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New Vote o Video from Local Presidents

To look good in the eyes of the judge, and make us look bad when this gets turned down again?? Company, will say, we've sweetened the pot, and our mechanics still said NO.

So now that you two can reveal the company strategy, please spell out for us in detail what will happen when this T/A is voted down? I already asked Lee Seham and have that answer, now give us your version.

I am very interested to know what you two experts can offer as to WHAT WILL HAPPEN next,

I know what will happen if this is ratified with the exception of the yet to be negotiated issues still open.

But you seem to have inside knowledge as to what the Judge will rule, and then what the Company will do.

Put your stake on those speculations and spell it out for us all right here and now!!!
Company most likely doesn't care about blame. If it wasn't for the 1113c process they would have long since screwed us over more than we already are.
I disagree there. If the choice is between a terrible contract, full of concessions, approved by 50% +1, and a term sheet that's just slightly worse than the approved contract, that the employer imposes because a judge said it's OK to impose, as an employer, I'd much rather have the employees blaming the slim majority for their plight. People only have so much energy and time for anger and hatred, and I'd rather have that half blame the other half. That might keep the workforce from burning down the place.
I posted some time back pages upon pages of your BS. I'm not doing it again and many people said they got the point, you are way off the mark when it comes to reality. Look up all the comments your self. You specifically called BK a scare tactic by the Int'l and AA and guess what? Now we are in it so we are not scared anymore because it happened didn't it?

The situation in a nutshell is this, we all strongly believe we deserve more for the quality of work. No question. The problem is we are not in normal negotiations right now. Yes we could vote no and eventually return to normal negotiations but our contract will have already been abrogated. Almost all of us agree that will happen. So now if AA has the even greater work rule and contractual changes they want imposed on us after the 8/15 what is the likelihood we will get that work back? Are we going to strike for the right to get it back? Won't they already have negotiated agreements with MROs to take that work? And you argument about a shortage of mechanics is in conflict with your argument when we get new airplanes they will require less work anyway. Less work required means less AMTs required right? Of course it does. So where is the mechanic shortage leverage.

What you are asking for is us to vote no for the right to "fight" for a better contract in the future. When will that "future" be? Next month? Not likely. The NMB will slam on the brakes while we all wait the outcome of the BK and POR to be approved. So we are looking at not even having a first meeting until mid 2013. Then we start all over again. Well you guys started "all over again" in July 2010 didn't you? Of course you did and now we are no closer to an agreement than we were right up until Nov 29, 2011. So we vote no, wait one to two years then maybe we get your wish again and get released and then what? Strike? Sure let's do that after AA already has a two relationship with MROs to pick up more work. Then let's not forget the other curveball, a merger with US. How's that integration of contracts going over there since over the last five to six years? Uh not so good which is why there is a US East and West.

Yup, let's vote no and look forward to two more years before your "release" end game happens while we all continue to make $34 and 4,500 jobs get outsourced.

LBO v1 versus LBO v2? In the immortal words of your master of prose J. Ruiz, "It's a turd sandwich." (Why did you put him in the video? That guy brings what to the video? Couldn't he have actually raised some real points instead of whining? Whatever.)

The bottom line amongst all your comments is:

Our members have read the LBO2 and the have determined that there is nothing in it to vote "YES" for....period! They told ream that at the meetings yesterday not Bob Owens. I don't know what makes you think Bob forces people to do things against their will? Knocking Bob Owens does not help your arguments or give anyone a reason to vote "YES".
I disagree there. If the choice is between a terrible contract, full of concessions, approved by 50% +1, and a term sheet that's just slightly worse than the approved contract, that the employer imposes because a judge said it's OK to impose, as an employer, I'd much rather have the employees blaming the slim majority for their plight. People only have so much energy and time for anger and hatred, and I'd rather have that half blame the other half. That might keep the workforce from burning down the place.

Not when one half is that shafted Line AMT and the other half is overhaul and/or non-aircraft related work groups.

One half is far hotter and quicker to burn than the other. That thought process would be a serious miscalculation on AA management's part. But not suprising given their past arrogance and ignorant decisions.

This is why AMFA open negotiations would be better. We would all know who is protecting who and at what cost.

I believe much of these negotiations took place outside the view of our negotiators and behind closed doors.
At some point AA Management needs to realize that the TWU save dues payers agenda doesn't match the membership agenda and stop dealing with them behind closed doors. Technology has now allowed us to over come the secrets. Tulsa AMT's used to be spoon fed lies, now we get the facts! Nobody wants to sacrifice anymore to save another. Get it?
So voting no and having more amts hit the street is better. How smart is that? No very but you can always hold out for hope and change. Wait we have already heard that one. Now we have less hope and no change.
To look good in the eyes of the judge, and make us look bad when this gets turned down again?? Company, will say, we've sweetened the pot, and our mechanics still said NO.

