The values assigned to the time off categories are dubious. If you value your time off on holidays, and you don't work them so you can spend the day off with your family and friends, then you don't earn all that extra pay shown on the chart. You just get the day off, with pay. If you don't get sick, and you go to work and do your job, then that line item is irrelevant, no matter where you work.
Yes, time off has real value to individuals, but you can't spend that "value" on mortgage payments or rent or utilities or food or property taxes or insurance. Banks don't allow you to claim it when you want to borrow money. It's time off, not income.
Since the holiday pay shown above is not guaranteed (unless you work at an airline where every AMT always works all the holidays), then you might as well add potential overtime opportunities to the chart. Just like holiday pay, it's extra money for extra work.