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New information on the TWA Flt. 800 Coverup:

More over, if you are in the government and you want to keep a secret, are going to tell more people or keep it as limited as possible. If Clinton was trying g to keep something quiet getting more agencies involved is not the way to do it.

None of the conspiracy ideas make any sense.
Ms Tree said:
More over, if you are in the government and you want to keep a secret, are going to tell more people or keep it as limited as possible. If Clinton was trying g to keep something quiet getting more agencies involved is not the way to do it.

None of the conspiracy ideas make any sense.
Until you look at the evidence.
Explain away the radar signature.
Let me explain one point here. TWA and the IAM sent a number of Inspectors, and  LST's (Lead Specialist Technicians) to JFK to assist, and observe, in the recovery effort, from the Overhaul Base here in MCI, of Flt.800I. And later in the assembly of parts recovered from the wreckage. They were all IAM members!  These are the Inspectors I was referring to earlier. They helped in writing the IAM's official report on Flt. 800. Which by the way was never allowed  into the Government records. I just happened to come across a cope. http://twa800.com/iamaw/iamaw.htm
And my question would be, Why did the FBI.,CIA, U.S Navy, get involved with this in the first place, when it was totally the NTSB that had justification? The FBI should have only been brought in after it was proven to be a criminal offense? The CIA, should not have been involved at all, but they were! The U.S. Navy?------- My,My, My,! Just happened to be in the area!
Hmmmm. In a warped kind of way, I remember agencies being accused of not exchanging intelligence with other agencies which possibly led to 9-11. Wow all these conspiracies just boggle the mind.

I asked myself why the FBI investigated the USS Cole? Where was their jurisdiction? The CIA is everywhere whether you believe it or not. Doesn't the US Navy have the equipment for SEA search and recover?

I just don't believe this was a NAVY cover-up, if it was a cover-up. Remember that if the military was involved, foreign nations would have had a field day with it.
There are senior members of Congress who could be argued have more power than the POTUS in regards to their connections and influence.  To think that the Clintons were trying to cover something up in the military and non of the officers in the Navy said anything to the members of Congress is ludicrous.
My next question would be how in the world to you keep all the hundreds if not thousands of people who would have known something about a Clinton cover up quiet?
Still waiting to see an answer as to why the GOP would have gone along with this.
The answer is that your MO is that if they attack the liberal party YOU have to question the GOP even if there is NO involvement.

You can stop waiting.
Because until the investigation was complete no one knew what happened? Accident investigations a can take time. If it was an attack on the US you want to get after it ASAP so the trail does not grow cold.

And again, with untold hundreds and probably thousands of people involved, they all helped the Clintons cover this up? None of them had a consciences to come forward about the slugger of innocent civilians? Seriously?
I totally agree with you on this one.

Find Loop Garoo and get back with me.


Make you Wanna Hollar
MCI transplant said:
Let me explain one point here. TWA and the IAM sent a number of Inspectors, and  LST's (Lead Specialist Technicians) to JFK to assist, and observe, in the recovery effort, from the Overhaul Base here in MCI, of Flt.800I. And later in the assembly of parts recovered from the wreckage. They were all IAM members!  These are the Inspectors I was referring to earlier. They helped in writing the IAM's official report on Flt. 800. Which by the way was never allowed  into the Government records. I just happened to come across a cope. http://twa800.com/iamaw/iamaw.htm
Did they have a vested interest in the out come of such an investigation?  I cannot understand why the GOP would not have jumped all over the IAM report and used it to expose the the Clinton cover up.  Do you have an explanation?
Yea, we are going to believe TWA employees as the end all....
They have inside information and were threatened by the government. 
Yea ok.....

I have a more basic question. According to what I have read here you were in the Navy. If you were on that sub that launched the missile would you remain quite if ordered.to do so even though you know what was done was wrong and innocent people were killed as a result?
Ms Tree said:

I have a more basic question. According to what I have read here you were in the Navy. If you were on that sub that launched the missile would you remain quite if ordered.to do so even though you know what was done was wrong and innocent people were killed as a result?
Sounds like you would. What if your personal agenda to disobey a direct order resulted in many more innocents getting killed?
delldude said:
Sounds like you would. What if your personal agenda to disobey a direct order resulted in many more innocents getting killed?
It's getting ridiculous. Now hundreds of people, both military and civilian threatened with death.
Tell me aren't you and MCI deathly afraid of bringing up this topic on a public forum? Aren;t you worried about the CIA or FBI hunting you down?
Maybe you should not even be discussing this any further...
MetalMover said:
It's getting ridiculous. Now hundreds of people, both military and civilian threatened with death.
Tell me aren't you and MCI deathly afraid of bringing up this topic on a public forum? Aren;t you worried about the CIA or FBI hunting you down?
Maybe you should not even be discussing this any further...
You want to take it a step further, DHS does keyword scans ala NSA on all kinds of electronic comm's. 
So you're toast too.
Wait, someone's at the door......

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