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No Plan By Us Airways To 'pack Up' And Leave Pit

<<<Second, the Pittsburgh hub negotiations have been held hostage by United's exit financing, but with today's news that United's loan guarantee is in doubt, US Airways may have leverage over the ACAA sooner than thought.>>>

Chip, with all due respect you are either illusionary or make statements like this to promote your cause.

To say that Usair's hub negotiations are held hostage to United is absurd. And even if they were then they are not anymore since the exit financing package with investment banks is sealed and delivered. In addition the plan was endoursed by the Unsecured Creditors Committee. ( which you also predicted would push for a UCT -wrong)

In plain language, there is no plan for outside investors. Its over Chip, your UCT/ICT/UPT whatever is dead was dead, it never even saw daylight.

Secondly a couple of comments in an article about the difficulties in getting ATSB approval and one of them by an unnamed airline executive (probably bafoon) is harldy news to hang your doubt hat on.
PITbull said:
Somewhere, there has got to be a compromise.
Pitty.....they don't know how to compromise!!!
It's Dave's way or else.....it is the" I will take my ball and go elsewhere.." cry.
You just couldn't resist could you Chip?

There you go with that "being held hostage" crap..
Dr. Bronner ????

I find it amusing that you can't admit.. that David and his senior management team need to be replaced now. They aren't the answer.

The pilots and F/A are fed up, you lost the mechanics with outsourcing heavy mtc , and the agents are sick and tired of the lack of direction with marketing and pricing. We have no direction...and unfortunately that all starts with you..........top down. I guess it doesn't matter.....it's our future, not yours.
Chip, I applaud you in your remark in regards to figuring out a solution before Jan 4 to make sure cost do not go up 1 mil a month at Pit. I agree Dave needs to strike a deal quick.

But this whole notion of moving its assests westward is absolute baloney. Let me reiterate Bronner's point " the next 30 to 90 days are crucial for the survivability of the co." They ain't thinking about what if United does xy and z, they are trying to survive Chip. They are just trying to make sure they will have cash on hand come June to keep operations afloat. If they lost 90 mil in the last quarter, which is historically the strongest, what are the next two quarters going to look like?

They do not have the cash to move assets "Westward," nor do they have a shot in hell in obtaining any gates at ORD. That is simply a Pipe Dream. United is coming back strong and American is adding about 4% capacity in the next two quaters, United will not give up a thing at their golden goose at ORD. So lets focus on reality and getting US air back on its feet.
Light Years said:
Wasted time looking for a new leader? Theres ALREADY been tons of wasted time. Better start looking! Now. Tonight. He shouldnt sleep until he finds a new leader.

The next 30-90 days will be huge. More time will be wasted with a new plan and more threats and intimidation. What part of no dont they understand?

Right or wrong, the employees have already SAID N-O, we dont believe you, we dont trust you, we dont want you.

Dave could ask for a single $ from each employee and show proof that we would become the most profitable entity in the world and the group would still tell him to @%^& off.
Girl, I have nothing to gain in saying this. You're avitar is hot. I'm surprised these straight boys haven't been emailing you or responding for all to here. YOU ARE A HOT BABE!!! :shock: 😛 :up: :up: :up: :up:
Twicebaked said:
PITbull said:
Somewhere, there has got to be a compromise.
Pitty.....they don't know how to compromise!!!
It's Dave's way or else.....it is the" I will take my ball and go elsewhere.." cry.
Lord, Twicebacked, you're in trouble now...do NOT call her Pitty!! Comprendo? :shock:
Hi folks. This article proves what I have been saying: Bronner is saying "jump" and Seigal is saying "how high?" What is going on at U is exactly what Bronner wants. Cut, cut, and cut some more. He's running the show. 30 -90 days to survive? Come on. How many deadlines have we been given that time is of the essence? If this is mgmnt's plan to compete with the lcc's, especially wn in phl, then they don't have a plan because no one in their right mind will buy into another round of give backs.

