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New First Class Meals?

pardon me, i speak westie. allow me to translate:

the collective intellect and innovation of our senior management team (shambles included) barely exceeds the collective intellect and innovation of a box of rocks. as such, we will continue to exploit our customers, most specifically our frequent flyers, with enhanced, in-house conceived revenue "opportunities".
we will leak glimpses of these "enhancements" utilizing clandestine posters on usaviation.

You are wrong.

Prove your statement about collective intellect and innovation exceeding a box of rocks.
Thanks to all on this board I finaly see the light. :lol:
This company is pathetic, these people are idiots, they couldn't tie their shoes and get out of a cardboard box!
I will just cut and paste this response to every issue that arises.
A couple of people are right on here, food will change on December 19th in first class. Some of the coach menu items have already changed on December 1 with a new snack box, both in outside design and inside contents. This will continue to trend on a more frequent basis with change. First class domestic will also change more frequently and should happen soon as well.

Money is becoming tighter and tighter with the high cost of fuel as well as other factors. There is a lot of change coming in the next several months, some can be perceived as good, some as necessary and some as maybe not so good, but change is on the way. We may be a very different airline by summer, in some ways.

I know how you can help the company since you seem to always defend them and say they are doing good things - why don't you start selling the Kool Aid you drink and then give the profits to US to help them out?
disregard. box of rocks (even aqua green and orange rocks) could have come up with something more compelling.

sky high states: The FUN BOX that contains the bagel chips/spread, carmel popcorn, dried fruit and cookies, currently being offered in coach, is to say the least, a BOX OF JUNK.

Anyone in Tempe, actually get out there and fly other carriers? Surf other carrier websites and investigate what passengers might actually want to eat?

only stating opinions
Anyone in Tempe, actually get out there and fly other carriers? Surf other carrier websites and investigate what passengers might actually want to eat?

Having recently flown Northwest and American, I can say it is a good thing they aren't looking at their websites. Both AA and NW offered a can of Pringles about 1/2 the size of the normal big can for sale which besides being gross and unhealthy, is about twice the amount of Pringles a person would ever want to eat in one sitting. Didn't even hand out pretzels or peanuts or anything....just these terrible snacks for sale.
Having recently flown Northwest and American, I can say it is a good thing they aren't looking at their websites. Both AA and NW offered a can of Pringles about 1/2 the size of the normal big can for sale which besides being gross and unhealthy, is about twice the amount of Pringles a person would ever want to eat in one sitting. Didn't even hand out pretzels or peanuts or anything....just these terrible snacks for sale.

I LOVE Pringles - yeah - they are total junk food - but at least they are good junk food! And as for the snack boxes - I do have to say that the United ones actually have good stuff in them - and some of them are actually not that bad from a health perspective.
Ok can I ask a question here? Why are the BOB meals be it breakfast or dinner SWEET? Everything is walnut glazed, honey glazed, apricot cream cheese, sugary stuff. Not everyone wants maple smoked stuff. Look at the last selection and the new one. It's sweet. YUCK. I know many will NEVER be happy with what we offer. Ok next question. What is the new window for serving food in first class. Are they going to START offering food in first on flights with the $5.00 snack box?
Ok can I ask a question here? Why are the BOB meals be it breakfast or dinner SWEET? Everything is walnut glazed, honey glazed, apricot cream cheese, sugary stuff. Not everyone wants maple smoked stuff. Look at the last selection and the new one. It's sweet. YUCK. I know many will NEVER be happy with what we offer. Ok next question. What is the new window for serving food in first class. Are they going to START offering food in first on flights with the $5.00 snack box?

I know. I noticed that too. I hate all that sweet stuff, especially for breakfast. Whoever came up with all that must be a sweet tooth. I'd like to see their big fat arse.
travelpro & flightchick, you two better prepare yourself for imminent attacks from westies. "aren't you easties ever satisfied?" and similarly pathetic sentiments will be deployed.
the REAL problem with the "enhanced" (which, incidentally, ONLY represents an 'enhancement' for HP) is the meal windows. for a frequent flyer to actually *experience* this "enhanced" ammenity, they have to be on a flight with a scheduled duration of over three hours. that's ridiculous!! and, that is the real problem. the better carriers (read: all of the legacies and then some) have much more fflyer friendly meal windows.
i hate DoUgIe parker!!
The MAJORITY of our flying is short to medium haul therefore MOST of our FF's or "suckers" that actually PAY for full f/c never get to experience the "enhancements". I would LOVE a TRUE answer as to why meals are not served on a shorter window. I also would LOVE to know what the company is doing to remedy the situation of selling food on flights with nothing offered in first class. Well I guess we can keep hitting PA1 so first don't hear as the illustrious Sherry has told us to do. We are to get excited over these changes? I don't give a damn how many focus groups we have standing around testing food or trying to stuff cans in a cart 100 different ways. This place is a JOKE and a DUMP.
You know what we should ALL do? On flights like PHL-FLL where we have the snack box for $5.00 in coach, DON'T sell it. When you arrive let them know you didn't sell anything due to not offering first food. What are they gonna do FIRE you? Write you up? PLEASE. 🙄
Ok, I'm sure I'll get reamed for my opinion but I'm gonna give it anyway. I used to be the kind of person who would rant and rave about the level of service that company was having us provide. But then I just quit caring and life became alot less stressful. I show up, do my job with the tools I'm given. If I run out of BOB food 2/3 of the way through the plane...Oh well. I fully expect when I come to work to not have all the tools (food, equipment, etc.) to do the job. Do passengers #### at me? Hell yea. Do I care? Hell no. Do I care that F/C is offered no food while we offer the boxes for sale? Nope, let them write to the company. I take nothing personal. Life is too short to let any of this bother me. Oh well, just my 2cents worth. Now I'll shut up.
Out of curiosity what ranking would our FF give to different front end items that would be available? (Excluding on time performance, bags, mileage, external items)

Would it be seating(size of seat, pitch,etc)?


Snack basket?

Choice of liquor?



Attentive staff?

What are the most important amenities?
General organization and direction would be a start.

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