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Aircraft Maintenance Technician Craft or Class

[SIZE=10pt]Below is a copy of the motion to be made at the local TWU 591. If some one can carry the torch and do the same at 514, it will be great.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I wish to motion the TWU ___ local to [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]recognize the website amtcc.us as an organ of the local and [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]permit me _______ ________ Emp. #  ______  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]to form a committee or task force [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]of interested AMT’s to pursuit an Aircraft Maintenance Technician Craft or Class determination under the support of the this local[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Under the Railway Labor Act [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]section 152.4 congress mandated and commissioned the National Mediation Board (NMB) to assist [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Employees in[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]labor [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]determination, in the Act it states “[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. The majority of any craft or class of employees shall have the right to determine who shall be the representative of the craft or class”.  There is no question who our representative is, but according to the Act we are to be represented by craft or class not by crafts or classes.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10pt]One reason for this [/SIZE]campaign is to increase Airline safety.  AMT’s will be the only craft in the formation of this new craft or class, promoting [SIZE=10pt]the inherited benefit of seniority. This prevents a non-AMT from gaining AMT seniority, and their for he or she from obtaining prematurely an Aircraft safety sensitive position before he or she gains enough experience.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10pt]We believe we will receive a potential increase in earning power[/SIZE] by having a more narrow pool of [SIZE=10pt]specialty’s to negotiate for.[/SIZE]
  • An additional reason we decided to [SIZE=10pt]form this campaign [/SIZE]was due to so many GSE mechanic stations deciding to align with the Ramp locals.
I'm thinking of ASP,ing the safety concerns with the FAA, what do you all think.
chellow said:
[SIZE=10pt]Below is a copy of the motion to be made at the local TWU 591. If some one can carry the torch and do the same at 514, it will be great.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I wish to motion the TWU ___ local to [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]recognize the website amtcc.us as an organ of the local and [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]permit me _______ ________ Emp. #  ______  [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]to form a committee or task force [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]of interested AMT’s to pursuit an Aircraft Maintenance Technician Craft or Class determination under the support of the this local[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Under the Railway Labor Act [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]section 152.4 congress mandated and commissioned the National Mediation Board (NMB) to assist [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Employees in[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]labor [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]determination, in the Act it states “[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. The majority of any craft or class of employees shall have the right to determine who shall be the representative of the craft or class”.  There is no question who our representative is, but according to the Act we are to be represented by craft or class not by crafts or classes.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10pt]One reason for this [/SIZE]campaign is to increase Airline safety.  AMT’s will be the only craft in the formation of this new craft or class, promoting [SIZE=10pt]the inherited benefit of seniority. This prevents a non-AMT from gaining AMT seniority, and their for he or she from obtaining prematurely an Aircraft safety sensitive position before he or she gains enough experience.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10pt]We believe we will receive a potential increase in earning power[/SIZE] by having a more narrow pool of [SIZE=10pt]specialty’s to negotiate for.[/SIZE]
  • An additional reason we decided to [SIZE=10pt]form this campaign [/SIZE]was due to so many GSE mechanic stations deciding to align with the Ramp locals.
Local 514 posted a letter saying that this petition is asking that line mechanics be separated from overhaul mechanics.  So the local seems to be misinforming the membership.
[SIZE=24pt]Petition to Congress[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]January 8, 2015[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]There is a letter circulating the system to Petition Congress with an emphasis on Airline Maintenance Safety, requesting to make changes to the Class and Craft of Aircraft Maintenance Technician.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]It specifically calls out Section 152.4 of the Railway Labor Act. The Petitioner would be expressing concerns that the Craft and Class of Aircraft Maintenance Technician is a singular determination[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]and needs to be expanded to a separate Class and Craft for Line Aircraft Maintenance Technicians. This Petition goes further to point out that this should be mandated by Federal Law, requiring a [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Line Aircraft Maintenance Technician to have prior Line Experience. I understand the intent, since it has been widely known that the Maintenance Bases are having a rush of Aircraft Maintenance [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Technicians getting Line Qualified in the event they have to relocate. I would caution all that putting this decision in the hands of the Federal Government may not yield the results that some would [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]intend. An experienced Overhaul Aircraft Maintenance Technician is highly qualified to work the line and it would be a travesty to disqualify him based on prior line experience. We don’t need the [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Fed’s to Red Circle our Line Station Mechanics.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Dale Danker[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Gary Yingst
D’Ann Johnson
Jay Potter
Tony Bunch
Pat Bax
Dale Lantz
David Corbit
Randy Campbell
Terry Buck
Gene Chapin
Dennis Hall
Tracy Hardin
Chris Rhinehart
It is truly amazing how anyone could possibly support the twu and or the iam. Can you not see what the pilots and flight attendants have? And we have gotten nothing? No response nothing from the twu?
Buck said:
[SIZE=24pt]Petition to Congress[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]January 8, 2015[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]There is a letter circulating the system to Petition Congress with an emphasis on Airline Maintenance Safety, requesting to make changes to the Class and Craft of Aircraft Maintenance Technician.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]It specifically calls out Section 152.4 of the Railway Labor Act. The Petitioner would be expressing concerns that the Craft and Class of Aircraft Maintenance Technician is a singular determination[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]and needs to be expanded to a separate Class and Craft for Line Aircraft Maintenance Technicians. This Petition goes further to point out that this should be mandated by Federal Law, requiring a [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Line Aircraft Maintenance Technician to have prior Line Experience. I understand the intent, since it has been widely known that the Maintenance Bases are having a rush of Aircraft Maintenance [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Technicians getting Line Qualified in the event they have to relocate. I would caution all that putting this decision in the hands of the Federal Government may not yield the results that some would [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]intend. An experienced Overhaul Aircraft Maintenance Technician is highly qualified to work the line and it would be a travesty to disqualify him based on prior line experience. We don’t need the [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Fed’s to Red Circle our Line Station Mechanics.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Dale Danker[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Gary Yingst
D’Ann Johnson
Jay Potter
Tony Bunch
Pat Bax
Dale Lantz
David Corbit
Randy Campbell
Terry Buck
Gene Chapin
Dennis Hall
Tracy Hardin
Chris Rhinehart
It seems the only way to fight the 514 misinformation, would be to print up some copies of the letter Chellow wrote, and distribute them amongst the Tulsa AMTs.  Let them compare for themselves - the differences in the truth, and what Dale Danker penned.  Once they see that Danker is a common liar, the Tulsa AMTs would do well to ask themselves - what else Dale Danker is lying about.
