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New $3-5 BOB Snacks on flighs over 1 hour starts tommorw June 1 ?

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And you would be wrong. I am hardly anyone who could be described as someone who was a"longtime observer" lol . Unlike you I have a life and better things to do. I hope that you understand that it would be impossible for me to be jealous of you in as much as I thought
you were an old man. Don't get your hopes up about chatting with me , based on
what I have read of your writing so far, I am not interested. And by the way, you should have used the contraction "you're" as in "you are" in the second sentence below. Tiny pet peeve 🙄

T't hate me cause I'm beautiful. I take it your a longtime observer of the boards but let's get one thing clear. If you can hear me over your crunching on the Pringles or Oreo's.......be sure to pay for whatcha eat big girl. I look forward to chatting with you soon. Just be sure to wipe the potato chip grease off your fingers before you hit the keys. Why do fat flight attendants always hate on the skinny ones? Hmmmmm CRUNCH CRUNCH! ! !
2fly4u....you are sooooo far off the mark. I'm not sure from what rock you suddenly crawled out from but you should go back under. A house already landed on your sister, would you like to be next? Poof be gone with yourself. You have Nooooooo powers here. Got a little snacking station set up in the back of the plane for yourself? CRUNCH CRUNCH! ! ! ! Your not a star babe. 🙄
2009, 02:41 PM' post='690044']
Yeah, I'm sure I am scared. Puhlease. And based on how you wrote the mess below, you should consider leaving the miniatures on the airplane and out of your glass. "A seatbelt extension is on the back." What the Hell! Who is Cindy Simone? Is that your personal care assistant? I hope your insurance covers her.

quote name='beachboy' date='Jun 8 2009, 09:50 PM' post='689943']

I am afraid you have made a rather bad enemy in TravelPro. :blink: Eww I would not want to be you. Thats ok a seat belt extension is on the back. Just get a letter from Cindy Simone, I hear she is handing out free heifer passes! Travel is all of 110 pounds wet. He gains 4 pounds we think he a pregant. :lol:
First of all, I don't take orders from you. Secondly, who but a moron would have illusions of power on public message boards? That is just ridiculous.
Yeah, you're right, I am not a star, but I can manage to put together sentences beyond a 3rd grade level. Good luck with your delusions of grandeur. You sad Southwest reject. :up:

2fly4u....you are sooooo far off the mark. I'm not sure from what rock you suddenly crawled out from but you should go back under. A house already landed on your sister, would you like to be next? Poof be gone with yourself. You have Nooooooo powers here. Got a little snacking station set up in the back of the plane for yourself? CRUNCH CRUNCH! ! ! ! Your not a star babe. 🙄
As he frantically pounded the keyboard, like a monkey on crank, it dawned on him.

I am talking to myself.
This thread has become irrelevant...

And for those of you involved in the mud slinging, please be reminded that personal attacks, comments, insults, and ANY form of name calling are strictly prohibited on these boards.....

This one has gone too far off course.

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