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New information on the TWA Flt. 800 Coverup:

Ms Tree said:
Do you know what test he is referring to? I did a brief search and could not find anything?
LOL......just proved my point.
pssst.....its very easy to locate.
MCI transplant said:
What's the matter Metal, that's the best you can do?!!----- Like I said, " I'm just an Aircraft Mechanic!"
Who seems to be unwilling to say what you would do if given an illegal order to cover up a crime.
'Slapton Sands: The Cover-up That Never Was'
"It was a disaster which lay hidden from the World for 40 years . . . an official American Army cover-up."
That a massive cover-up took place is beyond doubt. And that General Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized it is equally clear."
Generals Omar N. Bradley and Eisenhower watched "the murderous chaos" and "were horrified and determined that details of their own mistakes would be buried with their men."
"Relatives of the dead men have been misinformed -- and even lied to -- by their government. "
It was "a story the government kept quiet ... hushed up for decades ... a dirty little secret of World War II."
Na, this stuff never happens... 😛
Ms Tree said:
Who seems to be unwilling to say what you would do if given an illegal order to cover up a crime.
Define an illegal order.
And what options you have when given it,
MCI transplant said:
What's the matter Metal, that's the best you can do?!!----- Like I said, " I'm just an Aircraft Mechanic!"
I don't need to do better, because your conspiracy theory is just that. a THEORY...A theory exaggerated over and over and over and over by people like yourself who only WANT to believe that a mighty TWA plane can ONLY be brought down by a missile. Why stop there, why not ask the NTSB to open up the crash investigation of the TWA Connie and UAL DC-8 over Brooklyn in 1960.? Or any other crash involving a TWA aircraft?
How about the other aircraft which experienced fuel tank explosions prior? I guess they weren't missiles.
BTW, I too, am just an aircraft mechanic......With just shy of 40 years as one, but yet my experience leads me to the conclusion that a fuel tank explosion CAN and did occur on TWA 800. Who are you to discount other people in the industry who disagree with you?  Oh, that's right, we are not ex TWAers. I guess your experience means something while mine doesn't.
Like I said, I will believe it when one of the HUNDREDS of military personnel and civilians come forward and WHO WERE INVOLVED in the missile launch spill his/her guts.... But I will not accept all these TWA employee experts who had skin in the game.
Ms Tree said:
Who seems to be unwilling to say what you would do if given an illegal order to cover up a crime.
Illegal order determination is usually dealt with in a courts martial situation and not in the heat of battle/operations.
You act as if they have a grievance man running around advising on the legality of issued orders.
MetalMover said:
I don't need to do better, because your conspiracy theory is just that. a THEORY...A theory exaggerated over and over and over and over by people like yourself who only WANT to believe that a mighty TWA plane can ONLY be brought down by a missile. Why stop there, why not ask the NTSB to open up the crash investigation of the TWA Connie and UAL DC-8 over Brooklyn in 1960.? Or any other crash involving a TWA aircraft?
How about the other aircraft which experienced fuel tank explosions prior? I guess they weren't missiles.
BTW, I too, am just an aircraft mechanic......With just shy of 40 years as one, but yet my experience leads me to the conclusion that a fuel tank explosion CAN and did occur on TWA 800. Who are you to discount other people in the industry who disagree with you?  Oh, that's right, we are not ex TWAers. I guess your experience means something while mine doesn't.
Like I said, I will believe it when one of the HUNDREDS of military personnel and civilians come forward and WHO WERE INVOLVED in the missile launch spill his/her guts.... But I will not accept all these TWA employee experts who had skin in the game.
A theory which has shown NTSB findings questionable to the point of taking another look.
MetalMover said:
I don't need to do better, because your conspiracy theory is just that. a THEORY...A theory exaggerated over and over and over and over by people like yourself who only WANT to believe that a mighty TWA plane can ONLY be brought down by a missile. Why stop there, why not ask the NTSB to open up the crash investigation of the TWA Connie and UAL DC-8 over Brooklyn in 1960.? Or any other crash involving a TWA aircraft?
How about the other aircraft which experienced fuel tank explosions prior? I guess they weren't missiles.
BTW, I too, am just an aircraft mechanic......With just shy of 40 years as one, but yet my experience leads me to the conclusion that a fuel tank explosion CAN and did occur on TWA 800. Who are you to discount other people in the industry who disagree with you?  Oh, that's right, we are not ex TWAers. I guess your experience means something while mine doesn't.
