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New FC meals - where's the promotion?

No one asked me!...But I have done it both ways. I don't know if you remember the original Trans-Atlantic service where we plated EVERTHING, carved chateau briand, hand-tossed salad, individually poured dressings and gravies...I'm exhausted just thinking about it. It was a beautiful service but it really took a long time to deliver. When we went to minumum staffing, it would have taken the entire flight, and thus, the pre-plated tray. If they want to bring back plating, which is very nice; please also bring back proper staffing so that we may deliver it in a timely manner.
Oh...OK...I guess I will have dinner at about 3 pm before I leave for the airport in BOS, park, wait for the flight, stress about delays in PHL, run to catch my flight in PHL. It's not as though the trip starts at 8 PM for a lot of us. 8 PM is often just the first chance I've had to sit and relax for a while in the past several hours. I'd guess many people, if not most, have already been travelling for several hours before they get on that 8 PM flight, and may very well not have time between flights to grab something in the airport.
Because you stress out over your trip and cannot manage your time well enough to eat properly, then the airline should have the opportunity to feed you? I disagree. Besides, those "snack" boxes are pure fat, sugar, and salt -- not what you need to "adjust" to a new time zone. So, drop an apple in your carry-on before you leave BOS, along with a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat (or other protein/good carb combo) and you can eat -- at your leisure -- when ever you want. All it takes is a little bit of planning. And, if you're that stressed about driving and parking and flying and changing planes and whether or not you're gonna get to buy something on board -- if you pack your own snack, it's one less thing to stress out about. Trust me. It's better for you in more ways than one.

And don't forget at least a 1/2 liter of bottled water -- most people are dehydrated when they fly, not hungry -- whether they know it or not.
This is slightly off topic but you are dead on, that's why I take that bottle of water EVERY time and down it like I just spent 10 days in the desert. Air travel can really tax the body. The single thing I hate most about RJ's is no pillow for the small of my back.

Deep down I don't care if an airline feeds me or doesn't! BUT! When I go to the gate or call the CP desk I want to know what if anything is being served as I am one of those guys who gets to the airport early and getting something prior is not a biggie. Heck the company buys it so it's no skin off my arse.

If I think US is being cheap and should have a meal I usually buy the stinkiest Hoagie I can find and eat it on the flight. The other fun thing to do is bring an Envoy Menu on board and open it so everyone can see and then ask the F/A, "Can I just get a Sandwich" I did that twice and everybody just cracked up.

LOL! :lol:
This is slightly off topic but you are dead on, that's why I take that bottle of water EVERY time and down it like I just spent 10 days in the desert. Air travel can really tax the body. The single thing I hate most about RJ's is no pillow for the small of my back.

Deep down I don't care if an airline feeds me or doesn't! BUT! When I go to the gate or call the CP desk I want to know what if anything is being served as I am one of those guys who gets to the airport early and getting something prior is not a biggie. Heck the company buys it so it's no skin off my arse.

If I think US is being cheap and should have a meal I usually buy the stinkiest Hoagie I can find and eat it on the flight. The other fun thing to do is bring an Envoy Menu on board and open it so everyone can see and then ask the F/A, "Can I just get a Sandwich" I did that twice and everybody just cracked up.

In the "Travling For Dummies" book it says to pack water and not bother "the ALREADY busy f/a's"
OTOH I enjoy doing a proper FC service, just give me the manpower and resources to do so. Our FC people are a good lot and deserve a good show.

Thanks for your kind words and outstanding attitude. We are often amazed at what a great job you do taking care of us in spite of the manpower and tools you are given with which to do the job.

Believe me it IS appreciated. Keep it up.

My best to you all....
Because you stress out over your trip and cannot manage your time well enough to eat properly, then the airline should have the opportunity to feed you? I disagree. Besides, those "snack" boxes are pure fat, sugar, and salt -- not what you need to "adjust" to a new time zone. So, drop an apple in your carry-on before you leave BOS, along with a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat (or other protein/good carb combo) and you can eat -- at your leisure -- when ever you want. All it takes is a little bit of planning. And, if you're that stressed about driving and parking and flying and changing planes and whether or not you're gonna get to buy something on board -- if you pack your own snack, it's one less thing to stress out about. Trust me. It's better for you in more ways than one.

