice on our futures when you then two step into advising me to seek professional financial assistance?

The only real advice I'm giving you when it comes to financial issues is to seek PROFESSIONAL advice. Every one of us should do that.
and why would you offer advice and then say not to listen to anyone on here?

I don't think that most people on here care about you personally. That's why.
Your answers up to the last one seem to be very thought and professional. 
The last sounds like you have your feelings hurt. 
I have yet to here anyone on this board to come forward to explain why they want anything to do with the IAMPF.
This IAMPF was not on the TWU Local 514 contract negotiation questionnaire?
You are indicating that we will have a payout from the AA frozen pension, your 401k, Social Security and the IAMPF?
I am asking you if you have seen anywhere that IF one decides to option into the IAMPF, will we get all four items?  AA Frozen Pension, 401k, SS and the IAMPF.
WeAAsles said:

I don't think that most people on here care about you personally. That's why.
Yeah..............because WeAAsles cares about....................YOU.
Give me a break.
The only difference between 700UW and WeAAsles is WeAAsles lives up to his name.
chilokie1 said:
Hey Spock, where does your logic assessment of a .02% come from? 
That is still .02% more of a chance then I'am willing to risk, you do know

I was being facetious. I actually believe the chances are 0.0%. 0.02% is 2% of 1 full % leaving 99.98%. The odds of getting hit by lightning are better than that. 

that a membership vote in the TWU can be overruled by the international.
If they deem that the minions are not voting in their own best interests they
can make that decision for us.

When have you known them to override a membership decision and do the exact opposite at whim? They have had re-votes before yes. but only after tweaking the proposals slightly. And I'm not saying those decisions in the past were right to do.

How is your profit sharing check this year, btw?

My PS was exchanged for 4% coming out of BK. That 4% has given me a decent return and for the full year with the formula AA had in place and with the fact it was also put into my 5.5% 401k match I've received a greater return then if the PS had been left. At least as far as last years earnings.
Buck said:
Your answers up to the last one seem to be very thought and professional. 
The last sounds like you have your feelings hurt. 

It's not about feelings. It's about being honest. Many of the people who post on here have an agenda. That agenda isn't served by being completely factual. Keeping you angry and emotional they believe is what helps their agenda. So why I said they don't care about you. 
I have yet to here anyone on this board to come forward to explain why they want anything to do with the IAMPF.

Neither have I. Most of us on here are more than likely too far along in our careers that participation would really benefit us against a 401k match. But if there was no match at all and this was offered of course we would all want and accept it. "IF" there is a choice to be made, that's up to each individual to chose what they think is better?
This IAMPF was not on the TWU Local 514 contract negotiation questionnaire?

Why would it be? That language is already written in the association agreement.
You are indicating that we will have a payout from the AA frozen pension, your 401k, Social Security and the IAMPF?

If you joined into the IAMPF with your continued current pension remaining frozen and you are contributing to the 401K of course then when you retire you would receive 4 checks coming in, depending on how you chose to drawn down your retirement? I plan on not hitting my SS benefits till between 67 and 70. So between 62 and the time I begin SS i would receive 3 checks before then.
I am asking you if you have seen anywhere that IF one decides to option into the IAMPF, will we get all four items?  AA Frozen Pension, 401k, SS and the IAMPF.

Why would you not? Your AA pension is already an earned benefit. So would your IAMP if you opted to join it.
Let's make up a scenario. Say the company went loopy and offered me quadruple the current rate given to US Fleet in exchange for the 5.5% and the IAMPF decided they were solvent enough to go back to the Schedule A payouts. I'd be a walking lunatic not to jump in. Likelihood of those things happening, also 0.02% (hope you all get it this time)

I currently put 20% into my 401K and plan on raising that in either September or when we get a JCBA to at least 25%. I have ideas and plans for my retirement and am trying to make sure I accomplish those goals. I'm doing my homework all the time for what I think I will need when the time comes. I'm not waiting for the lady on a white horse to come and bring me a bag of gold.