Guess you didnt see the chart, we are at the bottom of the industry, over $16000 per year less than UAL which went through BK and is similarly structured, over $57,000 less per year from the top of our profession. What they are offering looks more like a different profession than a different employer.

Show me where any other work group at AA is being told to accept a payrate thats over 43% less than the top and 20% less than a carrier that has already gone through C-11.

So you are saying that rejecting and offer thats more than 20% lower than a carrier that already went BK, an offer that puts us at a greater disadavantage compared to any of our peers makes us look bad? At what point, according to you would it be acceptable for us to say no? Do they have to ask for your first born? They obviously already got both your left and right nuts .
Overspeed I have asked you repeatedly about your comment on the TWU /IBT alliance that you mentioned a few weeks back but you never seem to answer so I will ask again can you tell us what you ment about that alliance
I disagree there. If the choice is between a terrible contract, full of concessions, approved by 50% +1, and a term sheet that's just slightly worse than the approved contract, that the employer imposes because a judge said it's OK to impose, as an employer, I'd much rather have the employees blaming the slim majority for their plight. People only have so much energy and time for anger and hatred, and I'd rather have that half blame the other half. That might keep the workforce from burning down the place.

We agree as far as the the companys motives for 50% +1. But Ream tried the line vs base thing yesterday and nobody bit, and the guys made it pretty clear they were blaming the company, not Tulsa, and they were not afraid to burn the place down. One guy even told him point blank that even though we can do an engine change in eight hours, now they are lucky if they get it in three days. They also made it clear that they didnt care if the Judge abrogates, didnt care about any of the threats, "just do it. We know we will land on our feet. Like I said, all thats needed is a well timed spark and up it will go. The fact is our guys know that Ream had met with the Tulsa on several occasions and ignored the Presidents from the five cornerstone cities because I told them. In our counter each group was given their share of the "ask" , Line Title 1, Tulsa Title 1 and Title II. The company refused to even look at what the Line proposed for the line, they simply presented their take it or leave it proposal.

Whats on the table was not negotiated, Trying to blame Tulsa for what's in front of us simply was not going to fly. Tulsa was OK with a $2/hr GEO pay, they suggested it and said it would be easier for Tulsa to accept than a $2/hr increase in Line pay, the company flat out refused to consider ANY GEO pay whatsoever.

Burdettes comment the first day is widely known, "We are not here to renegotiate, we are just going to tweak it enough to get the 600 votes we need. Ream said pretty much the same thing in New York. The guys know what the company did and what their objectives are.

They held three meetings during the day, one at LGA and two at JFK and decided to cancell the afternoon one, we heard they also decided to change their plans and fly out of LGA instead of JFK. JFK only has one trip, LGA has many.

Nobody here is afraid, they are angry, and they are angry at management.

When they went to MIAMI nobody would talk to them, when the area director grabed a mechanic who was passing by and introduced Ream and Durst to him the guy said, "What did you come down here to say hello to people before you hand them their layoff notice?' and walked away. They are hitting ORD next, then either LAX and DFW. I suspect they will get pretty much the same reception. I just hope that nobody gets suckered into the Line vs OH debate. The fact is if the company had wanted to offer the line more than the base they could have, especially under these circumstances, they chose not to, they chose to ignore the Presidents from the five cornerstone cities and now they are trying to spin this as Tulsa's fault before its even voted on. Tulsa did not put this offer together, management did.

At the conclusion of the last meeting yesterday I told Ream that he needed to listen to us and not the International because as he just heard we speak for the members, he said "Thats your opinion" the guys in the room corrected him.

Several of the guys who Voted YES for the Last Last best and Final Offer because they wanted to take their $40gs and go told me that they are voting NO this time, they decided $40gs wasnt enough to screw guys theyve worked along side of for decades (especially when they heard UAL gave $75K).
Bob you still don't get it!!! You and your followers are the problem!!!! You and them have burnt bridges and are doing the membership an injustice!!!!

You became a President for one purpose only!! To "Destroy the TWU" in hopes of AMFA coming in. The majority have consistently took a stand and did not sign a card but you in the minority still can’t comprehend this!!!!

You need to come to terms with yourself along with your followers and admit you mis-judged AA and screwed up! Because of your "Its not my fault Attitude" AA is walking all over you and Us!!!!

In Solidarity,

I voted No in 2010 and here it is 2 years later and still no increase in pay. While the cost of everything else went up.

