What was AA's response when you offered to tear up your contract and work under jetBlue's terms (and workrules) in exchange for jetBlue's payscale?Paying over $600 a year to make $20,000 a year less than NON-UNION is an injustice.
What was AA's response when you offered to tear up your contract and work under jetBlue's terms (and workrules) in exchange for jetBlue's payscale?Paying over $600 a year to make $20,000 a year less than NON-UNION is an injustice.
So now that you two can reveal the company strategy, please spell out for us in detail what will happen when this T/A is voted down? I already asked Lee Seham and have that answer, now give us your version.
I am very interested to know what you two experts can offer as to WHAT WILL HAPPEN next,
I know what will happen if this is ratified with the exception of the yet to be negotiated issues still open.
But you seem to have inside knowledge as to what the Judge will rule, and then what the Company will do.
Put your stake on those speculations and spell it out for us all right here and now!!!
You still don't get it. The BK process is a way to reduce costs. If that number is $200M for example, then AA proposes a plan on how to get there. For whatever reason they proposed the 3/22 term sheet with all its nasty rules and wage rates. If you are suggesting we should have gotten the pay rates up then you would need to exchange something to keep within the confines of the $200M goal (still an example). You are arguing what? Values? I guarantee the judge will give that some weight but not enough to get the wages you want. That said then the only thing to do to get all the way to the wage you want is outsource something. The HC's? LC's? Mods? BC's? CFP's? Close Class IIs? What? You can't raise everyone's wages without giving up something somewhere else. If you are arguing that all AA's values all BS then you have already lost the argument. The UCC is never going to agree to any contract that drives up or keeps costs flat. They will propose their POR at the end of exclusivity and it could be much worse than what AA is proposing. Wake up Bob.Guess you didnt see the chart, we are at the bottom of the industry, over $16000 per year less than UAL which went through BK and is similarly structured, over $57,000 less per year from the top of our profession. What they are offering looks more like a different profession than a different employer.
Show me where any other work group at AA is being told to accept a payrate thats over 43% less than the top and 20% less than a carrier that has already gone through C-11.
So you are saying that rejecting and offer thats more than 20% lower than a carrier that already went BK, an offer that puts us at a greater disadavantage compared to any of our peers makes us look bad? At what point, according to you would it be acceptable for us to say no? Do they have to ask for your first born? They obviously already got both your left and right nuts .
The alliance has to do with organizing the unorganized in the airline and aircraft maintenance industry.Overspeed I have asked you repeatedly about your comment on the TWU /IBT alliance that you mentioned a few weeks back but you never seem to answer so I will ask again can you tell us what you ment about that alliance
The alliance has to do with organizing the unorganized in the airline and aircraft maintenance industry.
You still don't get it. The BK process is a way to reduce costs. If that number is $200M for example, then AA proposes a plan on how to get there. For whatever reason they proposed the 3/22 term sheet with all its nasty rules and wage rates. If you are suggesting we should have gotten the pay rates up then you would need to exchange something to keep within the confines of the $200M goal (still an example). You are arguing what? Values? I guarantee the judge will give that some weight but not enough to get the wages you want. That said then the only thing to do to get all the way to the wage you want is outsource something. The HC's? LC's? Mods? BC's? CFP's? Close Class IIs? What? You can't raise everyone's wages without giving up something somewhere else. If you are arguing that all AA's values all BS then you have already lost the argument. The UCC is never going to agree to any contract that drives up or keeps costs flat. They will propose their POR at the end of exclusivity and it could be much worse than what AA is proposing. Wake up Bob.
The alliance has to do with organizing the unorganized in the airline and aircraft maintenance industry.
Bob you still don't get it!!! You and your followers are the problem!!!! You and them have burnt bridges and are doing the membership an injustice!!!!
You became a President for one purpose only!! To "Destroy the TWU" in hopes of AMFA coming in. The majority have consistently took a stand and did not sign a card but you in the minority still can’t comprehend this!!!!
You need to come to terms with yourself along with your followers and admit you mis-judged AA and screwed up! Because of your "Its not my fault Attitude" AA is walking all over you and Us!!!!
In Solidarity,
I would like to see the calculations on VC, Holiday, and SK value. MBA Bob calculations and methodologies have been suspect for sometime now.
Where is the outsourcing percentage underneath?
UPS outsources all their engines, components, most of their airframe overhaul, line maintenance work on aircraft that fly international, and have part time AMTs. Is it his intention to do away with TUL, AFW, many class II stations, and bring in part time to AMTs?
WN outsources all but four lines of overhaul. Is it his intention to outsource all of PALM, TAESL, CRO, TUL AO, and AFW and just keep DWH open to get WN wages?
B6 has no overhaul at all. Is it his intention to close TUL, AFW, and DWH?
UA and DL outsources all airframe overhaul. Is it his intention to drop TUL AO, AFW, and DWH?
US outsources all WB overhaul and a portion of engines. Is it his intention to drop AFW and DWH and just keep TUL?
This chart does not give the whole picture. Very poor analysis that lacks critical thinking.
You still don't get it. The BK process is a way to reduce costs. If that number is $200M for example, then AA proposes a plan on how to get there. For whatever reason they proposed the 3/22 term sheet with all its nasty rules and wage rates. If you are suggesting we should have gotten the pay rates up then you would need to exchange something to keep within the confines of the $200M goal (still an example). You are arguing what? Values? I guarantee the judge will give that some weight but not enough to get the wages you want. That said then the only thing to do to get all the way to the wage you want is outsource something. The HC's? LC's? Mods? BC's? CFP's? Close Class IIs? What? You can't raise everyone's wages without giving up something somewhere else. If you are arguing that all AA's values all BS then you have already lost the argument. The UCC is never going to agree to any contract that drives up or keeps costs flat. They will propose their POR at the end of exclusivity and it could be much worse than what AA is proposing. Wake up Bob.
I am waiting for you spell out what specifically AA will do if the Judge abbrogates the labor agreement?
If you have all the answers then tell us what AA will do upon abbrogation, if that is the Judges decision?
I recall reading a statement recently from Bob Owens giving us one of his famous predictions. If we turn down the T/A the judge will force AA to have you revote before he abrogates the contract. So now you know what's going to happen! Bob always has all the answers.
The values assigned to the time off categories are dubious. If you value your time off on holidays, and you don't work them so you can spend the day off with your family and friends, then you don't earn all that extra pay shown on the chart. You just get the day off, with pay. If you don't get sick, and you go to work and do your job, then that line item is irrelevant, no matter where you work.
Yes, time off has real value to individuals, but you can't spend that "value" on mortgage payments or rent or utilities or food or property taxes or insurance. Banks don't allow you to claim it when you want to borrow money. It's time off, not income.
Since the holiday pay shown above is not guaranteed (unless you work at an airline where every AMT always works all the holidays), then you might as well add potential overtime opportunities to the chart. Just like holiday pay, it's extra money for extra work.
Yes, AA's pay and benefits are at the bottom of the airlines shown on the chart. Notice that the chart doesn't include Republic/Frontier or any other regional airlines, no matter the size of those regionals, even where those regional mechanics are represented by unions. Looks like about 17,000 maintenance and related at various airlines are more highly compensated than at AA. How many are paid less?