hay gurl! I guess I will add my $.03. It really isn't that big of deal...those pretzels are stale anyway...but, it cracks me up that CO has the 2nd strongest balance sheet behind only WN and they serve meals in coach for free. Tempe doesn't know how to manage an airline. And it would be one thing if US was making great improvements for premium customers, but, alas, it is not. It is so far behind.
I flew CO today, MCO-CLE, FC and flight is less than 2 hours I recall. US serves nothing MCO-PHL. In FC on CO the service was pre-departure drink, hot towel, nuts, Ruben sandwich, lentil soup, fruit bowl, milano cookies, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins
Look at what US offers and compare. It is laughable. How can CO do that and be so strong and US can't hand out $.03 stale pretzels in Y????? :blink: