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New Deal For Us Airways' Salaried Workers?

If the "corporate" headquarters of the new merged company will be run by America West, why would they need the extra white collar stuffed shirts at America West/AIRWAYS?... I thought the new company was gonna try to emulate Southwest as a "Low Cost" Carrier without the duplication of staffs at the top?...

If not, it will be the same USAIRWAYS...just bigger...

Almost like they merged...USAIRWAYS with PSA Airlines...and Piedmont Airlines.... Dejevu
Like anything, you get what you pay for. If U can't retain the few people who know what they are doing in CCY, the lower and mid-level folks who are essential to the airline, then they might as well shut down. This is what causes $100 RT fares to Rome. It is what causes over 2000 fares to be filed at $2 RT, some in F class. It is what causes US to sell $279+ RT fares during the high summer season from the east coast to Switzerland because someone forgot to set the seasonal restriction on the fare.

(You can check it out now, the fare is still valid because they haven't fixed it, PHL-GVA/ZRH, fare basis VLS93E. It is out there for more than PHL-ZRH too)

Sh!t happens, but it has happened a lot more often with US recently. And it is caused by the inability to retain people who know what they are doing and the inability to hire people who know what they are doing.
Reservation Agent said:
If the "corporate" headquarters of the new merged company will be run by America West, why would they need the extra white collar stuffed shirts at America West/AIRWAYS?... I thought the new company was gonna try to emulate Southwest as a "Low Cost" Carrier without the duplication of staffs at the top?...

this retention bonus seems to be a very temporary event....just until the new airline entity is on its own ...or until the awa leadership has a handle on the new airline . then its good bye to all us airways management, at least most all, doug parker may want to keep a shinning star or two or three ...if he needs.

awa does not seem to offer a management retention bonus.....there is no need...

awa management jobs will not disappear since they will be running the show.

this is a good thing.....

but $55 million is too, too much,

one may argue,

rightfully ,


too , too much!
To all those that voted no, I feel bad for you.
To all those who voted yes, NO COMPLAINING. Shut up and get back to work!
Is anybody really surprised by this? This has been going on for a few years now!
Why shouldn't they ask, management has been given everything they have asked for whether it was by the bankruptcy judge, lessors, and yes even the employees. The company outsources most of its work, lays off thousands, cuts pay and benefits and the workers go right along with it! You weren't willing to take a stand when your jobs, benefits, and pensions were on the line so the company knows your not going to take a stand over some bonuses!! Until the workers and I mean in every industry, airline, automobile, textile you name it take a stand against corporate greed it is never going to stop!! These bonuses shouldn't have you pissed off you should of been pissed off well before that!! Are we willing to take a stand now, go to the bankruptcy hearing, call your congressman/woman, call your union president, call Bruce Lakefield. The sad fact is most of us won't do anything about it but come on this board and #### about it. Are you really going to be surprised when they come back for more concessions, when is enough, enough.
Yes we all come here to B itch Moan and complain. However, yesterday I wrote an email to the Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee. My question and remarks were simple. I asked how the Airlines can shift BILLIONS of dollars of Pension Obligations to the Goverment and then request Millions for Bonuses for Management. I did mention the DOT report concerning the Christmas Meltdown caused by MANAGEMENT, and asked him if he was the employer, would he want to reward these employees with Bonuses.

Member are:

Trent Lott, MS, Chairman
Ted Stevens, AK
Conrad Burns, MT
Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX
Olympia J. Snowe, ME
Sam Brownback, KS
Gordon Smith, OR
Peter G. Fitzgerald, IL
John Ensign, NV
George Allen, VA
John Sununu, NH
Ernest Hollings, SC
John D. Rockefeller, WV, Ranking
Daniel K. Inouye, HI
John Breaux, LA
Byron Dorgan, ND
Ron Wyden, OR
Bill Nelson, FL
Barbara Boxer, CA
Maria Cantwell, WA
Frank Lautenberg, NJ
Hope777 said:
Yes we all come here to B itch Moan and complain. However, yesterday I wrote an email to the Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee. My question and remarks were simple. I asked how the Airlines can shift BILLIONS of dollars of Pension Obligations to the Goverment and then request Millions for Bonuses for Management.

Because we're voting for it. Look at the white house and congress.
Ernest Hollings from South Carolina?? He retired in Jan and was replaced by Jim DeMint. Not sure who replaced him on the committee but I would be ol' Ernest is sipping a mint julip in Chaaaaaaleston.
RumorS said:
Did I miss something....No spin from the Famous 320??????? :shock:

His mouse is broken and he can't cut and paste right now....... 😛