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No More Staples and the APFA Hard at Work


Aug 6, 2004
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So, no more future staples. Works for everyone but the APFA. Of course the AFA wanted this legislation because they have the most to lose considering they own 98% of the unionized FA work force in America. They are threatened by any future mergers with AA or any foreign carriers.

What I find interesting is that our current, useless, APFA administration (which includes Mr. Brett Durkin who's running for Glading's VP) was begging us for our participation in getting that FAA Reauthorization bill to pass. They were telling us how great it would be for us and have nothing to do with our CURRENT seniority integration agreement with TWA while glossing over the fact that it would have a great impact in the future should any mergers occur.

Here's the rumor control message from the APFA web site. AAFA's need to see this.

Q: I hear legislation is being introduced that will give the former TWA Flight Attendants their seniority back. Is this true?
A: No. There is no truth to this rumor or any form of this rumor, whatsoever.
The TWA seniority issue was determined by the APFA Board of Directors in 2001 and there is absolutely no mechanism, real or imagined, to change that process.
There is no bill nor attachment to any bill in Washington attempting to grant anyone seniority retroactively.
There are no discussions at APFA regarding changing anyone’s seniority. It simply is not happening. That horse left the barn a long time ago.
What does exist is a vicious rumor that started by taking a small piece of fact (see below) and fabricating a story around it that does nothing more than conjure up fear, anger and divisiveness.
Some of these rumors might stem from the FAA Reauthorization Bill that goes before Congress every four years and is currently being discussed in both the House and the Senate. (here's where they tell us how great the bill is) There are many positive items for Flight Attendants in pained within this Bill such as strong language for a new FA Fatigue Study as well as new health and safety standards for crewmembers. There is a prospective amendment recommending recall rights of ten years for all furloughed airline employees whose airline accepted federal aid from the government following 9/11. This amendment has a long way to go before it becomes law. If this amendment is successfully attached and becomes law, it would have absolutely no impact on the AA/APFA TWA Seniority Agreement whatsoever. In other words, AA Flight Attendants’ seniority would NOT be affected.(NOW BUT NOT IN THE FUTURE)
There is also an amendment to the FAA Reauthorization Bill on the Senate side that provides the “Allegheny-Mohawk Provisionâ€￾ to apply to airline mergers in the future. Not only does our Contract already contain this provision (Article 1) as do most labor contracts, but if it were to pass and become law, it would have ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT ON THE AA/APFA 2001 SENIORITY INTEGRATION AGREEMENT.
Again, this or any other proposed law or bill has or will have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER ON THE AA/APFA 2001 SENIORITY INTEGRATION AGREEMENT.
The amendments are far from becoming reality and face many obstacles before becoming law. However, whether they are already attached or have yet to be, and then IF they do become law - (HERE IT IS FOLKS) THERE ARE NO AMENDMENTS TO THIS BILL OR ANY OTHER BILL THAT WILL HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THE CURRENT SENIORITY ORDER OF THE AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT ATTENDANTS.