No to the Alliance!

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Vortilon said:
AMFA authorization cards were being signed all over the place today at DFW!  Guys were damn near tripping over one another to get a card signed!
That is good to hear. I was very sure the pace was going to pick up after this association announcement was released. Good luck to all of you...
toroshark said:
The greed of the afl-cio, twu,and iam has brought this possibility about! In their flagrant anti-UNION attempt at subverting the collective will of the membership in their quest to maintain dues as status-quo. If the vote is perverted to only contain the options of the Association or no representation then I for one opt for NO Representation!
And the confusion from him also starts to pick up. By the post of "if you vote yes for a no association". Just more attempts to keep the membership confused into voting for the association, pathetic I tell ya y'all
swamt said:
And the confusion from him also starts to pick up. By the post of "if you vote yes for a no association". Just more attempts to keep the membership confused into voting for the association, pathetic I tell ya y'all
He doesn't realize that with his every post he is the best campaigner against the association!
Buck said:
Shop Steward Training: The TWU-IAM Association Agreement

August 5, 2014

The July Steward Training covered the upcoming Association Agreement that our membership will soon be voting on. We began the training by going over the Trumka letter that aired his concern of a costly labor battle amongst AFLCIO Unions while not adding a single new member to organized labor. Trumka encouraged the TWU and IAM to work out a case of dual representation. This is where the Association Agreement came from.
The Agreement Regarding Seniority Integration states, your seniority will be based on the date of each employee’s entry into the basic classification, as set forth in the existing Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Current Seniority Lists maintained by American and USAir for each group. Once the Seniority List integration process is completed, The TWU and IAM will form a committee to address and resolve any individual challenges, which must be raised by submitting a letter identifying the alleged problem to the committee within 30 days after the integrated seniority list is published.
The TWU and IAM jointly agreed for the formation of Association Agreements of the three joint labor organizations representing the Craft and Classes of, Maintenance and Related, Material Logistics Specs, and Fleet Service Clerks. The membership will vote on whether to accept these Association Agreements. Once the Associations are accepted a ratio of current TWU and IAM members will determine the ratio of TWU and IAM members that will be maintained going forward. Your station location will determine if you are TWU or IAM. There will be some shuffling of our current stations to maintain the ratio resulting in current members changing unions.
The Association is a small organization that would own the Bargaining Agreement with American. The Association will be located in Washington DC and will hold no assets. The cost will be covered jointly by the TWU and IAM. A Chairman and Vice Chairman will preside over the Association they will be the International Presidents or their appointee. The Officers in the Association will come from the ranks of the TWU and IAM and meet a minimum of 4 times a year. Negotiations will be handled by committee formed from an equal number of representatives from the IAM and TWU. The first order of business for this committee will be to harmonize the two current agreements between the TWU and IAM into a single agreement.
We also have a joint agreement on Pensions. The IAM has a National Pension Fund (IAMNPF). The IAM and TWU will propose to allow current TWU members into the IAMNPF. They further agree to make this a high priority when we harmonize our current agreements.
Some very important steps in our near future will be the vote on the Association and then the Harmonizing of the twoCBA’s. The Association vote will be the same as any representation vote if the Association isn’t voted in we would lose our current CBA. With no CBA we become “At Will Employees”. That means you can be fired for no reason. You lose all the negotiated rights of pay, seniority, transfers, and riff procedures, just to name a few.

Nice fear tactic, do you work for the TWU ?

All the money AA has invested in you why would they just fire you....think a little.
Lowest pay GAVE the FA's $81m in their contract, after they voted it down
Seniority has been used by the non union employees
With a contract the transfers are rarely done to contract
Guess you have never been riffed from line station.

What has the union done.....nothing,

The Libtards from Tulsa must be shaking in their boots, thinking there might be a chance of no union.
JABORD said:
Unsure of your point Buck but the info highlighted in red is a total lie spun to stir up the TUL fear campaign. If the Association is voted down, the CBA in effect remains in effect. Period! The only thing that can end our current CBA is to go non-union. You Tulsa folks need wise up and see these lies for what they are. For the TWBoo to insert such a bold lie into this article trashes the credibility of the entire piece.