Vortilon said:
It seems the only way to fight the 514 misinformation, would be to print up some copies of the letter Chellow wrote, and distribute them amongst the Tulsa AMTs.  Let them compare for themselves - the differences in the truth, and what Dale Danker penned.  Once they see that Danker is a common liar, the Tulsa AMTs would do well to ask themselves - what else Dale Danker is lying about.
The problem is you have to read it yourself and make your own determination as to what it says.  It's much easier (and safer for the TWU) if you let someone else tell you what it says.  Complacency is killing us.
chellow said:
I'm thinking of ASP,ing the safety concerns with the FAA, what do you all think.
I think you may be on to something here.  Just because a plumber or electrician work in a facility that operates under a 121 certificate should they be considered in the same craft n class as an AMT?  The FAA should be involved in the determination process of who should be considered in the craft n class but unless you have specifics of some potential unsafe situation asap'ing might be a bit much.        
If they require you to have a license then you should require them to recognize your skill.
Logic 101.
We Just sent this email to the [SIZE=10pt]NMB Ombudsman,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Terri Brown (or) Denise Hedges[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]1301 K Street, NW, Suite 250 East[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Washington, DC 20005-7011[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Attn: NMB Ombudsman[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]For your information and fair consideration I am informing your department of our intent at AMTCC to start a electronic petition aimed to the US congress regarding Mechanic and Related craft or class . We are asking for a congressional directive for the NMB to implement an Aircraft Maintenance Technician Craft or Class.  Currently the NMB has grouped AMT’s (Aircraft  Mechanics) into the Mechanic and Related craft or class  ( M&R). Your agency may not be aware but by grouping AMT’s in an industrial type unit of representation has opened a potential safety concern.  In airlines seniority equates to experience, so the most senior ( M&R) employee should be the most experienced, not so with (M&R) industrial type unit of representation where a cleaner that is (M&R) gains the same seniority as an AMT as a ( M&R) employee.  This means a cleaner upon obtaining his or her A&P certification can fill any AMT position even a safety sensitive position that requires years of experience before an AMT with less years as an (M&R) employee.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]-----------------------------------------------------------    Petition   -----------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Dear [Member of Congress],[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I am a registered voter. I would like to express my concern regarding airline safety and the failure of the National Mediation Board (NMB) precipitating this safety concerns by not complying with a congressional mandated law (Railway Labor Act section 152.4).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Currently the NMB is completely ignoring the terms of section 152.4 of the Railway Labor Act, which proscribe the determination definition of craft or class in a singular manner as the only factor for determining occupational representation. The NMB has injected more factors in to the representation determination in violation of the Railway Labor Act, in their Representation Manual Section 9.0. This violation has precipitated the possibility of inexperience airline employees after some years as an Aircraft cleaner for example, and then one week as an Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) deciding the airworthiness of an aircraft and the fate of thousands of passengers. If the (NMB) would comply with the congressional mandated act the inherited benefit of seniority would prevent an inexperience Aircraft Maintenance Technician from this situation.  In addition with the new fly by wire next gen. aircrafts now arriving at the airlines, there should be no room for an inexperience Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMT) jeopardizing the lives of passengers by permitting this violation of the law.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]To remedy this airline safety concerns and the NMB violation of congressional mandated laws, I hope you would support a congressional directive to the (NMB) to implement an Aircraft Maintenance Technician Craft or Class pursuant to section 152.4 of the Railway Labor Act.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Thank you for your attention to these important matters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Sincerely, [/SIZE]
I think everyone's job has value. Regardless if your cleaning a toilet or flying a jet. However I don't think a AMT's job is any way related to ramp, stockroom or utility. I want our own representation!  Its overdue.
scorpion 2 said:
Is this just an AA petition drive? 
"NO" this is Not just for the AA mechanics this is for our class and craft.
This has been sent to UAL and to USAirways mechanics as well.
SWA has been sent this too but whether they do anything will depend on each member.
They are represented by AMFA and with that they are required to look out for the members they receive dues from. This is NOT an AMFA thing, so no matter what the TWU or IAM say AMFA has nothing to do with this.
As an A&P mechanic if you want to change the way we are though of and would like the NMB to change which groups can be placed into our craft then go to the Web site send the letters and lets see if we can all effect change for our Trade.
Being under the big industrial unions for so Long we have not fared very well, isn't it time we work together as a class and craft to bring forth something for us?
It's up to you and every A&P let your own judgement guide you.
scorpion 2 said:
Is this just an AA petition drive? 
Have your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, the guy next door sign also.
If you see a Republic Mechanic on the ramp, spread the word.  Show them the petition.
OldGuy@AA said:
Local 514 posted a letter saying that this petition is asking that line mechanics be separated from overhaul mechanics.  So the local seems to be misinforming the membership.
Typical TWU. I don't recall them ever petitioning the government to help the mechanics get classified as "skilled." I guess they didn't want to alienate the larger majority they represent....

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