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New information on the TWA Flt. 800 Coverup:

MCI transplant said:
And my question would be, Why did the FBI.,CIA, U.S Navy, get involved with this in the first place, when it was totally the NTSB that had justification? The FBI should have only been brought in after it was proven to be a criminal offense? The CIA, should not have been involved at all, but they were! The U.S. Navy?------- My,My, My,! Just happened to be in the area!
Because until the investigation was complete no one knew what happened? Accident investigations a can take time. If it was an attack on the US you want to get after it ASAP so the trail does not grow cold.

And again, with untold hundreds and probably thousands of people involved, they all helped the Clintons cover this up? None of them had a consciences to come forward about the slugger of innocent civilians? Seriously?
Ms Tree said:
Because until the investigation was complete no one knew what happened? Accident investigations a can take time. If it was an attack on the US you want to get after it ASAP so the trail does not grow cold.

And again, with untold hundreds and probably thousands of people involved, they all helped the Clintons cover this up? None of them had a consciences to come forward about the slugger of innocent civilians? Seriously?
With that said, why wasn't there an immediate search of the entire coastal area involving Army, Navy and Air Force?
Because they already knew it was a missile.
delldude said:
With that said, why wasn't there an immediate search of the entire coastal area involving Army, Navy and Air Force?
Because they already knew it was a missile.
Ms Tree said:
Because until the investigation was complete no one knew what happened? Accident investigations a can take time. If it was an attack on the US you want to get after it ASAP so the trail does not grow cold.

And again, with untold hundreds and probably thousands of people involved, they all helped the Clintons cover this up? None of them had a consciences to come forward about the slugger of innocent civilians? Seriously?
Tree, up until TWA Flt.800, the NTSB has had a great record finding out "what happened"! It's for that reason the FBI, and CIA, stepped in and pushed the NTSB aside! They overstepped their authority. They were not requested to come in by the NTSB.! And until it was determined there was a crime, shouldn't have, unless instructed to do so! ------- Come on, Tree you can't be that naive!------ There are people in power, even today, that know of ways to keep people quit! And yes! even in this country!
Good example.....911.......we went on a war footing immediately. Jets scrambled over DC and on 24/7 patrol. Harbors blocked and/or patrolled.
How were we to have known TWA 800 was any different.
MCI transplant said:
Yes fixer, I know what's wrong with it.------ I was in a Utility Squadron in Atsugi, Japan for two years. I also know that reporters, and those not familiar with Navel aviation, or aviation in general,  get it wrong on occasion. You see it reported in the news all the time. So what's your point? ------
My point is the whole article is bull and you know it.  You know just as well as I they don't use P-3 to tow targets for missile shots.  They use target drones or parachute flares in case of Sidewinders.  The only time a target is towed is for air to air gunnery.  Don't know what they used when you were in but when I was in they used a banner towed by a TA-4J.
delldude said:
Latest greatest is the Orion was firing the target missile.
It existed back then, had to at least in development. You had subroc and tomahawk, the next thing is AA submerged capability.
Hell, they're working on hypervelocity torpedos exploiting cavitation now.
This one claims it was in development in the 80's:
Check this out:
How about that time machine?
What do anti-ship missiles have to do with this?
777 fixer said:
What do anti-ship missiles have to do with this?
Good point.
You miss the part of AA missiles being in development since the 70's?
777 fixer said:
Wow, a range for submarines near the sub base in Groton.  Call CNN.  By the way, just because it's a range does not mean it's used for live fire exercises.  
Do some research and you'll find it is.
MCI transplant said:
Do we know there was not? How should they know what to look for until they know what brought it down?

My understanding of what transpired is that there was no indication at the out set that there was an attack but it was not known positively one way or the other.
MCI transplant said:
Tree, up until TWA Flt.800, the NTSB has had a great record finding out "what happened"! It's for that reason the FBI, and CIA, stepped in and pushed the NTSB aside! They overstepped their authority. They were not requested to come in by the NTSB.! And until it was determined there was a crime, shouldn't have, unless instructed to do so! ------- Come on, Tree you can't be that naive!------ There are people in power, even today, that know of ways to keep people quit! And yes! even in this country!
Yes things can be kept quiet. If only a few people know it is is easier. If a few thousand people have access to information it will not stay quiet no matter how bad you want it. If your enemies have access to information that will hurt you, you can be damn sure it won't stay quiet.

So why did the GOP go along with the cover up?
Ms Tree said:
Do we know there was not? How should they know what to look for until they know what brought it down?

My understanding of what transpired is that there was no indication at the out set that there was an attack but it was not known positively one way or the other.
Explain why investigators were tossed out of the room at a certain point when they were  watching under water camera feeds of the wreckage by FBI?.
Ms Tree said:
Yes things can be kept quiet. If only a few people know it is is easier. If a few thousand people have access to information it will not stay quiet no matter how bad you want it. If your enemies have access to information that will hurt you, you can be damn sure it won't stay quiet.

So why did the GOP go along with the cover up?
Many ops have thrived in need to know and total secrecy.

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