And don't forget at least a 1/2 liter of bottled water -- most people are dehydrated when they fly, not hungry -- whether they know it or not.

That's all fine, when I'm flying coach, and obviously any of us can find a way to deal with whatever the airline chooses to offer or not, if we know what to expect (which has not been the case). We were talking about first class on flights at 8 PM, and I think it's reasonable to expect a bit more. That's when I normally relax and enjoy my dinner, I don't know about you..
Still OT --
This is slightly off topic but you are dead on, that's why I take that bottle of water EVERY time and down it like I just spent 10 days in the desert. Air travel can really tax the body. The single thing I hate most about RJ's is no pillow for the small of my back.

If I think US is being cheap and should have a meal I usually buy the stinkiest Hoagie I can find and eat it on the flight. The other fun thing to do is bring an Envoy Menu on board and open it so everyone can see and then ask the F/A, "Can I just get a Sandwich" I did that twice and everybody just cracked up.
Oh, Bob, you make me giggle! The worst "stinky sandwich" I ever got a whiff of was on a red-eye from LAS to PIT; I'm napping against the wall and I hear the guy in the row behind me getting something out of his carry-on and Woah! What is that stench? Liverwurst & Onions! I am not kidding. He pulled out a liverwurst & onions sandwich he had made at home and brought on board. It was about midnight LAS time (or 3am in PIT) and 99% of the pax were sleeping (or trying to anyways).

If I'm leaving from the high-A gates in Phoenix, I love to buy a California Pizza Kitchen Thai chicken Pizza and bring it on board. I don't care where I'm going or how long the flight is. I love their pizza! It smells so good and everyone around me just drools -- hey, they walked right by the place to buy it, too! Plus, even if I am getting fed on board, it would be just my luck that if the choice were salad or lasagna that they'd run out of salad and that lasagna has shrimp in the sauce and I'm allergic to it. So, I've got fruit & nuts & protein bars in my carry-on, too.

It still amazes me that before 9/11 airline food was the butt of every comedian's jokes and still, so many people seem to miss it. And it's still so bad, really.
MBM, if the flight is at 8pm, then you wouldn't be eating until closer to 9pm. Pretty late, even for europeans.
True, but if I'm flying west, I try to orient myself more towards the destination time anyway, as soon as I get on the plane.
I think there should be at LEAST the fruit and cheese snack that BOB has for FC after 8 and maybe an enhanced snack basket.

BTW, I LOVE the fruit/cheese BOB and does West now have the snack basket in FC?
While I don't think its a requirement for public transportation to offer food, it should be easy to know whether you will get it or not. I had the new food on the DFW to CLT flight. The flight is blocked in the tripsheet as 2+05. I had a two choice breakfast. Speaking of serving, why would a f/a complain about plating or not? To a complaining flight attendant I would say, "There are quite a few on furlough STILL that would LOVE to be here "plating". Either ya do it or fly B or C. The thing that does get me is the rollup plasticware is on a seperate tray. Aaaaaaall that other stuff is placed on the tray but they just can't put the napkin/plasticware on it? 🙄 I think the new service is VERY nice and I'm glad to be serving it. YES I do feel our FF's are deserving of it. I love to fly A. Nothing worse than to see some senior person take A because they CAN yet give the most horrible service. I honestly witnessed over a year ago a flight attendant serve f/c in her raincoat. I could have died. Yet some are worried about a tie? Lordy.
I honestly witnessed over a year ago a flight attendant serve f/c in her raincoat. I could have died. Lordy.

She wore her raincoat to hide the fact she was already dressed in her pajamas for when she got to the RON hotel!
MBM, if the flight is at 8pm, then you wouldn't be eating until closer to 9pm. Pretty late, even for europeans.

Depends. It's rare I eat dinner before 9 p.m. even on a non-travel day. By the time one leaves work (7ish), goes to the gym, etc., it's after 9. Those late night transcons to the west coast should at least have a snack like US used to have. I remember taking a 9:30 p.m. PIT-SEA many times that at least had something.

Or, at the very least, cater First with cookies that can be heated (two per person) and just serve that. Just something other than those stupid nut mixes.

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