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New information on the TWA Flt. 800 Coverup:

delldude said:
Good po
You miss the part of AA missiles being in development since the 70's?
I missed the part where an obsolete RN SAM being tested in the 80's as being proof or well, anything.  And what about the claim you posted that it was the USS Normandy that did it?  
delldude said:
Do some research and you'll find it is.
Where does it say that submarines use it to fire non-existent SAM's off Long Island?   
MCI transplant said:
Tree, your hung up on the Navy thing aren't you? First let's put things in prospective. This was in the 1970's, not 2015, completely different political atmosphere. Next the three Aircraft you mentioned were not American, and weren't shot down practically within New York City Limits!  And a curtain POTUS was not running for reelection! Del may, or may,or may not, have been in the military, but I was! But I was on an Aircraft carrier, not a Sub. I guess you wouldn't know what it takes to become a crew member on one of our Subs. They just don't put anyone on them! They go through special training, and are chosen, not only for their knowledge, but also for mental stability.They live, and work, in close quarters for extended periods of time. They don't give those dolphins to anyone, they are earned! The discipline aboard a sub is paramount to it's mission. ------- Now "if" in fact the sub in question did fire that missile.and the crew knew it, but were ordered to keep quit about it for national security reasons, or any other contrived reason, I'd imagine that's what they'd do!
Let me point out the source of information you seem to base this belief that a USN submarine, that had not even been commissioned yet, shot down TWA 800 using a yet to be identified SAM system in one of the most contested pieces of airspace in the world.  It originally appeared in the Wayne Madsen Report.  To give you an idea what Wayne Madsen is all about he believes that Mossad, Saudi Intelligence, the CIA, GWB, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Rudy Giuliani planned the 9-11 attacks.  Mossad is usually code word for Jew. 
777 fixer said:
I missed the part where an obsolete RN SAM being tested in the 80's as being proof or well, anything.  And what about the claim you posted that it was the USS Normandy that did it?  
Where does it say that submarines use it to fire non-existent SAM's off Long Island?   
And so you are denying USN or RN have not been developing and testing SLAAMS?
That obsolete 80's SLAAMS probably never developed into anything then, isn't that you're saying.
You overlook the part where USN has been working towards this end since the seventies?
You do realize these weapons systems are developed and tested in a classified manner, don't you?
Beyond all this that you attempt to deny ever happened, what were some six subs, an Aegis cruiser, P-3 Orion flying directly above TWA 800 doing that night, having a on deck party or what?
And why did the Navy lie about what was in the area at first?
Gary Wilson
On the Internet, the "friendly fire" theory has produced many credible reports. A popular one is by a "747 captain" who is "a former safety chairman of the Airline Pilots Association." This report has been cited in several news reports and quoted by the Associated Press. The Navy has even had to respond to it.
The 747 pilot says: "TWA Flight 800 was shot down by a U.S. Navy guided missile ship which was in area W-105 about 30 miles from where TWA Flight 800 exploded. W-105 is a warning area off the southeast coast of Long Island and is used by the military for operations including missile firing."
Several Internet discussions have focused on the fact that U.S. military training often involves civilian targets "in order to practice aiming at something live." The U.S. Navy routinely uses planes leaving JFK for practice targets for surface-to-air missile training.
The 747 pilot backs up his assertion of a Navy role by pointing to the fact that "the first announcement [of the crash of Flight 800] came from the Pentagon" and that the Navy "immediately sent a captain who was replaced the very next day by a one-star admiral from Norfolk." The Navy's Aegis-class cruisers are based in Norfolk, Va.
A U.S. Navy Aegis-class cruiser--the USS Vincennes--fired the missile that destroyed an Iranian civilian airplane over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988, killing all 290 aboard.
The Navy has confirmed that the Aegis-type cruiser USS Normandy was in area W-105 at the time of the crash of TWA Flight 800, the Associated Press reported Sept. 4.
As if to underscore the fact that such an accident is possible, an American Airlines pilot reported that he sighted a missile off the right wing of his 757 as he flew near NASA and Navy facilities in Virginia on Aug. 29. The Dow Jones News Service reported Sept. 8, "The report fits a scenario that is one of the theories under consideration in the TWA case--that a missile brought down the jumbo jet July 17, killing all 230 people aboard."
