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Nmb Determination Of Mechanic & Related(2002)

There is no such thing as Job Security there never has been and there never will be all one has to do is look at what is happening at the Airlines to see that, the company will man as it see's fit and there really is nothing we can do about that,
CIO knows this, Northwest has lost people with Job Security AA has lost people with Job Security, Job Security is a lie that the company uses against the Unions.
Raptor said:
There is no such thing as Job Security there never has been and there never will be all one has to do is look at what is happening at the Airlines to see that, the company will man as it see's fit and there really is nothing we can do about that,
CIO knows this, Northwest has lost people with Job Security AA has lost people with Job Security, Job Security is a lie that the company uses against the Unions.
So do you agree with CIO then, that AMFA on AA property will lead to mass layoffs?
Moveon said:
You AMFA boys seem to be singing a different tune. All I used to read was: "TWU is sooooooo dead."

Now I'm hearing "Keep the faith."

You guys are starting to sound like you're not so sure of yourselves.
I've been keeping the faith since 1989 when I signed my first AMFA card. If you believe it's "IF" and not "WHEN" the AMFA will represent us at AA, you are sadly mistaken. I will always want a "REAL" union to represent me. Not this company union we now have.

Keep the Faith.......VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!
Boomer said:

If I were Kerry, I would have said that while I voted for Democracy in Unionism; I later voted against it!

I desire no office greater than the Title of AMFA Member of the Maintenance & Related Class and Craft at AA.
And if I were Bush I would have said "Whuuut?"
Checking it Out said:
Boomer, this is a typical statement! Spend efforts to organize but when the times get tough you run and hide!

This is why you and amfa should not be representing anyone! organizing is easy, your not held to any kind of credibility. But when you are representing someone once your caught in a lie you are labeled from that point forward! All you have to do is look and see the likes of the owens, stewarts, dons and gary's of the drive and you will see what will happen to us at AA in the future, if amfa was to ever get in! Stop and see how many times they have lied! Now look at Delle! This is a prime example of integrity! Just one example is the braniff BK. Caught on video. Lies at its best! Pretty pathetic not to want to get involved in any Union!
I know who Boomer is and I can tell you that he is not shy about stepping forward to represent and work for the members. We know how the TWU works so it is best that he remains anonymous. Personally I think he will make an excellent Local President should he choose to go for that position(despite his pro-Bush position-everyone has their faults! 😉 ) and I have no doubt that he will continue to help his coworkers.

I know Boomer to be a man of irrefutable integrity, solid moral grounding and high intellect.

However when I consider the types of people that the TWU chooses, Bobby Gless and Dennis Burchette for example, I see none of those qualities.

CIO. Can you cite any examples or references to your credibility or integrity?
Checking it Out said:
Boomer, this is a typical statement! Spend efforts to organize but when the times get tough you run and hide!

This is why you and amfa should not be representing anyone! organizing is easy, your not held to any kind of credibility. But when you are representing someone once your caught in a lie you are labeled from that point forward! All you have to do is look and see the likes of the owens, stewarts, dons and gary's of the drive and you will see what will happen to us at AA in the future, if amfa was to ever get in! Stop and see how many times they have lied! Now look at Delle! This is a prime example of integrity! Just one example is the braniff BK. Caught on video. Lies at its best! Pretty pathetic not to want to get involved in any Union!
cio, you wrote:

All you have to do is look and see the likes of the owens, stewarts, dons and gary's of the drive and you will see what will happen to us at AA in the future, if amfa was to ever get in! Stop and see how many times they have lied! Now look at Delle! This is a prime example of integrity!

First off, you do not know the first thing about integrity. Cowards know nothing about integrity or professionalism. What do you know about organizing? The only thing you are aware of is your future as a twu lap dog that will print/speak/type anything that their master tells them.

I do look and see the likes of Bob Owens, Dave Stewart, Don Rogers, Gary Schiable, Chuck Schalk, Dennis Hayes, Larry Costanza and the countless others who believe in protecting our profession. I have met each of the above mentioned men and even worked side by side with some and can tell you that I look forward to their running for an ELECTED oofice in AMFA after AMFA defeats your inept twu. Nothing says they have to run. But if they do I will support them because their actions have spoken volumes for their integrity and beliefs. And their integrity and beliefs are what we need to reverse the backward slide that YOUR twu has caused.

I have not seen where any of these men have lied. I have though, seen where you have lied all the time hiding behind an alias. YOU are the reason our profession is in decline and under attack. YOU are nothing more than a problem that will be rectified.

Continue to post lies and spin doctoring cio. Continue to be a coward. It is because of people like you that there is a drive to remove the twu from our profession. Thank you!

GO AMFA! :up:

And to the men that I have mentioned and all the other supporters of our profession THANK YOU for fighting for our profession.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!
Amfa will save your jobs and will not outsource. You can count on it, look at their track record. Believe everything they tell you, :shock:
mojo13 said:
Amfa will save your jobs and will not outsource. You can count on it, look at their track record. Believe everything they tell you, :shock:
And you believe the TWU has "saved" your job?

What about the 700 that are leaving MCI within the next year?

