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No More Pretzels

No problem...just treating our FF's the way I like to be treated. I understand the formula of customer=paycheck. There ARE some out there that seem to forget that at times. 🙄
Think about all the minis that can accidentally fall into your apron!
I don't see the big deal. It just makes you buy what you want at the 7-11 before you fly.
Now you have more of a choice than just pretzels. Think of the possibilities. Maybe buy an Almond Joy and a bag of peanuts. Think of how happy you'll be having exactly what you want.

The point that most seem to miss is that the point isn't the stupid pretzels - they are dry as sawdust anyway. Who cares about the stupid bag of 4 mini pretzels.

The point is that Management tries to spin this as "cost savings" and something that will keep the airline profitable. And as someone else said on this thread - if the company is in such a precarious financial position that getting rid of the little bags of pretzels is the difference between a profit and a loss there is no hope.

It was the same way they tried to spin the reduction in mileage accrual from a minimum of 500 to actual flight miles. They tried to say it was going to help profitability and save them money - which is total crap. But, when United did the same thing last week they just said we are doing it so that mileage accrual and mileage redemption are based on the same thing - which more or less was "just live with it". No spin or bull**** like US Mgt. spews out.
Thank you Travelpro, you'll never know how much that means to many of us. It's always people like me, someone with status who bought their ticket yesterday and paid 3 times as much as the rest of coach, and all the upgrades were handed out already. I've experienced this more than a few times, where the FA came back and thanked me for being a chairman, as I was stuck in 4E between two strangers. It does mean a lot to us, because there are so many of us that don't buy our tickets until the day of our flight, or the day before. 🙁
You mean the world to US! And there is no thanking me as the FA! I always try to accomadate my elite members in Coach! THANK YOU!! I just wish MGMT thought the same for US both!! 😀 I work the West flights, but my schedule is all CLT flights next month, to and from SAN. Look foward to seeing all ff's!! 🙂
Thank you Travelpro, you'll never know how much that means to many of us. It's always people like me, someone with status who bought their ticket yesterday and paid 3 times as much as the rest of coach, and all the upgrades were handed out already. I've experienced this more than a few times, where the FA came back and thanked me for being a chairman, as I was stuck in 4E between two strangers. It does mean a lot to us, because there are so many of us that don't buy our tickets until the day of our flight, or the day before. 🙁
When I work trans atlantic- I bring the Chairman's and other high levels of FF the amenity kits from envoy. It always puts a smile on faces.
hay gurl! I guess I will add my $.03. It really isn't that big of deal...those pretzels are stale anyway...but, it cracks me up that CO has the 2nd strongest balance sheet behind only WN and they serve meals in coach for free. Tempe doesn't know how to manage an airline. And it would be one thing if US was making great improvements for premium customers, but, alas, it is not. It is so far behind.

I flew CO today, MCO-CLE, FC and flight is less than 2 hours I recall. US serves nothing MCO-PHL. In FC on CO the service was pre-departure drink, hot towel, nuts, Ruben sandwich, lentil soup, fruit bowl, milano cookies, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins

Look at what US offers and compare. It is laughable. How can CO do that and be so strong and US can't hand out $.03 stale pretzels in Y????? :blink:

i was wondering the same thing yfare. but there is a big difference between usairways and continental. continental has a hub in ewr. (maybe the richest hub in the world) and iah is on fire because of the energy industry based there . threre route network also cannot be replicated. they have a good thing going for them and they know it. they bring in so much cash it's crazy. so they can afford to serve meals in coach and amenities that other airlines simply can't in this environment. and of course they have a great management team. i can't beleive i never applied to work for them back in 97.
When I work trans atlantic- I bring the Chairman's and other high levels of FF the amenity kits from envoy. It always puts a smile on faces.
although your gesture is a nice one and it should be that way. your actions make the f/a who follow procedure look bad by doing this.
As a customer, you sometimes have to draw a line in the sand...I've been a loyal customer since I was 2 when I took my first Piedmont flight, but the day they take away free Cokes, will be the day they lose their airline of choice status with me.

I understand the argument of not expecting anything for free, but it's not free.....I pay plenty of money to fly, and since I was born, there has been the expectation that airlines provide a higher level of service than a bus or train. If their wasn't some aspect of glamour involved, then why are all these flight attendants who are telling me to get over losing my $0.03 freebies, not train conductors instead? There's a lot less trash to pick up.....

You know....if fuel hitting $125 made them take the drastic step of eliminating $0.03 pretzels (which I actually didn't mind the taste), then can you imagine what they are going to need to cut when fuel gets to $150? It'll be there before the end of the year.

They need an overhaul, and they need it now. Recofiguring planes to lower capacity (reduce weight, supply, increase yeilds, and providing more legroom) would be a good first step
They need an overhaul, and they need it now. Recofiguring planes to lower capacity (reduce weight, supply, increase yeilds, and providing more legroom) would be a good first step
although your gesture is a nice one and it should be that way. your actions make the f/a who follow procedure look bad by doing this.
When you go out of your way for a very FF they KNOW your going out of your way and don't necessarily expect if from the next f/a. Now going against procedure like placing a suitcase in the meal cart or doing a can of soda on a one hour flight is a different story as your doing it for the masses. Taking care of our "elite" customers IS my job since management obviously doesn't realize that THEY pay the bills. Just because the company doesn't get it shouldn't mean that we don't. I hear what your saying but it sort of comes across in the cabin as being "stepford" and I just CAN'T be that way. I'm fine with making personal and impulsive decisions to enhance our customers flight.
What is a “noteworthy passengerâ€￾? CO uses that term or an abbreviation of such, and it refers to a celebrity.

Or are CPs in Y showing up on the manifest again?
It give you a list of DM members and Star members. It's nice to have. I'm actually liking the new manifest.
This is yet another example of how a flawed business model causes stupid business decisions.

If the company is in such a precarious financial position that a 3 cent bag of pretzels per person, per flight places it in on the verge of financial ruin then something is wrong at the very top of the company.

The Maui operation has a 757 come in off load get towed off the gate ($500) and sits at remote burning fuel (1200-1400 lbs per day), gets towed back to the gate (another $500)......that is $1000 per day just in towing charges from UA - PLUS all that apu fuel getting burned EVERYDAY. This is just one city in Hawaii.

$365,000 per year in towing and almost another $250,000 per in in APU fuel burning for 1 757 in HI. This is just the turn - this does not include other contracts for water, lavs, ramp, catering or anything else going on there. Do you see anyway we can cut costs?

The $$$ spent covers A LOT of 'pretzels' folks.....

So rants the ratchet.....

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