Like I said, I will believe it when one of the HUNDREDS of military personnel and civilians come forward and WHO WERE INVOLVED in the missile launch spill his/her guts.... But I will not accept all these TWA employee experts who had skin in the game.
Well with " just shy of 40 years", you haven't learned a whole lot have you?  ---- I've got " just shy of 45 years" counting military time..And I  know you can't blow an aircraft out of the sky with a spark generated in milivolts! I also know that a 747, with the forward third of it's fuselage gone, will not claim from 13,800 ft. to 17,000 ft as stated in the FBI's cartoon! Once the forward third of the fuselage separated from the rest of the aircraft, where  would the C.G.(center of gravity) go "just shy of 40 years"??? ------- It would go aft! And that plane would fall out of the sky!!! There is no way that aircraft could have climbed to that altitude!!! Now you believe what you want, and come 2016 vote for another Clinton.-----But there is no way in hell I'll do the same!!!-------- Oh, by the way, if you'd watch the video all the way through, you would find out that not all those whisle blowers were TWA employees!!!! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/18/twa-flight-800-investigators-break-silence-in-new-documentary-claim-original/
MCI transplant said:
Well with " just shy of 40 years", you haven't learned a whole lot have you?  ---- I've got " just shy of 45 years" counting military time..And I  know you can't blow an aircraft out of the sky with a spark generated in milivolts! I also know that a 747, with the forward third of it's fuselage gone, will not claim from 13,800 ft. to 17,000 ft as stated in the FBI's cartoon! Once the forward third of the fuselage separated from the rest of the aircraft, where  would the C.G.(center of gravity) go "just shy of 40 years"??? ------- It would go aft! And that plane would fall out of the sky!!! There is no way that aircraft could have climbed to that altitude!!! Now you believe what you want, and come 2016 vote for another Clinton.-----But there is no way in hell I'll do the same!!!-------- Oh, by the way, if you'd watch the video all the way through, you would find out that not all those whisle blowers were TWA employees!!!! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/18/twa-flight-800-investigators-break-silence-in-new-documentary-claim-original/
How did the explosions happen in the two planes mentioned in post #43?
Ms Tree said:
How did the explosions happen in the two planes mentioned in post #43?
Your first aircraft:
Investigations had shown the bomb "was certainly C-4,"  and he noted that only highly placed organizations or international terrorists would have access to the high-quality, military-grade plastic explosive.
Then later:
The US National Transportation Safety Board, which has been investigating an explosion and fire that earlier this month destroyed a Thai Airways Boeing 737-400 shortly before the country's prime minister was due to board, on Thursday said it had so far found "no evidence" of a bomb aboard the aircraft.
So US gov't finds "no evidence"......sounds kinda 800-ish.
Second Incident
The incident occurred May 4 and involved a Transmile Airlines 727-200. The plane was being repositioned on the ground when the fuel tank in the left wing apparently exploded, the NTSB said. No one was injured.
You have to note one thing which is consistent in your two examples is both were on the ground whereas, TWA800 was in flight.....makes a difference in conditions.
Plane being 'repositioned on the ground' ...nothing mentioning grounding of the aircraft or fueling.
So your examples are as dubious as much of the NTSB findings.
MetalMover said:
Yea ALL YOU TWA people came to the same conclusion.. No BIAS on your part.
You don't know SQUAT.....
Not ONE sailor, not ONE has a conscience to come forward? 
Tell me more about the Clintons..
Was this caused by a missile?
Or This?
Frankly Tree, there are vary few people who can get into a 727 center fuel tank. (just too small!) As a TWA, and later a AA Inspector, I was fuel tank qualified.  So I've been in quit a few tanks. But I must admit, I've never been in either a 727, or 737 tank. I'm just too big! So really can't comment on them. But----- I have been in a 747 center tank. And as I've stated before, the only electrical wiring in it goes to the fuel probes, and the currant that runs through them are measured in milivolts which is not enough to generate a spark! The tank itself is huge all most tall enough to stand upright in.
Not a mechanic and never been in a plane other than as a passenger.  I assume that most tanks are operated in similar fashion.  How else would a tank ignite if not by a spark from wires in the tank?
Ms Tree said:
Not a mechanic and never been in a plane other than as a passenger.  I assume that most tanks are operated in similar fashion.  How else would a tank ignite if not by a spark from wires in the tank?
Checking fuel quantity probes with an ohm meter can screw up your day.
You have to consider the fuel/air ratio in the tank. I believe that came out in the investigation.
There is a fuel/air ratio that has to be met for ignition, no if's ands or buts........its a physical law.

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