What about the future of MCI? Is it really as secure as you seem to believe?

I notice something about you mojo, you are now a fear mongering TWU Exalter, and provide nothing but fear to opppose change. Why is that?

What exactly do you see happening that AMFA is responsible for?
ex·alt [ ig záwlt ] (past ex·alt·ed, past participle ex·alt·ed, present participle ex·alt·ing, 3rd person present singular ex·alts)

transitive verb

1. promote: to raise somebody or something in rank, position, or esteem ( formal )
exalted to the rank of major

2. praise: to praise or worship somebody or something ( formal )

3. intensify: to increase the intensity or effect of something ( formal )

4. stimulate: to stimulate a mental quality or faculty ( archaic )

5. raise: to raise somebody or something physically ( archaic )

[15th century. From Latin exaltare , literally “to put up high,†from altus “high†(see alto.]

ex·alt·er noun

So that's what I'm doing huh?
OK, stay TWU and save your job!
Decision 2004 said:
What exactly do you see happening that AMFA is responsible for?
Destroying the moral of the people I work with.
Destroying my job.
Destroying my overhaul base.
Destroying my future.
Shall I continue?
mojo13 said:
Destroying the moral of the people I work with.
Destroying my job.
Destroying my overhaul base.
Destroying my future.
Shall I continue?
The Moral of the people you work with, has been detroyed by paycuts, benefit cuts, and removal of seniority rights. None of which has AMFA had anything to do with.

Your job is being destroyed by Terrorist Attacks on our Country a piss poor economy and a Government that refuses to allow capitalism to run it's course. The over capacity issue is what is costing you, not AMFA.

Your overhaul base is not AMFA represented is it? Maybe it is you being a TWU Officer that is doing all the damage? How can you blame AMFA for this? This is not a RAID it is a REVOLUTION. It is the TWU membership that seeks change not some outside organization.

Your future has been in jeopardy for many years, the IAM and the TWU are the only representation you have ever had, how can AMFA be to blame for that? Try Ichan, Terrosim, and Government Handouts, and poor management, and poor union representation.

Sure continue please?
The factors you listed are what amfa uses to prey on peoples emotions. It is a raid and that is the only way to see it. If we had not taken the concessions you would not have a chance to get in. You are the ones who feed off peoples fears and emotions. That is the only reason you had the cards to file. When it comes to a vote, if it does, the TWU will be the victors.
mojo13 said:
The factors you listed are what amfa uses to prey on peoples emotions. It is a raid and that is the only way to see it. If we had not taken the concessions you would not have a chance to get in. You are the ones who feed off peoples fears and emotions. That is the only reason you had the cards to file. When it comes to a vote, if it does, the TWU will be the victors.
Well OK,

Exactly who is "AMFA" to you then?
You admit then, that AMFA is NOT to blame? Because why would we get cards singed if AMFA was to blame for those "factors"? Your logic appears to say that first AMFA caused those factors, and then uses them to get cards. Is that what you are claiming mojo?

If the members approved of the concessions, then why would that be a factor? Sounds kind of silly, the members "accepted" the concessions and then signed a card?

If this is about the current concessions, then why was there a lawsuit filed in 1999 Northern District of Oklahoma 99-CV-0632, in which AMFA was a plaintiff along with seven Tulsa Based Organizers, and AA was making record profits?

If this is about the current concessions, then why was an AA employee named Scott Davies fired in 1989 for running a Tulsa World Ad about an AMFA Informational Meeting?SEE BELOW

If this about the current conessions, then why was Kenyon Wallace involved in a lawsuit against the TWU in 1994 regarding being placed in bad standing for supporting AMFA?

If this is about the current concessions, then why is it the first time I met you was at the Brady Theater at an AMFA Inormational meeting LONG BEFORE 9/11 and also long before the current concessions were negotiated?

You see, there is plenty of evidence that you are incorrect, and instead that Kool-Aid in your avatar, is really TWU Kool-Aid chilled with fear. And you and Lee Doughty are nothing more than habitual drinkers and addicts to the fear based campaign of ignorance. I KNOW! Because I too was there once!


That just might be the answer to one of many reasons the TWU is on the way out.


THE National Mediation Board will conduct A VOTE :shock:

AA fights verdict in fired-worker suit

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Lawyers for American Airlines have asked U.S. District

Judge Layn Phillips to overturn a jury's verdict Wednesday awarding a former employee $96,000 for wrongful termination.

Oral arguments in the case, Scott Davies vs. American Airlines Inc., will be heard at 4:30 p.m. today in U.S. District Court.

Davies, 32, a mechanic at American's Maintenance & Engineering Center at Tulsa International Airport, was fired Oct. 20, 1989.

Reuben Davis, American's lawyer, said Davies was fired after refusing to refrain from using "American Airlines" in association with union recruitment newspaper ads.

Davies, co-chairman of the organizing committee for American Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), an insurgent union at the company, said he placed an ad in the Tulsa World

Oct. 13, 1989, that publicized a debate between representatives of AMFA and the Transport Workers Union.

The TWU represents the majority of unionized mechanics at the M&E Center.

