No Snacks Starting June 1st?

Snacks enroute are a "Treat" that folks enjoy and expect, and the costs are easily absorbed into very slight ticket price increases.

Think of them as you would those annual Executive Bonuses, the cost of which are covered by decreased pay and benefits to the employees!


I also expect to pay less than $2.00 a gallon for gas and I ain't getting that either am I?

Bottom line TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!!!!! Accept it!!!!

Do u get free drinks and snacks on the bus? On the train? NO!!!!!

Alot of us got used to "treats" but we have all cut back on something!!!!
We stopped serving tidbits on West coast flights blocked an hour or less a long time ago...those are referred to as "express" service. At one time we had little bottles of water, oj, apple juice and that worked. Then they felt we needed to offer "every" item on the regular beverage service so we no do the same service, with all options on the beverage menu. Full flights PHX to LAS a full beverage service including coffee and tea...we manage to get it done with 3 FAs on a 45min flight.

Back in 1999-2002 when I flew the Shuttle every week, the FAs did a full beverage service plus served a snack (bagel with cream cheese in the a.m. or a cheese/cracker/Tortuga snack pack in the p.m.). Beer and wine used to be free as well (or is it still free on the Shuttle?). It can be done if organized ...
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Back in 1999-2002 when I flew the Shuttle every week, the FAs did a full beverage service plus served a snack (bagel with cream cheese in the a.m. or a cheese/cracker/Tortuga snack pack in the p.m.). Beer and wine used to be free as well (or is it still free on the Shuttle?). It can be done if organized ...

Snack was served as the pax were boarding, they were given a baggie that had a sandwich and small bottle of water. For service they were given an entire can unopened. Beer and wine is still free.
OTOH I didn't spend $895.00 of my Company's money to get to MSP either. So I'm not sure how that equates.

Not sure but I think some Amtrak routes in the NE corridor do inieed offer a snack or beverage. Not sure if they charge for them or if they have a class of service differential.

As for cutting back, I do intend to cut back on my personal travel or send to another more customer friendly vendor which affects your job not mine. :angry:
Well on Amtrak you have to pay for the snacks and drinks unless you purchase an "upgrade". Although I'm not very enthusiastic about them possibly cutting the pretzels and I'm certainly in no mood for them to charge for soda, they need to find a way to cut some costs without doing anymore harm to the employees (which they know would do more damage than good). For the most part the fares are too damn low and something needs to be done. I realize that some fares are high for the business travelers that need flexibility and where that is concerned it would do them well to do something like Southwest where (when you are stuck in Coach) when you pay for the higher fare that you get a coupon for a free cocktail or BOB item.

At this point I am more concerned about having a job and a financially stable company than I am with whether the Kettles get to take their entire family to Orlando on the Cheap and then expect us to give them the farm and wash their feet and wipe their butt. Either way the fares at some point are going to go up whether the airlines figure out a way to do it on their own or there are less planes and companies flying.
Snack was served as the pax were boarding, they were given a baggie that had a sandwich and small bottle of water. For service they were given an entire can unopened. Beer and wine is still free.

Not on any 200 Shuttle flights I ever took. The FAs always handed out the snacks after takeoff.
I believe should not be responsible for people consumption of food anyways. Airlines are close to a grayhound bus anymore these days.
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Not on any 200 Shuttle flights I ever took. The FAs always handed out the snacks after takeoff.

I can't remember the exact name of the company I think it was Le petite Bistro and it had the Eiffel Tower on it. The cart would be set up and as the pax were booarding they were handed a baggie that had a sandwich, fruit and a little bottle of water. This was pre 9/11. Did you take 200 shuttle flights before then?
I can't remember the exact name of the company I think it was Le petite Bistro and it had the Eiffel Tower on it. The cart would be set up and as the pax were booarding they were handed a baggie that had a sandwich, fruit and a little bottle of water. This was pre 9/11. Did you take 200 shuttle flights before then?
Boy that's when "The Shuttle" was "THE SHUTTLE". The 727 Shuttle and the one class 320 Shuttle with Fox News and leg room!! I used to love it on the weekends when we would get the Shuttle 320 on some of the Island trips.
Can't people afford to bring a bag of chips from home? Did they all take the city bus to the airport?

Most of them DID take the city bus to the airport and we're lucky if they took a shower before coming to join us.

My bottom line is that while it's embarrassing to cut out the pretzels...something has GOT to give. They DO need to raise ticket prices but them people won't fly now will they.....what they will do is drive a few hours away and rent a cabin or go to an amusement park, etc close to home.

The airlines have been giving away too much for too long and they've created their own monster. Case in point, if I choose to buy a car from the same dealership every 5 years for 50 years...that's 10 cars I've purchased. When it comes time to buy #11, they don't just say "here you go, you've been a great customer so for your 11th car you get a free one." No way....they would hand me the bill and say pay up.

This industry has made pax expect everything under the moon for buying a ticket and flying on they have to figure out how to fix it. Good Luck !!!!

Just my opinion.
I can't remember the exact name of the company I think it was Le petite Bistro and it had the Eiffel Tower on it. The cart would be set up and as the pax were booarding they were handed a baggie that had a sandwich, fruit and a little bottle of water. This was pre 9/11. Did you take 200 shuttle flights before then?

Yes, 1999 thru 2001.
With some passengers paying what Piney pointed out as extremely high fares between a city pair those particular passengers should receive a coupon or two for a beverage or snack item in coach. There should be a fare cutoff where after a certain price it's nickel and dime time. I know we have many a business person in coach riding on high fares. It's not fair to hear f/a's make blanket statements like "these $99.00 fliers". There are quite a few out there in the cabin subsidizing those low fares. at checkin would work. Oh and on Amtrak you are NOT given anything for free unless you upgrade or are on Acela I believe.
If the rumor is true, the part that get me, is management is telling their customer that their cost structure is so tight, it can't afford another $0.03 per passenger. That is the amount ole Doug said the pretzels cost.

I am sure there are many other ways to save money. IIRC a beverage napkin casts about 1 1/2 cents each. SO only give them out upon request.

THis is real nickel and diming here. The most this snack should cost is a dime. 1 1/2 bags per passenger (some ask for 2) time two legs + $0.09.

And this is also figured in the ticket cost, just like meals were when they were served. Remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Contential has the right approach, and they received over $7,500.00 in fares from me in April, that should have gone to US since US had a better schedule for my travels, and that was a total of 20 legs of flying.

But since US is so cheap they lost most of my business, and now they are telling me my business is not even worth a dime, they will probably see less than none, or only on a money loosing flight, and not a $1,500.00 trans con.
But since US is so cheap they lost most of my business, and now they are telling me my business is not even worth a dime, they will probably see less than none, or only on a money loosing flight, and not a $1,500.00 trans con.

Hang tight, the other legacies will follow with the nickel and diming.....
Hang tight, the other legacies will follow with the nickel and diming.....
I don't know that's true. Seriously, I think the other legacy airlines would rather raise the rates by $1.00 than look really stupid to their customers.

On a side note, if you purchase first class on Amtrak regional, the beverages are free. you still have to get up and go to the snack car, nobody serves you, but the pepsi is still free. First on Acela is awesome. Hot towel service and a good meal :)

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