In October of 1996, the U.S. Navy, in an interview with the French Associated Press, insisted, honest-to-goodness, hand on a stack-O-bibles, that there were no submarines near flight 800.
In November of 1996, the U.S. Navy, at a Pentagon Press Conference, insisted, honest-to-goodness, hand on a stack-O-bibles, that the closest warship to the crash of flight 800 was the U.S.S. Normandy, 185 miles away.
Four months later the Navy finally admitted that there were three nuclear submarines right off of the coast of Long Island at the time.
At that November press conference, the claim was made that the Navy aircraft in the area, an Orion P-3, honest-to-goodness, hand on a stack-O-bibles, could not fire missiles.
Since then, official US Government photos have surfaced showing that the P-3 can and does fire missiles.
With these examples of the Navy's pride fresh in our collective memories, let's take a look at what we DO know about the event that brought down flight 800.
Liston, The bottom line here is that the only electrical wiring in a 747 center fuel tank gos to the fuel probes. The current that flows through that wiring is measured in  millivoltes! No way near enough to cause a spark. The tank itself is almost big enough to stand up in. And your telling me you believe a that spark from that wiring caused the center fuel tank to explode, generating enough energy to sever the aircraft's keel beam? ------- Sorry! I Just don't buy that!
MCI transplant said:
Liston, The bottom line here is that the only electrical wiring in a 747 center fuel tank gos to the fuel probes. The current that flows through that wiring is measured in  millivoltes! No way near enough to cause a spark. The tank itself is almost big enough to stand up in. And your telling me you believe a that spark from that wiring caused the center fuel tank to explode, generating enough energy to sever the aircraft's keel beam? ------- Sorry! I Just don't buy that!
No way he can, NTSB didn't go that far. 
According to this, six investigators form the Airline Pilots Association came to the same conclusion as the IAM members did, and found evidence of explosive material. So did anyone follow up on it? ------ No!
According to the info in post #43 there were two other aircrafts that had explosions in an empty fuel tank.  So why not in the 747?
The investigator may or may not be telling the truth.  I would think if someone is witnessing a cover up, they  would try and gather some proof to substantiate their claim.  So far I have not heard of any.  They say they have it, but Trump said he had proof that Obama was not born in the US.  We all know how that turned out.  
When they present their evidence, we can revisit it.  
How many say there was no cover up?   My my my.
Proof is needed.  'I saw .....' or 's test showed .....'  Where is the proof or where is the test result?  I'm not going to take someones word on it.  
I'd love to see a cover up exposed.  I'm not overly keen on a second Clinton in office any more than I am on having a 3rd Bush in office.  So bring on the proof.  Lets see what they have.  So far they ain't got jack.
MCI transplant said:
According to this, six investigators form the Airline Pilots Association came to the same conclusion as the IAM members did, and found evidence of explosive material. So did anyone follow up on it? ------ No!
LMFAO....pilots, mechanics, LSTs, inspectors ALL HAVE EVIDENCE IT WAS A MISSILE......I guys they all took a crash course in scientific analysis, chemistry, physics and metallurgy..
WOW,,who needs the FAA, NTSB, CIA and FBI when all you need are former TWA employees with NOI BIAS whatsoever in the outcome...
Ms Tree said:
According to the info in post #43 there were two other aircrafts that had explosions in an empty fuel tank.  So why not in the 747?
The investigator may or may not be telling the truth.  I would think if someone is witnessing a cover up, they  would try and gather some proof to substantiate their claim.  So far I have not heard of any.  They say they have it, but Trump said he had proof that Obama was not born in the US.  We all know how that turned out.  
When they present their evidence, we can revisit it.  
How many say there was no cover up?   My my my.
Proof is needed.  'I saw .....' or 's test showed .....'  Where is the proof or where is the test result?  I'm not going to take someones word on it.  
I'd love to see a cover up exposed.  I'm not overly keen on a second Clinton in office any more than I am on having a 3rd Bush in office.  So bring on the proof.  Lets see what they have.  So far they ain't got jack.
200+ eyewitnesses + prima facie and circumstantial evidence. My my my
delldude said:
Orders are orders
Cue in cliche German accent from a 1940's war movie.  "Those of us who have been in ze military will obey orders even if they are illegal.  And we vill continue to follow those orders blindly even after ve are out of ze military" 