Will the IAMPF be a part of me reaching those goals? Right now at least for me I doubt it. But when the time comes I will at least look at it and do my homework on it very thoroughly. Again why I suggested a Financial Adviser might not be a bad idea if you don't already have one.   
enough already said:
Just to clear up these lies that the TWU is throwing out there as "scare tactics".  In para 1 they state that AMFA does not fight for workers rights or fight corporations.  The TWU themselves will not fight for their members rights or the AA corporation.  Look how many times your mechanics had to go outside the TWU and hire their own attorney to get their jobs back at AA--this speaks volumes what the membership thinks about the TWU.  Matter fact the membership at AA is still hiring outside attorneys (Lee Seeham) for this latest whissle blower case and suits, again speaks volumes.
Second point;  TWU states that AMFA never fights to keep base maintenance, ANOTHER LIE.  AMFA has been very successful at SWA protecting current maint and adding additional lines of maint by 100% since taking over representation, not to mention the added mechanics, jobs, and work in all the back shops--It's all lies the TWU is saying.
It also says that AMFA gave up in house maint for a raise, AGAIN not true total lies.  AMFA has in fact doubled in house maint heavy structural lines since they took over.  
The TWU also keeps threatening that you guys will get the same contract as SWA has to get the pay, also faulse, just more scar tactic that you guys will lose your jobs if you vote AMFA in.  Look at how many jobs were lost by the TWU over the last several decades and continue to do so by agreeing to everything the company wants.
Everything the TWU has listed in the May 1st letter about AMFA are all lies as they are scared to death right now to have AMFA on the ballot so they will say anything to scare you all into keeping the TWU or voting in this association, don't fall for the lies and misinformation guys.   Make them prove and back up everything they say in writing otherwise it's all lies. I told you guys the scare tactics were going to pick up by the industrial unions during this 30 day waiting period and here it is...
Four lines for 700 planes.
How many lines does AA for its 900 or so planes?
US does five in-house for around 300 planes.
"Our Pension is frozen and the TWU has no intentions of asking anyone to move it into the IAM National Pension Fund.

Please read the Association documents and think for yourself."

So now you have at least one President coming out officially to establish that there is no intention on behalf of the TWU to move our Pensions over to the IAMPF. I think it would be nice if Local 591 President Gary Petersen also came out to at least attempt to allay or quell those irrational fears that people on these Forums pages continue to sell? At the very least he could establish that he would not support any type of initiative or even conversation if it were mentioned?

I'm quite sure that his members would appreciate that.

2ndGENAMT said:
A little late Dale! Yellow cards are flying out of every shop in Tulsa!
14 days to find out? I'm assuming that you've locked up the US side and all those others that the NMB put into your class and craft?

I bet we got ourselves a nail biter here huh? :blink:
swamt said:
Just to clear up these lies that the TWU is throwing out there as "scare tactics".  In para 1 they state that AMFA does not fight for workers rights or fight corporations.  The TWU themselves will not fight for their members rights or the AA corporation.  Look how many times your mechanics had to go outside the TWU and hire their own attorney to get their jobs back at AA--this speaks volumes what the membership thinks about the TWU.  Matter fact the membership at AA is still hiring outside attorneys (Lee Seeham) for this latest whissle blower case and suits, again speaks volumes.
Second point;  TWU states that AMFA never fights to keep base maintenance, ANOTHER LIE.  AMFA has been very successful at SWA protecting current maint and adding additional lines of maint by 100% since taking over representation, not to mention the added mechanics, jobs, and work in all the back shops--It's all lies the TWU is saying.
It also says that AMFA gave up in house maint for a raise, AGAIN not true total lies.  AMFA has in fact doubled in house maint heavy structural lines since they took over.  
The TWU also keeps threatening that you guys will get the same contract as SWA has to get the pay, also faulse, just more scar tactic that you guys will lose your jobs if you vote AMFA in.  Look at how many jobs were lost by the TWU over the last several decades and continue to do so by agreeing to everything the company wants.
Everything the TWU has listed in the May 1st letter about AMFA are all lies as they are scared to death right now to have AMFA on the ballot so they will say anything to scare you all into keeping the TWU or voting in this association, don't fall for the lies and misinformation guys.   Make them prove and back up everything they say in writing otherwise it's all lies. I told you guys the scare tactics were going to pick up by the industrial unions during this 30 day waiting period and here it is...
Sorry Dale when the real decisions are made they usher the local presidents
to the open bar down the hall. You quoted in a shop meeting you learned  
about the association when we did. The TWU has lost the trust of the rank 
and file, how can we  take a chance of losing the only benefit we have left.
Well Ole Dale shut down the comment section from the 514 site due to so many questions about the pension. May not get a vote but I sure as He!! Don't believe Danker knows the future.
WeAAsles said:
"Our Pension is frozen and the TWU has no intentions of asking anyone to move it into the IAM National Pension Fund.Please read the Association documents and think for yourself."
So now you have at least one President coming out officially to establish that there is no intention on behalf of the TWU to move our Pensions over to the IAMPF. I think it would be nice if Local 591 President Gary Petersen also came out to at least attempt to allay or quell those irrational fears that people on these Forums pages continue to sell? At the very least he could establish that he would not support any type of initiative or even conversation if it were mentioned?
I'm quite sure that his members would appreciate that.
Yes your correct. The association in the q & a handout said that they will offer the AA guys an opportunity to join the iam pension fund. Which in TWU terms mean they will do whatever possible to shove it up our rears. They also addressed the association vote by saying three separate groups will vote on the association if we want it or not. Another TWU lie. They will blame the nmb for no vote needed. Sign a card and let's vote on this. Democracy in unionism? What the hell happened to that?
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