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No More Pretzels


you are 100% correct, there are many operational problems that cost the airline 'big bucks.'

The problem as I see it, you don't have operational people at the top. You have bean counters that only know how to cut services to save money (make a profit). And the way it is going there will not be much left to cut out. Its like the bean counter who buys a pizza parlor. To make more money he puts less pepperoni on the pizza, not many customers notice so he thinks I cut some more out make more money. Pretty soon the only thing in the pizza box for the customer is the cardboard disk.

Folks, you can only cut so much out of a product before the customer stops buying the product. Whether it is pretzels, less customer service agents, etc. They need to fix other items in the operation. One of the reasons for the success at CO was Gordon was more of an operational guy, and had a bean counter to assist him. But the focus was on improving the operation to improve profits, not cutting costs to improve profits.

An PlaneMX, your example of higher costs of a 'turn" is on a city pair that is low yield, so it make the effect on profitability even worse.
I had no idea that a tow to/from the gate to a remote pad cost that much.
Who cares about the pretzels? I mean really...
The Kettles sure don’t. They’ll just munch on some of the Cheerios they brought along in a baggie for their screaming brat.

Maybe they’ll answer one of Tempe’s surveys by saying they wouldn’t mind paying for a Coke either. They only fly once a year anyway, so big whoop.
What is a “noteworthy passengerâ€￾? CO uses that term or an abbreviation of such, and it refers to a celebrity.

Aren't customers who post on this board "celebrities"? Maybe we should include our Aviation handles in our profiles. :lol:
Just gave my US1 her goody bag a week ago. I didn't expect it but got my A&B for that. lol Talk about not procedure. :lol:
When I work trans atlantic- I bring the Chairman's and other high levels of FF the amenity kits from envoy. It always puts a smile on faces.

I've never had you on one of the three times I have flown revenue on US Transatlantic obviously 🙂 I'm glad to hear that was an nice gesture on your part.
Aren't customers who post on this board "celebrities"? Maybe we should include our Aviation handles in our profiles. :lol:
Ha ha, we could get little pins that have the logo on them and they would know and we would all know each other!
That's fun. I think just about everyone has found me already, but I don't really hide it . I always wonder in the airport if any of you are there...haha...yes, wear little logos.....I mean..um..when I'm in the airport NOT working for an airline that is..because I don't.....shh....
I had no idea that a tow to/from the gate to a remote pad cost that much.

The costs vary from station to station.....but this is Hawaii and United has the contract. At this rate we'll pay more in tows than running the apu - most of the day. On the 16th of May the a/c burned 2200 lbs of fuel sitting on the ground....at remote....knowing the flight wasn't leaving for HOURS.

2200 lbs @ $3.20 a gallon = $1,050. To have a plane sit on the ground most of the day - just burning fuel. The cost of a new GPU would pay for itself in a month at the rate we throw our cash out the window in HI.

Want to hear the topper??? A Managing Director was there on site...the whole time. What is going through the minds of these people? We pad our times to make it look like we're on time and we spend HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars for what???

The Ranting Ratchet.....
i imagine i would be told to remove the bug pin stat. it is non uniform and they are all over that compliance crap.
Awwww, no Flair allowed?


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