 "Only the union posted a vote is coming. Nothing from the nmb." 
This is very much the point that needs to be understood.
The point is the date of this letter. About 9 months ago before any of the NMB discussion around granting the SOC or whether or not a vote would happen, Gary Yingst the VP of TWU Local 514, what? already new their position and informed his membership they had no choice but to vote for the Association, which does not exist until the membership authorizes it..... 
bigjets said:
Shop Steward Training: The TWU-IAM Association Agreement
August 5, 2014
The July Steward Training covered the upcoming Association Agreement that our membership will soon be voting on. We began the training by going over the Trumka letter that aired his concern of a costly labor battle amongst AFLCIO Unions while not adding a single new member to organized labor. Trumka encouraged the TWU and IAM to work out a case of dual representation. This is where the Association Agreement came from.
The Agreement Regarding Seniority Integration states, your seniority will be based on the date of each employee’s entry into the basic classification, as set forth in the existing Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Current Seniority Lists maintained by American and USAir for each group. Once the Seniority List integration process is completed, The TWU and IAM will form a committee to address and resolve any individual challenges, which must be raised by submitting a letter identifying the alleged problem to the committee within 30 days after the integrated seniority list is published.
The TWU and IAM jointly agreed for the formation of Association Agreements of the three joint labor organizations representing the Craft and Classes of, Maintenance and Related, Material Logistics Specs, and Fleet Service Clerks. The membership will vote on whether to accept these Association Agreements. Once the Associations are accepted a ratio of current TWU and IAM members will determine the ratio of TWU and IAM members that will be maintained going forward. Your station location will determine if you are TWU or IAM. There will be some shuffling of our current stations to maintain the ratio resulting in current members changing unions.
The Association is a small organization that would own the Bargaining Agreement with American. The Association will be located in Washington DC and will hold no assets. The cost will be covered jointly by the TWU and IAM. A Chairman and Vice Chairman will preside over the Association they will be the International Presidents or their appointee. The Officers in the Association will come from the ranks of the TWU and IAM and meet a minimum of 4 times a year. Negotiations will be handled by committee formed from an equal number of representatives from the IAM and TWU. The first order of business for this committee will be to harmonize the two current agreements between the TWU and IAM into a single agreement.
We also have a joint agreement on Pensions. The IAM has a National Pension Fund (IAMNPF). The IAM and TWU will propose to allow current TWU members into the IAMNPF. They further agree to make this a high priority when we harmonize our current agreements.Some very important steps in our near future will be the vote on the Association and then the Harmonizing of the twoCBA’s. The Association vote will be the same as any representation vote if the Association isn’t voted in we would lose our current CBA. With no CBA we become “At Will Employees”. That means you can be fired for no reason. You lose all the negotiated rights of pay, seniority, transfers, and riff procedures, just to name a few.
Nice fear tactic, do you work for the TWU ?
All the money AA has invested in you why would they just fire you....think a little.
Lowest pay GAVE the FA's $81m in their contract, after they voted it down
Seniority has been used by the non union employees
With a contract the transfers are rarely done to contract
Guess you have never been riffed from line station.
What has the union done.....nothing,
The Libtards from Tulsa must be shaking in their boots, thinking there might be a chance of no union.
What this release from the union fails to mention is if the association is voted out and another union is voted in all we lose is the twu and iam as our representatives. That is the law from the nmb. Another scare tactic. Half truths to scare the members into believing the lies and deceitful ways of industrial unionism. I hope we get to vote and have the proper choices given to us.
bigjets said:
Some very important steps in our near future will be the vote on the Association and then the Harmonizing of the twoCBA’s. The Association vote will be the same as any representation vote if the Association isn’t voted in we would lose our current CBA. With no CBA we become “At Will Employees”. That means you can be fired for no reason. You lose all the negotiated rights of pay, seniority, transfers, and riff procedures, just to name a few.

Nice fear tactic, do you work for the TWU ?

All the money AA has invested in you why would they just fire you....think a little.
Lowest pay GAVE the FA's $81m in their contract, after they voted it down
Seniority has been used by the non union employees
With a contract the transfers are rarely done to contract
Guess you have never been riffed from line station.