You can thank the International and those who refused to ask for a release after we rejected the deal. We rejected it in August, didnt meet with the company till December, spent several months going back and forth over the 1/7th rule and labor loans, then the subcomitte voted to seek a release, we were told that the whole committe had to be consulted, push it back another month, then the full committee met, voted in favor of asking for a release, were told by the International to wait till AIRCONS Larry Gibbons sat in on negotiations, push it back another month, he would light a fire under the company and that if the company didnt move we would ask for a release in August, instead Gibbons stayed true to his AIRCON roots and blasted us, said he didnt want to waste the governments money (but that didnt stop him from sitting in,along with two other mediators, for the 1113 negotiations and palling around with his buddy Burdette -another AIRCON Alumni-as they sat and ate lunch together on a daily basis) Gibbons added that he didnt think we would be released either, we needed to move towards the company, now that they had enough votes against asking for a release the International called for a revote on asking for a release, those against a release prevailed. When Gary Peterson came onto the committee it tipped the scales so the Roll call votes kicked in again. Motions were made to request a release by the end of October so if granted it would coincide with the Holiday season which was blocked by a roll call vote, afterwards John Hewitt made a motion and picked Nov 30 as the day we would ask to be released, the motion passed, the company filed November 29.

We still have not asked to be released.
Bob you still don't get it!!! You and your followers are the problem!!!! You and them have burnt bridges and are doing the membership an injustice!!!!

You became a President for one purpose only!! To "Destroy the TWU" in hopes of AMFA coming in. The majority have consistently took a stand and did not sign a card but you in the minority still can’t comprehend this!!!!

You need to come to terms with yourself along with your followers and admit you mis-judged AA and screwed up! Because of your "Its not my fault Attitude" AA is walking all over you and Us!!!!

In Solidarity,


Bottom of the Industry in wages, holidays, vacation, sick time etc etc while the airline sits on over $5 billion in cash and is buying 500 new airplanes is an injustice. Paying over $600 a year to make $20,000 a year less than NON-UNION is an injustice. I was voted in, the members can vote me out but the people who put us here and are appointed and never took a paycut or missed an annual pay raise, thats an injustice!!!

I'm not trying to destoy the TWU, I actually believe in what Mike Quill stood for, thats why we included him in our video. Do you even know who Mike Quill was? His history? What he stood for? Do you know of his fight for Irish freedom and how he used the same strategies he learned while fighting the Brittish to fight the bosses of the Transit Industry in New York? Whats destroying the TWU, and the labor movement in this country is people like you who pretend to be Unionists while selling concessions and making sure the employer gets everything they want. People who are afraid to burn bridges and fight for what is right. You made the comment where you claimed that workers at AA are not worth as much as workers doing the same job at other carriers, I challeneged you on that but you never responded, I've responded to your childish accusations, so once again, "why do you feel that mechanics at AA are not worth as much as Mechanics at UPS, or even UAL?" You screwed up, your statement revealed the contempt that you feel towards your mechanic TWU brothers and sisters.
There are others but those guys usually dont get invloved in the debates much or are Fleet Service clerks that only show up when the International needs their YES vote. But as you can see the electoral process has put the Five Hub locals and AFW on the same page, we've picked up four. Amongst the YES voters several others also lost their reelection bids but the replacements vote the same way. Among the NO voters none were voted out.

Yep, sure we burnt bridges because unlike some (such as youself) we arent using the trust of the people who put us into office to buy favors from management or appointments in the International for ourselves at their expense.
But you aren't winning.

And you can get elected to student council president by promising Led Zeppelin will play the prom, all-you-can-eat free pizza at lunch time, and Friday ditch day if elected too. You are stating something that you know you can't get and then blaming the system and everyone else when it doesn't happen. That doesn't make a good representative when all this vote no until something good happens plan is only getting more and more jobs and benefits cut.

But at least you can put your name on an internet bulletin board and beat your chest right? That's gotta mean something? But will it pay the bills for the 4,500 that get axed? Probably not. Will they get recalled anytime soon? Probably not. Has UA recalled all the people they laid off in BK? No and its been more than eight years since they entered. Has DL recalled all the people they laid off in the BK? No. Has NW recalled all the people or DL that were laid off when NW filed BK? No. Has...well you get the picture. Only AA did and the TWU had negotiated a contract that would have paid us number two in the industry two years ago. But you recommended a no vote because BK was a scare tactic.
CIO: I have never seen so much desperation in your writing.

Why has the TWU stayed the course for the last 25+ years and now they find themselves in this situation?

If the TWU had listened to what the mechanics have been saying, you might have a larger group understanding your plight.
I would like to see the calculations on VC, Holiday, and SK value. MBA Bob calculations and methodologies have been suspect for sometime now.

Where is the outsourcing percentage underneath?

UPS outsources all their engines, components, most of their airframe overhaul, line maintenance work on aircraft that fly international, and have part time AMTs. Is it his intention to do away with TUL, AFW, many class II stations, and bring in part time to AMTs?

WN outsources all but four lines of overhaul. Is it his intention to outsource all of PALM, TAESL, CRO, TUL AO, and AFW and just keep DWH open to get WN wages?

B6 has no overhaul at all. Is it his intention to close TUL, AFW, and DWH?

UA and DL outsources all airframe overhaul. Is it his intention to drop TUL AO, AFW, and DWH?

US outsources all WB overhaul and a portion of engines. Is it his intention to drop AFW and DWH and just keep TUL?

This chart does not give the whole picture. Very poor analysis that lacks critical thinking.

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