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New Deal For Us Airways' Salaried Workers?

Every labor group should have attorney's present at the hearing to scream FOUL. This reeks croneyism. The group of misfits in CCY are now out to take every dime they can get from this company before they are shown the door. Amazing how money can always be found to take care of themselves, but never a penny for the front line. We're told we can get by with 50% less employees, then so should management. They'll just have to work a little harder.... <_<
whlinder said:
Totally agree. U has already lost plenty low level managers and white-collar workers from CCY. When you're cutting pay/benefits, are in bankruptcy (again) and are located in one of the most expensive areas of the country to live, how do you find replacements? You can't, which makes it even more imperative to keep the people you have. Plenty of folks have left in the past year.

It doesn't excuse management's inability to do anything except get concessions from their workers. I don't think they should be partaking in retention money.

They should apply.
Ok. I'll buy into the need for the lower classified employees. But if you have a VP title after your name........Hit the road Jack and take NO money with you
it sure as hell was no brainer that these misfits would do anything for money while shafting the employees. lets make every flt late and see what happens then! and late means late!!!
robbedagain said:
it sure as hell was no brainer that these misfits would do anything for money while shafting the employees. lets make every flt late and see what happens then! and late means late!!!
uh oh...phl-II...we have the roots of an organized labor action. :up: :up: :up:
Want to bet 90% of the money is ear marked for the 25 Officers in the plan ?
Mr. Lakefield...I understand paying for talent. What I don't understand is why you've kept most of these executives for as long as you have. I believe that you could let most of upper management (V.P.'s) go and this airline would go on and operate same as usual. Why would we throw good money towards he same folks who've run this airline into the ground ??

It just baffles me...............
Lakefield, Glass, Crellin et al...are under the illusion this company can not operate without them....bet your bottom dollar most of that "retention" money is earmarked for them!..... :down:
Same stuff. All of U employees whining (and rightfully so), but nothing will happen and if another vote came around they would vote yes again. Cry all you want. The future will be the same.

-I do wish U emplyees the best. It is a shame what has happened.
pitguy said:
Same stuff. All of U employees whining (and rightfully so), but nothing will happen and if another vote came around they would vote yes again. Cry all you want. The future will be the same.
-I do wish U emplyees the best. It is a shame what has happened.
i am not one of those whining. i believe that most of the employees on this board are only voicing their own dismay at this outfit and expressing their own opinions. i am willing to bet that most of the employees voted no but it was the hubs of phl (in particular) and clt that got the votes thru. why in the hell would the 600 or so employees in the 30 or so cities (being outsourced) vote for it knowing dam well what would be next
This isn't about talent, it's about taking care of the country club folks. More pass the buck b/s. Give them only what they pay you for your talent. Just look in the mirror, you know what your worth!
I'm trying to figure out how Lakelfield can look at the judge with a straight face and ask for $55 million for the CCY elite while knowing full well that the exit financing on the table is contingent on finding another $100 million. The folks crying foul should be Air Wisconsin and Republic. (I wonder if that's what they had in mind for the $100 million they're demanding...that 55% of it go to CCY weenies.)

The judge should flat-out laugh them out of his courtroom, or hold them all in contempt.
Congratulations Hawk!!!!!

You guys in CCY have come up with a great plan which is sure to boost morale within the company!!!!! 60 workers lost just last year, Siegel and Cohen included I presume? Wish I would have received there salary plus the defined benifit plan that was funded days before the second filing of BK. More retention bonus's for the morons running this company into the ground!!!!! Maybe judging by the operational stats, providing the VP in charge of Operations a retention bonus he or she will get things rolling a little better? I noticed judging by the DOT stats that U is bringing up the rear of most of the catagories? Give the man in charge a raise!!!! He sure is doing a great job and would hate to have him jump ship?
There is always a chance that the Judge has had the opportunity to fly U since had been ruling in the companys favor on everything they have requested. Maybe he has experienced the dirty aircraft, late arrivials, missing bags, ect......Maybe this will open his eyes to the people who are pretending to run the airline.....and realize they have no business doing so.
Okay 700...here is where the IAM, TWU, ALPA, AFA and CWA should pull their resources together and blast this out of the water. The company says the money is for 1900 management salary plan employees but what they don't tell you is that only a fraction of those people get that money. It's all for the station director level and above. Station managers won't see a dime and if they do it'll be a tiny amount. These guys don't deserve a friggin' pot to p!zz in or a window to throw it out of. None of these so called "valuable" executives are worth the salt dripping from the brow of the everyday workers. What a friggin' ripoff. Just when you think you've seen it all. Words can't express the disgust I'm feeling right now.

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