What has the union done.....nothing,

The Libtards from Tulsa must be shaking in their boots, thinking there might be a chance of no union.
I am from Tulsa.
Please don't lump everyone (meaning mostly me) in with the libtards.
1AA said:
What this release from the union fails to mention is if the association is voted out and another union is voted in all we lose is the twu and iam as our representatives. That is the law from the nmb. Another scare tactic. Half truths to scare the members into believing the lies and deceitful ways of industrial unionism. I hope we get to vote and have the proper choices given to us.
And the scare tactics continue to try and scare the membership into this association BS.  You are 100% correct, if another union is voted in then the current contract (which never expires it is only amendable and carries forward until new agreement is reached and voted in by the membership) will be enforced by the new union that is voted in, status quo if you will.  It happened here at SWA with AMFA taking over from the teamsters, it happened at UAL with AMFA taking over from the IAM and then being taking over by the teamsters.  Their contracts never disappeared or were gone, just enforced by the new union voted in.  Don't let the scare tactics get to you all, get the info on your own DO NOT trust either one of these unions and what they say, it will be all lies to try and get you guys to vote for them.  The pension scams will start to unearth again when the vote gets closer (if there is a vote) and remember, if there are not enough cards to get another interested union on the ballot there will be no vote or ballot, so get those cards signed guys and get them in and let the majority of the membership decide who will represent you guys.  It will never hurt the membership one iota to have a true democratic and transparent vote for representation. If anyone or union tells you otherwise then that is a big red flag...
I'am sure the IAM is no different from the TWU in the sense that it has embellished 
the truth in its marching orders that it has given to its elected members for so long,
that the elected members actually start to believe the crap.
Wouldn't it be nice to have 100% elected union reps that can be held accountable
for their lies and actions.
FASCISM (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
  : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator , controls
the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the 
 Sound familiar ?
Buck said:
The point is the date of this letter. About 9 months ago before any of the NMB discussion around granting the SOC or whether or not a vote would happen, Gary Yingst the VP of TWU Local 514, what? already new their position and informed his membership they had no choice but to vote for the Association, which does not exist until the membership authorizes it..... 
Thanks for the reply buddy. I took it as the kick-off by 514 to the 'Fear&Smear' campaign that is intended to provide a means to an end of the BS written agreement between Buffy at the IAM and that POS Little Jimmy that was structured way before that.I gotta say though pal, it's just stunning for us Yanks up here to sit back and watch most of you all, and again, I tip my hat to the "26 percenters", not see it for what it is and not 'tar and feather' those frigg'n liars at the Local.
JABORD said:
Thanks for the reply buddy. I took it as the kick-off by 514 to the 'Fear&Smear' campaign that is intended to provide a means to an end of the BS written agreement between Buffy at the IAM and that POS Little Jimmy that was structured way before that.I gotta say though pal, it's just stunning for us Yanks up here to sit back and watch most of you all, and again, I tip my hat to the "26 percenters", not see it for what it is and not 'tar and feather' those frigg'n liars at the Local.
And will get worse over the next few weeks...
JABORD said:
Thanks for the reply buddy. I took it as the kick-off by 514 to the 'Fear&Smear' campaign that is intended to provide a means to an end of the BS written agreement between Buffy at the IAM and that POS Little Jimmy that was structured way before that.I gotta say though pal, it's just stunning for us Yanks up here to sit back and watch most of you all, and again, I tip my hat to the "26 percenters", not see it for what it is and not 'tar and feather' those frigg'n liars at the Local.
Most of the rest just live in fear of what the think might happen and have do so for a very long time. I do  know that this so called union has 14 % of my stock and is probability the cause of our Pre-Funding being held up.  My thoughts..... We will be offered Delta + 7% (whatever that really means ) and at the same time the opportunity to participate in the IAM Pension Fund will be laid on the table. ///////////another thing that has crossed my mind is that: How can an Association that does not yet exist be allowed to petition the NMB for anything, whether it is SOC or whatever and be granted a response for their petition? If this Association already does, as I warned in another post, then why go through the voting procedure(s)?
Vortilon said:
AMFA authorization cards were being signed all over the place today at DFW!  Guys were damn near tripping over one another to get a card signed!
You guys had months to sign cards and get ready for this day and you waited until after the NMB made their decision? That is just hilarious.
Told you guys to start getting your cards signed since last September, but I guess you were too busy calling people names and ranting on a blog. This time, the AMFA supporters have absolutely no one to blame but themselves.
You could have been on the ballot, but you wasted all the time......hilarious.
swamt said:
Listen 700, there has not been a vote yet, has there?  You are going by what the unions are telling you.  I am still going by what the NMB's ruling states, at this time I will not quote the NMB but it went something like this;  It said something to the effect of IF there is an interest from another union then there will be a vote, it said nothing at all about a vote IF no other union shows an interest now did it 700?  Then it goes on to say that the TWU/IAM association will be certified and says nothing about a vote.  Has the union (either one of them) put it in writing (not Q and A 700) letter head and answering the question of "if there is no union that shows interest and fails to be put on the ballot will there still be a vote for this association?"  I know, I know they have said there will be a vote---I do not trust what either of these two unions are telling the membership, they will do anything, and say anything to keep their butts placed in the aviation field of representing mechanics, otherwise they will be gone and gone forever and they know this.  I will not go back and forth with you on this until I see a vote happen without another union being placed on the ballot.  Not ignoring you, just not worth going back and forth until the vote happens.  Or if the NMB would say yes that there will be a vote regardless if any union shows interest or not.  Simple as that...
Nowhere in the decision does the word vote appear. This decision is simply to answer the question about whether AA and US have a Single Transportation System and decide Craft and Class designations, which they fulfilled.
To certify the negotiating body is the next step, so after 30 days and once AMFA fails miserably, there will be a vote.
And yes, the unions have stated and implied there will be a vote. For instance on the IAM side they have a Q&A that goes likes this:
Q: Will the members only have two choices when the Alliance election is held?
A: Most likely, yes. When the Association applies for representation the choices will be for the Association or no union, unless an outside union intervenes and appears on the ballot.
OR from the TWU​
"The first steps that follow the single carrier determination will be elections, at each of the three classes or crafts, that will determine the certification of the TWU/IAM Association for each class or craft. The Association will be certified when it receives a majority of the votes cast."
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