Under the Railway Labor Act, employees have the right to choose collective bargaining representatives free from interference by the employer.

"He (Davies) was asked to make a commitment not to use the (company) logo in the future, and he would not," Davis said. "The ad made it appear the company was sponsoring the debate between the two unions."

A six-member jury awarded Davies, who was represented by Collinsville lawyer Joe White, $81,000 in actual damages and $15,000 in punitive damages.

Copyright 1990 Tulsa World. World Publishing

AA mechanics eye new union
By D R Stewart World Staff Writer

A Minneapolis-based crafts union is appealing to some workers. More than 100 American Airlines mechanics who are interested in affiliating with a Minneapolis-based crafts union met with a union representative Saturday. Afterwards, they vowed to discuss the issues in American facilities around the country this week.

The mechanics, all members of the Transport Workers Union of America, which has 8,000 members at Local 514 at American Airlines in Tulsa, said dictatorial union officers who seem more sympathetic to airline executives than the union rank-and-file, a series of mediocre contracts and the chance to associate with skilled tradesmen prompted their interest in learning more about Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association.

Held at the Ramada Inn-Central, 8181 E. Skelly Drive, two AMFA informational sessions drew TWU members from Tulsa, Dallas, Fort Worth, Phoenix and California. More than two dozen mechanics who were interviewed following the first session, which concluded about 3 p.m., said they liked what they heard from AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine.

Larry Waldon, a mechanic at American's Alliance Maintenance Base in Fort Worth, said TWU President Dennis Burchette and his officers at Local 514 "hold a total and blatant disregard for democratic principles."

"The leadership of Local 514 is attempting to prevent their members from seeking this (AMFA) information at any cost to protect the current organization," Waldon said. "The vast majority of TWU members believe the TWU has major credibility issues in the ar eas of representation and collective bargaining. . . . The question now becomes: Can TWU members force change both in ideology and structure within the TWU, considering its past record of failure to change, or should we replace the TWU with an organization with those ideologies and structure already in place?"

Delle-Femine said that, in contrast to the TWU, AMFA's 11,000- person membership is 90 percent aircraft mechanics -- employees of Alaska Airlines, Northwest Airlines and its commuter airline partner, Mesaba Airlines. More than half of TWU's 30,000 members are bus drivers and subway workers in New York City and along the Eastern Seaboard.

Delle-Femine said all letters of agreement negotiated between[ 4] AMFA and an airline must be ratified by the membership. At the TWU, letters of agreement have been used by union leaders to insert contract language that the membership had not discussed, said several mechanics.

Rob Bales, a TWU shop steward at American, said he was not convinced by Delle-Femine's presentation that AMFA was preferable to the TWU, although he liked the concept of a craft union.

"AMFA has been soliciting (members) for over 30 years, and other than Alaska, Ozark and Republic (airlines), they have been unable to represent any major airline," Bales said. "It has given me doubts about their ability to properly represent the mechanics at American Airlines."

Delle-Femine said more AMFA information meetings will be held.

If 51 percent of TWU members sign cards certifying their interest in AMFA membership, an election will be called by the National Mediation Board to determine union representation.
Decision 2004 said:
Well OK,

Exactly who is "AMFA" to you then?
You admit then, that AMFA is NOT to blame? Because why would we get cards singed if AMFA was to blame for those "factors"? Your logic appears to say that first AMFA caused those factors, and then uses them to get cards. Is that what you are claiming mojo?

If the members approved of the concessions, then why would that be a factor? Sounds kind of silly, the members "accepted" the concessions and then signed a card?

If this is about the current concessions, then why was there a lawsuit filed in 1999 Northern District of Oklahoma 99-CV-0632, in which AMFA was a plaintiff along with seven Tulsa Based Organizers, and AA was making record profits?

If this is about the current concessions, then why was an AA employee named Scott Davies fired in 1990 for running a Tulsa World Ad about an AMFA Informational Meeting?

If this about the current conessions, then why was Kenyon Wallace involved in a lawsuit against the TWU in 1994 regarding being placed in bad standing for supporting AMFA?

If this is about the current concessions, then why is it the first time I met you was at the Brady Theater at an AMFA Inormational meeting LONG BEFORE 9/11 and also long before the current concessions were negotiated?

You see, there is plenty of evidence that you are incorrect, and instead that Kool-Aid in your avatar, is really TWU Kool-Aid chilled with fear. And you and Lee Doughty are nothing more than habitual drinkers and addicts to the fear based campaign of ignorance. I KNOW! Because I too was there once!


That just might be the answer to one of many reasons the TWU is on the way out.


THE National Mediation Board will conduct A VOTE :shock:
Most of what you've said here happened before my tenure with the TWU.
I know the TWU is not perfect, but they are my representatives and I am not going to sell them out. I would much rather try to make things better with them then to change carts in the middle of the stream. I believe they are the best chance we have to succeed with American Airlines. As I said, people were angry with concessions and signed a card, but at the end of the day, they know what is better for them.
Why is it any different than when the IAM was in? It's not really, but all I did then was gripe about them and never got involved. Now I am trying to make a difference. 😛h34r:

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