No to the Alliance!

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700UW said:
You don't get it the if you vote down the association, you will be non union
Contracts stay intact if we change representation given if we have choices. If we vote no on the association and a write in wins like amfa then amfa absorbs our current contracts and they will be negotiating a jcba. If a vote no union wins then we have no union. Assuming we get a vote and the usual choices are on the ballot. You knew this but you are in a desperation mode and are spreading lies. Now go away you a$$ wipe. You don't and never had a fight in these issues. For someone who said they walked away from their profession you seem to be wanting to get involved in every topic on this forum. This affects you in no way whatsoever. Stop butting in where you have no business. Be a good little boy and sit back and observe.
If the ballot is yes for no for the association and the no vote wins you are now no. Union with no cba.
topDawg said:
and i am saying you have a management team now that doesn't seem to care for heavy work. Tulsa is older, needs updating to stay current.....I don't see Parker doing it without a union telling him he has to. 
but I believe that in BK AA wanted to take more than they did, they didn't because the TWU gave them pay/benefits for jobs. 

 The unions don't pick bases, the company does. (at least for the most part) 

but the important thing to remember here is, like it or not, you guys don't compare well to Delta. A lot of work we do is because of the MRO. If it wasn't for the MRO a lot more work would be gone. Parker and the Unions don't seem to give a crap about making money with MX, thus i bet without a union you get Northwested.
The NWA mechs were "northwested" with a union, just like I get half pay sick days with a union, .01 cent shift diff, 5 sick days a year.....etc etc
700UW said:
If the ballot is yes for no for the association and he no vote wins you are now no. Union with no cba.
IF is the question. You don't even know and yet make threats of losing our contract. You need to stand down. None of us really know if and when we will vote and what choices will be on the ballot if it comes to that. Chill out with the unfounded threats.
I don't believe a unions function is to make work, but is to represent the union workers in pay benefits and work safety.
700UW said:
Listen 700, there has not been a vote yet, has there?  You are going by what the unions are telling you.  I am still going by what the NMB's ruling states, at this time I will not quote the NMB but it went something like this;  It said something to the effect of IF there is an interest from another union then there will be a vote, it said nothing at all about a vote IF no other union shows an interest now did it 700?  Then it goes on to say that the TWU/IAM association will be certified and says nothing about a vote.  Has the union (either one of them) put it in writing (not Q and A 700) letter head and answering the question of "if there is no union that shows interest and fails to be put on the ballot will there still be a vote for this association?"  I know, I know they have said there will be a vote---I do not trust what either of these two unions are telling the membership, they will do anything, and say anything to keep their butts placed in the aviation field of representing mechanics, otherwise they will be gone and gone forever and they know this.  I will not go back and forth with you on this until I see a vote happen without another union being placed on the ballot.  Not ignoring you, just not worth going back and forth until the vote happens.  Or if the NMB would say yes that there will be a vote regardless if any union shows interest or not.  Simple as that...
Third Seat Hero,

This is what exactly happened at UA with the IAM and IBT, this proves I am right, and if you dont believe me call the NMB:
50% + 1 rule

11,122 voted

50% is 5561

IAM votes were 5572

IBT votes were 5258

Other - 5

Void - 2

No union - 287

We escaped a runoff vote against the IBT by 11 votes

And this was under the new rules.
swamt said:
Listen 700, there has not been a vote yet, has there?  You are going by what the unions are telling you.  I am still going by what the NMB's ruling states, at this time I will not quote the NMB but it went something like this;  It said something to the effect of IF there is an interest from another union then there will be a vote, it said nothing at all about a vote IF no other union shows an interest now did it 700?  Then it goes on to say that the TWU/IAM association will be certified and says nothing about a vote.  Has the union (either one of them) put it in writing (not Q and A 700) letter head and answering the question of "if there is no union that shows interest and fails to be put on the ballot will there still be a vote for this association?"  I know, I know they have said there will be a vote---I do not trust what either of these two unions are telling the membership, they will do anything, and say anything to keep their butts placed in the aviation field of representing mechanics, otherwise they will be gone and gone forever and they know this.  I will not go back and forth with you on this until I see a vote happen without another union being placed on the ballot.  Not ignoring you, just not worth going back and forth until the vote happens.  Or if the NMB would say yes that there will be a vote regardless if any union shows interest or not.  Simple as that...
Dont back peddle and leave out information.
You stated you spoke to someone at the NMB and they told you they wouldnt be involved with this vote.

And you harped on me about this for weeks, so you were wrong, cared to admit it?
CMH_GSE said:
Association or nothing is certainly a needle mover.