Quote from Bronner:

"Asked if US Airways has any future, Bronner said, "It has that potential." But rising tensions with the company's unions could be a problem. If the unions say, "I am not willing to put in another penny, you have what you have had with other airlines. It dissolves. It goes away."

Just like before. Give us more or we'll shut the door. Well, If he can figure out how to get more production out of me, fine. But I won't give another penny out of my paycheck or another benefit. Period. :down:
Formatman, I agree. Add some more legs onto my pairing instead of making me sit around 3-4 hours every day of my trip. How productive is that? But they better not come after my wages or bennies ( what's left of them) because I won't give anything else.

shaka said:
Chip, I applaud you in your remark in regards to figuring out a solution before Jan 4 to make sure cost do not go up 1 mil a month at Pit. I agree Dave needs to strike a deal quick.

But this whole notion of moving its assests westward is absolute baloney. Let me reiterate Bronner's point " the next 30 to 90 days are crucial for the survivability of the co." They ain't thinking about what if United does xy and z, they are trying to survive Chip. They are just trying to make sure they will have cash on hand come June to keep operations afloat. If they lost 90 mil in the last quarter, which is historically the strongest, what are the next two quarters going to look like?

They do not have the cash to move assets "Westward," nor do they have a shot in hell in obtaining any gates at ORD. That is simply a Pipe Dream. United is coming back strong and American is adding about 4% capacity in the next two quaters, United will not give up a thing at their golden goose at ORD. So lets focus on reality and getting US air back on its feet.
if you think there isn't an alternate plan package ready for implementation...i think you are very wrong.these guys don't go to the bathroom without some type of plan.who's to know what type of confidentail negotiations have been taking place in what city?if they don't come to some type of accord here in PIT,don't fall off your rocker if they move.it might not be overnite....
Dr. B...

I for one will not wear a red vest and say have a nice day...

This is USAir.....it ain't Wal Mart..........

Get someone who has pride in running an airline....

Like Kelleher, like Freidkin.....Get rid of Bugsy and the rest of his minnions.
Chip Munn said:
but with today's news that United's loan guarantee is in doubt, US Airways may have leverage over the ACAA sooner than thought.
Mr. Munn

Your statement seems to be an absolute diconnect, apples and peaches. Correct,there are no gurantees by the ATSB. UA's dealings with MESA simply puts, to quote the NY Times, "a cloud over United's application for the federal aid." Not that most writers really understand the issues they are writing about. The loan will come down to politics anyway, not great business.


According to several VPs, financing outside of ATSB loans is available, but the ATSB loans leave control in present hands, as opposed to having to give up board seats and similar.

You continually reference PIA being held hostage by UALs situation. My question: "specifically what does one have to do with the other"

Denver, CO
I dont see why THE UNIONS should be the only groups to give up a darn penny.
What the heck about those gangsters of thieves of CCY? They have too much money in their freckin pays that they can (and I emphasize they CAN) give up more than that stupid 20% crap that they claim they gave up. Our concession
stand is closed! Theyve expressed out a number of stations and still cant make money well it sounds like the gangsters of ccy led by that alleged ceo seigel can give up say about 90% or more instead of asking the employees
Chip Munn said:
Let me reiterate two points: The ACAA should not mess around because US Airways could reject an agreement and move its assets westward. Second, the Pittsburgh hub negotiations have been held hostage by United's exit financing, but with today's news that United's loan guarantee is in doubt, US Airways may have leverage over the ACAA sooner than thought.
With what money? Again, based on the interview, does Bronner sound like a guy who is willing to pour millions of additional dollars into an investment which has lost over $200 million dollars? The Chairman of the airline just said that he wants to stay in Pittsburgh, yet you claim he wants to move west. See the disconnect?

Regarding United's exit--U pulled EETC tricks. UA will pull EETC tricks. United can handle the loss of feed at Dulles with other contract carriers, or with U. In the worst case, United can terminate it's pilot's pension plan--just like U did, and since UA's pilot force is far junior it stands to reason that there might be less pushback. And even if this all comes to pass, UA still emerges with a commercially funded equity plan, so as to avoid the kind of shinnanigans that U is currently experiencing from Alabama Dave.

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