USFlyer said:This is well beyond what US Airways had pre-9/1 and is the best service offered on US flights since before the cuts that took place during two bankruptcies.
USFlyer said:This is well beyond what US Airways had pre-9/1 and is the best service offered on US flights since before the cuts that took place during two bankruptcies.
USFlyer said:This is well beyond what US Airways had pre-9/1 and is the best service offered on US flights since before the cuts that took place during two bankruptcies.
Very few people actually pay for AA FC, it's full of non-revs, award redemptions and upgrades from J. If AA offered a product like CX,LH, LX, etc more people would pay but I certainly won't lay for Trader Joes wine, Dewars scotch, and concentrated OJ along with spotty service.IORFA said:Keep the letters and complaints coming. Straight to Hector if you want. This garbage they keep slinging on the planes is a joke. Try spending thousands of $ on an international F/C ticket and see what you get. It is embarrassing and Hector and the gang of blind/deaf people in Dallas think it is awesome. Too bad some holdover from AA doesn't grow a pair of nads and remind everyone that we now seve cr@p! Bringing USAir up to AA standards?! HA, not even close. Don't even get me started on these crazy$ss boxes of trash we now serve for a follow on service in coach. They already changed th follow on service in first and business months ago. It is a step or two lower as well. Coach, just fell off a clif!
Not sure about Y but the new J service is significantly smaller portions served on the same USAIR domestic China that came one line 9/1.WorldTraveler said:IORFA,can you tell us what coach int'l service now entails?how about the business/first 2nd service?
I've compalained about the domestic dinnerware. Stupid is as stupid does. Just because Hector worked at Pan Am for a week, doesn't mean he learned anything there. These USAir bozos don't understand the concept at all. Poor product thought up by morons. Maybe the suggestions from the same 8,196 idiots I work with!737823 said:Not sure about Y but the new J service is significantly smaller portions served on the same USAIR domestic China that came one line 9/1.
NWA wasn't known for great service either and didn't have a good in-flight product by any measure. Old tired aircraft, disgruntled employees, weak network. I mean it's amazing they lasted as long as they did stand alone IMO.700UW said:He came from NW also, if I remember correctly.
Yeah they just don't get it. The new service mirrors the Envoy service as does domestic. It's truly pathetic.IORFA said:I've compalained about the domestic dinnerware. Stupid is as stupid does. Just because Hector worked at Pan Am for a week, doesn't mean he learned anything there. These USAir bozos don't understand the concept at all. Poor product thought up by morons. Maybe the suggestions from the same 8,196 idiots I work with!