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New Deal For Us Airways' Salaried Workers?

This "retention" crap has the stench of Jerry Glass written all over it. This is disgusting to the majority of us who have given our blood, sweat and tears, not to mention most of our benefits and salary. CCY has the nerve to propose such nonsense is beyond belief! They honestly believe this Cash Cow is reserved for what they can milk out of it before getting out of BK2. This is an INSULT to everyone, including our customers.
WestCoastGuy said:
This "retention" crap has the stench of Jerry Glass written all over it. This is disgusting to the majority of us who have given our blood, sweat and tears, not to mention most of our benefits and salary. CCY has the nerve to propose such nonsense is beyond belief!
Add to this those who have given all (Thier airline careers are over) for these elitist pigs. We will never forget!
If they dont need to be there during the weekend do we really need them? <_<
MarkMyWords said:
:angry2:  :censored: 

Un-fricken-believable........retention bonuses and rewards for what?  Take away the parachutes already!

This will most certainly be opposed by labor in the courts. It will also be much opposition at the Unsecured Creditor's Committee meeting.

Where the hell is the balance? We all have a sense of business acumen, but hell, this is outrageous when we are going over the cliff! Can't find an investor, can't control renvenue, fuel and still in BK. They stripped labor of every provision, funded their OWN pensions before Bk last year, and now they want to secure executive bonuses and retention for nothing but inept management.

Senior managmnet are concerned that folks may leave, whether we merge or not. So they want to pay them incase they may lose their jobs through mergers????? This group is in a class of their own. :angry:
WestCoastGuy said:
This "retention" crap has the stench of Jerry Glass written all over it.  This is disgusting to the majority of us who have given our blood, sweat and tears, not to mention most of our benefits and salary.  CCY has the nerve to propose such nonsense is beyond belief!  They honestly believe this Cash Cow is reserved for what they can milk out of it before getting out of BK2.  This is an INSULT to everyone, including our customers.

And you are so correct.

This happens after every single concession...promotions, bonses, perks.

I would like to know if anyone has investigated these guys and their housing expense. AFter 6 months, these execs who commute have to pay the IRS for housing expense allowance. I would bet this is how they are getting around reporting bonuses for theses Execs. They just give them huge housing and perk allowances to compensate.

I'll be asking plenty of questions.
55 million to get them to stay? Are you kidding? Should be 55 million to get the hacks to leave.
Is this not a slap in the face to every front line employee? If this is such a "talented" team, how do you explain the less than stellar results in the service delivery level.

1. Philadelphia bag meltdown, has anyone been brought to accountability? I don't think so. The number of folks still arriving without bags is still staggering.

2. Anyone remember a mini hub in Fort Lauderdale. A few weeks after starting service it was "downsized".

3. A fare problem that gave folks a chance to fly coast to coast for $2.00 and no one has been held accountable.

4. Folks waiting on hold for long periods of time to get reservations so the ticket they booked on line can be issued due to web site errors.

Is there not an avenue to get to the Judge and say you gave them a retenion bonus in the first time in bankruptcy court and all others were asked to give back and less than two years later its back to bankruptcy court and they want to be rewarded again. What recourse do we have to stop this?
Will anyone take this disgusting issue to the television stations, CNN, CNBC, etc? I think this should be aired immediately. Embarass the management of this company for their ineptitude.

Those VP's and other upper management should never be allowed to take anymore money. I'm sure they're not living paycheck to paycheck and worrying about health insurance.

I've had it with these knuckle heads. And I'm tired of pleading for our group to have just 9 months of medical coverage at "active rate" for f/as on medical leaves (LTD, OIJ, Maternity) vs. the existing new language of only 90 days. Who can afford GD COBRA rates?????? F/as sit with an 18% paycut, including 2002.

Hell, America West f/as have 24 months "active premium rate" plus 12 additional months for severe cases. If there is a merger, how in hell can you expect these employees to adopt our labor groups horrific concessions. Nothing like bringing all the morale of the rank and file down in the entire industry.

Just look at what the judge did to the United pension plans today...

What have we allowed to happen here?

Do you guys remember in 2002 when I first wrote about "the race to the bottom" and the Domino effect" that would take place with the legacies. I wrote this out on avaiation in the beginning of 2003 and wrote it even on the United Board. They have no choice. In order to compete, they have to dump pensions and take labor wages down to poverty. And that is only to decrease their losses, while the execs position the company for "a sale" and get rich quick.

Has anyone read their motion for medical at active rate for some of these execs if they are severed before age 55?

Delta will be next for BK and will surely dump their pilots pension plans. Then American will follow suit. (they have no choice now).

The only thing that didn't change in this industry is EXEC. compensation packages. They are intact and florishing.
PITbull said:

I've had it with these knuckle heads.

You said that two years ago. Did you do anything then?

How about a year ago? Did you do anything then?

In late December, you went nuts over the meltdown. Did you do anything about it? (Or did you help cause it?)

Now you are at it again. Speaking about it again. Are you going to do something about it?
I would suggest that Crystal City get ready for the Memorial Day Meltdown.....Perhaps some of the "retained" employees would like to work at the airport that weekend.
Hawk said:
700uw failed to post the part of the article.

"In the court filing, US Airways said many of the employees covered by the plan are "absolutely critical to the operations" of the company and "to lose them on an accelerated and unplanned basis would present dangerous risks." The airline said it has already lost 60 workers to competitors in the past year, and that now the prospect of a merger with America West has created anxiety about employees' work prospects."


Certainly if management said it, it must be true. 320 will be blaming this on the unyielding unions. Hawk you may be giving 320 a run for the money in the "company mouthpiece" catagory.
Hawk said:
700uw failed to post the part of the article.

"In the court filing, US Airways said many of the employees covered by the plan are "absolutely critical to the operations" of the company and "to lose them on an accelerated and unplanned basis would present dangerous risks." The airline said it has already lost 60 workers to competitors in the past year, and that now the prospect of a merger with America West has created anxiety about employees' work prospects."


Pitbull, you might call someone in mgt on the phone and no one will answer.

It doesn't matter if someone answers or not, there is still no resolve to any critical problems are group is having.

And Hawk, flight attendant ranks have decreased from 5,800 last year this time to approx 4,400 today. Care to ponder why or where the hell is 1400 fa/s THAT YOU PAID TO LEAVE, AND SOME WHO JUST PLAIN QUIT? Even care?

Company pays to keep management and reward those that were responsible jfor the mega losses during the PHL meltdown, but won't provide 6 more months of medical for f/as who are sick or injured at the active premium rate instead of FULL COBRA after 90-days of the illness.

The world is not all about you or your execs.
Did I miss something....No spin from the Famous 320??????? :shock:

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