It certainly is possible to get to 9000 cards, something just south of that is what it will take.

As a fall back, the majority of votes cast wins, including write ins, but first things first, sign a card.
100% correct.  Most important to get the signed cards in by 5-15 (actually before that)  Better to be ON the ballot than have to worry about explaining the "write-in" procedures.  I have heard at one time of 5K to 6K cards were collected, might be a little tough getting the amount needed but I do think it will get done now that the membership knows there will be a vote if another union (AMFA) is put on the ballot.  Get those cards in guys last chance I believe to get this done, GOOD LUCK!!!
1AA said:
Those work groups agreed to have one union represent them. No vote needed because the other unions conceded. They did what was best for the membership. The association is doing what's best for the association not the membership.
Which is exactly what should have happened here.
TWU informer said:
I would love to stay and argue and play.
But I have to go now. We have less than 30 days to complete card signing and apply as intervener. No time for this.
Talk to you all later.
Great to hear informer.  Get to work and work you a$$ off as this might be the very last time to have an option like this.  Very important to get AMFA on the ballot...
1AA said:
We don't even know at this time we will get a vote. Only the union posted a vote is coming. Nothing from the nmb. We do not even know the choices that will be presented on the ballot if we do get a ballot.
Eactly.  Nothing from the NMB about a vote, UNLESS there is an interested union that cllects enough cards.  If not, I don't think they will hold an election and I hope all you understand this.  Now go get those cards signed and turned in AND LET THE MEMBERSHIP DECIDE WHO WILL REPRESENT THEM--PERIOD...
1AA said:
So on another note has anyone heard from our AMFA organizing committee?
See post 133 above from informer
JABORD said:
Unsure of your point Buck but the info highlighted in red is a total lie spun to stir up the TUL fear campaign. If the Association is voted down, the CBA in effect remains in effect. Period! The only thing that can end our current CBA is to go non-union. You Tulsa folks need wise up and see these lies for what they are. For the TWBoo to insert such a bold lie into this article trashes the credibility of the entire piece.

 "Only the union posted a vote is coming. Nothing from the nmb." 
This is very much the point that needs to be understood.
100% correct, nothing from the NMB so far
1AA said:
Contracts stay intact if we change representation given if we have choices. If we vote no on the association and a write in wins like amfa then amfa absorbs our current contracts and they will be negotiating a jcba. If a vote no union wins then we have no union. Assuming we get a vote and the usual choices are on the ballot. You knew this but you are in a desperation mode and are spreading lies. Now go away you a$$ wipe. You don't and never had a fight in these issues. For someone who said they walked away from their profession you seem to be wanting to get involved in every topic on this forum. This affects you in no way whatsoever. Stop butting in where you have no business. Be a good little boy and sit back and observe.
Take note of the scare tactics steamin up once again.  It will get worst by 10 fold once (or IF) there is a vote announced.  Especially if AMFA gets put on the ballot then all hell will break loose with all the scare tactics lies and misinformation about AMFA...
700UW said:
Third Seat Hero,
This is what exactly happened at UA with the IAM and IBT, this proves I am right, and if you dont believe me call the NMB:
And this was under the new rules.
Your example doesn't change the fact or address the point that made your initial statements on this thread offshoot wrong.
Again - here are your statements -
Your original post -
No, if there is a write in and neither gets 50%+1, but combined they do, then there will be a runoff election.
Election procedures have changed.
Followed again with...
The rules have changed I worked the raid in the summer of 2013.

If there are way three unions on the ballot and neither of them individually get 50%+1 but get it combined then the bottom vote getter is dropped, then the two top vote getters have a runoff.

Call the NMB if you don't believe me.

It happened at US fleet service IAM, IBT and USWA were on the ballot no union got the 50%+1, so a runoff happened with the IAM and USWA.    
There is no requirement for "combining" valid votes to achieve 50+1 - that is a function of the OLD NMB Run Off rule - THAT is where you are wrong.
AMFA authorization cards were being signed all over the place today at DFW!  Guys were damn near tripping over one another to get a card signed!
700UW said:
If the ballot is yes for no for the association and the no vote wins you are now no. Union with no cba.
The greed of the afl-cio, twu,and iam has brought this possibility about! In their flagrant anti-UNION attempt at subverting the collective will of the membership in their quest to maintain dues as status-quo. If the vote is perverted to only contain the options of the Association or no representation then I for one opt for NO Representation!
No representation guarantees my choices at the time of retirement will be free of the endentured servitude of the IAMPF.
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